SUPPLY LIST FOR 2018 - 2019


5 Expobrand dry erase markers (black only) thin tip

Sturdy plastic pencil box*standard size

2 Boxes of classic Crayola Crayons-24 count*

Box of ClassicColor wide-tip CrayolaWashable

markers-8 count*

CrayolaTwistable colored pencils-18 count*

Crayola Washable Watercolor paints – 8 count

8 large glue sticks

2 - 4oz. bottles of Elmer’s school glue

12 count pencils -sharpened

Box of facial tissues (200 or more)

Bottle(w/pump) instant hand sanitizernot foam(such as Purell)

Paint smock (old shirt)-labeled with name*

1 hardcover - 1 inch binder, 3-ring, SOLIDcolor with clear cover for insert*

Backpack or book bag – labeled with name

*(large enough to fit a binder)

Headphones, clearly labeled – NO Earbuds*

2boxes of Clorox wipes, bleach Free

1 box of Zippered Food Storage bags-Quart size

1 box of Zippered Food Storage Freezerbags-Gallon size (only)

***OKEEP ONLY items***

1 Composition Notebook – 80-100 pages

Gym shoes


48 sharpened pencils--#2 lead, Ticonderoga

more as needed (Not Mechanical)

2 pink Erasers (not art gum, toy, or pencil top types)

2 Boxes of 16 or 24 crayons-more as needed

Zippered bag for crayons, glue, etc.(soft sided)

5 pocket folders (red, blue,green,yellow,purple)

3 glue sticks

Box of facial tissue (200 or more)*

CrayolaWASHABLEwatercolor paints

CrayolaWASHABLE markers in primary colors

Scissors - sharp, pointed, 5”, not plastic

Gym shoes (NO platform or shoes with heels)

Smock/old shirt - labeled with name

2 Crayola Colored pencils12 count (Sharpened)

2 boxes Clorox wipes – Bleach Free

5Expo brand Dry Erase Markers, low odor, black

3 Spiral Notebooks

1 bottle anti-bacterial hand sanitizer

1 clean, old sock

Headphones, clearly labeled (earbuds preferred)

1 box - Zippered Food Storage bags - Quart size


24 sharpenedpencils - #2 lead –

Ticonderoga only, more as neededonly, more as needed

2 Erasers, large, pink

Crayolabroadline Washable Markers – Classic Colors

Crayola fineline Washable Markers – Classic Colors

CrayolaWashable Watercolor paints

CrayolaTwistable colored pencils – 18 count

3Boxes of 24Crayola crayons(not fluorescent)

3 Highlighter markers - yellow

1 standard size pencil box

1 box of facial tissue (200 or more)*

One -1 inch 3-ring hardbinder

Old adult T-Shirt (name printed large on back) for Art

2 canisters of Clorox wipes, bleach free

4Expobrand dry erase markers (black only) thin tip

1 pump style anti-bacterial gel hand sanitizer(not foam)

1 Fiskarsscissors (child size, 5”)

5 Elmer Glue Sticks

3paperfolders w/prongs–Blue, PurpleYellow (NO PLASTIC)

Headphones/Earbuds - clearly labeled(Child size)

1box Zippered Food Storage Freezerbags-Gallon size


36 sharpenedpencils - #2 lead-Ticonderogaonly


Box of 24 crayons (Not larger)

Crayola WASHABLE Markers (Classic colors)

Crayola colored pencils SHARPENED

3 pkgs. Post It Notes, 3”X3”

4 glue sticks

2 pocket folders (green,red)

2 Boxes of facial tissue (200 or more)*

Scissors with point, 5”

2spiral notebooks - (spirals on side)

1 one-inch 3-ring binder

Gym shoes (NO platform or shoes with heels)

16Expobrandodor-free dry erase markers (Blue, Red,

Green, Black)

3 boxesClorox Wipes bleach free

Headphones/Earbuds– clearly marked

1 Stylus for Ipad

1 clean, old sock

1 set of watercolor paints

2 black Sharpies


24 pencils -Ticonderoga (not #2 lead mechanical)

2 packages eraser caps

1 stylus for ipad

6 red pens

2 large erasers, pink

1box of 24 or 48 crayons

1box Crayola WASHABLE Markers (basic colors)

8 pocket folders with pockets AND PRONGS


1 - 8 oz. School Glue & 4 glue sticks

2 Scissors, 5”, pointed tip

2pkgs. Clorox wipes, bleach free

Supply box- no pouches

Gym shoes (NO platform or shoes w/heels)

4 Highlighters - different colored

Smock/old shirt - labeled with name

1box colored pencils, 12 count

1 pack of thinExpo brand dry erase markers (blue, black, green and red)

1 pack of thick Expo brand dry erase markers (blue, black, green and red)


2 boxes of facial tissue (200 ct.)

2 Spiral notebooks

Headphones - clearly marked with name

1 box of Zippered Food Storage bags-Gallon size

1bottlePurell (gel only)anti-bacterial hand sanitizer pump

1 clean sock for dry-erase board


12 pencils - Mechanical

Lead for pencils

24 wooden #2 pencils, sharpened

4 red pens & 4 blue pens

3 highlighters (yellow, blue, pink)

2 erasers, pink, large

Colored pencils


8 pocket folders with pocketsAND PRONGS/

(Various colors)

Notebook paper, wide ruled


36 pencils - #2 lead– Ticonderoga

2 pkgs. of cap erasers

Box of 24 crayons

12 colored pencils - Sharpened

8 Crayola WASHABLE Markers (Classic colors)

8 oz. SCHOOL glue & 2 glue sticks

8 pocket folders (1 of each of the following colors)

(red, blue, green, orange, yellow, purple, white, black)

1 spiral notebook (blue)

Ruler - wooden (metric and inches)

2 boxes of facial tissues (200 or more)*

4 red pens; 4 blue pens

Scissors, 7”, pointed tip

Gym shoes (NO platform or shoes w/heels)

Zipper pencil bag/pouch

4 Highlighters (chisel tip)

2 pkgs. Clorox wipes, bleach free

8 Expobrandthin dry erase markers

(odorless – 2 of each ~~ blue, black, green, red)

1binder with pockets (1/2 inch)

1 small clear protractor, 6”, 180 degrees

1 clean sock for dry erase board

1 bottlePurell gel only anti-bacterial hand sanitizerpump

Stick On Notes 1 pad - 3” X3”

Headphones or earbuds – clearly marked with name

1 Mead Composition Book

1 Sharpie permanent fine tip marker, black

SIXTH GRADE (continued)

2 glue sticks

1 scissors, 7”, pointed tip

2 boxes of facial tissues (200 or more)*

Gym shoes (NO platform or shoes w/heels)

2 pkg. Clorox wipes, bleach free

2 Binders–1”wide (one white, one black)

1 pkg. 3”x 5” note cards - ruled

2 dry erase markers - Expo brand

1 Sharpie permanent marker, ultra fine, black

1 Sharpie permanent marker, fine point, black

4 pkgs. Post-it notes, 3” X 3”

Plastic pencil box

All facial tissue is used one box at a time


revised 1/30/2018(4th, 5th, & 6th grades on reverse side)

5 spiral notebooks (Various colors)

Headphones or Earbuds - (no need to purchase if you

have this item from last year)

*All facial tissue is used one box at a time.


(Kdg., 1st, 2nd & 3rd on reverse side)