Chapter 9: Sculpture

Multiple Choice Questions

1.A pliable material such as clay or wax is shaped into a three-dimensional form in
A. carving B. modeling* C. casting

2.A liquid material is poured into a mold.
A. casting* B. carving C. construction

3.The lost-wax technique pertains to
A. carving B. modeling C. casting*

4.Ready-mades invest the object with a new ______.
A. burnishing B. idea* C. carved surface

5.The sculptor cuts away material until the desired form is achieved in
A. carving* B. modeling C. casting

6.Forms are built from materials such as wood, paper, string, sheet metal, and wire when an artist creates work in the technique called
A. construction* B. casting C. modeling

7.Michelangelo believed that the ______process liberated forms that already existed.
A. carving* B. modeling C. casting

8.The term used in connection with sculptures that actually move is
A. kinetic* B. optical C. mechanical

9.Most likely way of handling bronze for sculpture is ______.
A. carving B. modeling C. casting*

10.Most likely way of handling turning marble into a piece of sculpture is through the ______technique
A. carving* B. construction C. casting

11.Michael Hayden's Arpeggio is a good example of ______sculpture.
A. kinetic B. light* C. styrofoam

12.The most likely way of using sheet metal in sculpture is in the technique called ______
A. carving B. construction* C. casting

13.A last step in the casting process is ______.
A. gates B. investiture C. burnishing*

14.Robert Smithson's best-known sculptural material is ______.
A. stone B. bronze C. earth*

15.Sherrie Levine's Fountains after Duchamp are a series of urinals in
A. bronze* B. styrofoam C. porcelain

16.Alexander Calder's mobiles depend on ______to "come alive"
A. light B. tossed stones C. moving air*

17.Segal uses a variation of the casting process to produce sculptures of ______.
A. birds B. people* C. appropriated statues

18.Louise Bourgeois'sEyes is made from ______.
A. marble* B. wood C. bronze

19.Kagle is marked by ______.
A. flaws in casting B. a design adapted from ancient Egyptian tomb sculpture C. thrusting and receding planes*

20.Picasso's Bull's Head is an example of ______.
A. carving B. assemblage* C. casting

Completion/Fill-in-the-Blank Questions

21.Sculpture is the art of carving, casting, modeling, or assembling materials into three ______figures or forms.

22.As Degas grew blind, he turned to sculpture so that he could work out anatomical problems through the sense of ______.

23.Kiki Smith said, "The ______is our common denominator for our pleasures and our sorrows."

24.______said, "No painter ought to think less of sculpture than of painting and no sculptor less of painting that of sculpture."

25.Paul Gapp of The Chicago Tribune said of the plan for the Vietnam Memorial, "The so-called memorial is bizarre…neither a ______nor sculpture."

26.British sculptor ______Hepworth's Two Figures was carved from Elmwood.

27.______are likely to appeal to the human desire to give shape to rude matter on a grand scale.

28.Projecting parts of wood sculpture are less likely to break off than would similar projections in stone sculpture because wood has greater ______strength.

29.Before firing, clay can be ______with substances that provide a glassy monochromatic or polychromatic surface.

30.In George Rickey's Cluster of Four Cubes, the cubes were weighted and ______to turn effortlessly in light breezes.

31.As bronze and copper sculptures age, oxidation gives them a ______

32.Janine Antoni's Chocolate Gnaw is made of a carving material called ______.

33.Art critic Robert Hughes was talking about ______sculpture when he said, "everything that statues had not been: not monolithic, but open, not cast or carved, but assembled from flat planes."

34.______is a form of constructed sculpture in which preexisting objects are integrated into combinations that take on a life and meaning of their own.

35.Marcel Duchamp declared that found objects, or ready-______, could be elevated to works of art by pedestals.

36.In mixed-______works, sculptors use materials and ready-made or found objects that are not normally the elements of art.

37.Sculptors have always been concerned with the portrayal of movement, but ______sculptures actually do move.

38.Alexander Calder was one of the pioneers of the first form of art that made motion as basic an element as shape or color--the ______.

39.In ______or Land Art large amounts of earth or land are shaped into sculpture.

40.Silvie Fleury invaded the art world in the 1990s with her series of ______bags.

Discussion Questions

41.Describe the role of "negative shapes" in Barbara Hepworth work. Explain, "the voids attain more visual solidity than the outer surfaces?"

42.Why does Rodin's The Walking Man have the strength of bronze and the fleeting, gestural touch of the sculptor.

43.How is space used in 1)relief sculpture and 2)freestanding sculpture?

44.Describe the circumstances under which a backhoe might be used as a sculptor's tool.

45.Discuss the relationship of sculpture, time, and photography in the work of Christo and Jeanne-Claude.

46.How is the word liberation appropriately applied to Michelangelo's theory of marble sculpture?

47.Describe the quite different approaches to clay manipulation as demonstrated in the works of Reuben Nakian and Roberta Laidman.

48.What is the difference between additive and subtractive techniques in sculpture?

49.React to the assertion that "there is something uniquely feminine "to commune, to interact, to collaborate with the Vietnam Memorial.

50.Compare and contrast Rodin's The Walking Man and Gonzalez's Woman Combing Her Hair.