Undergraduate Program Coordinators Meeting
April 4, 2014
New Math Courses:
Math is developing new math courses to account for the new state mandates for remediation free standards.
Changes are not finalized; once we have the updated flow chart we will share it
According to new state mandates, we are NOT permitted to place a student into a remedial math course if their Math ACT is a 22 or higher.
What does this mean for your program?
· It depends on whether the program requires MATH 11009, 11010, 14001 or higher.
· If NOT- students will be encouraged to enroll in the revised MATH 10041 and MATH 11008.
· If it does- depending on ACT and ALEKS assessment, students may be placed into ‘stretch’ or ‘plus one’ versions of the Math courses to assist them with their math.
· At this time, these sections are ONLY for new students and should not be given to current students.
· These sections will be hidden and will require special approval from the advisor.
Transfer website:
KSU Transfer Center will be updating their website regularly. If a class has been reviewed (and determined to be NOT equivalent) you will see the code RVWD next to the course
We should use this site rather than the old transfer.org (now transferology) because:
· Transfer.org will now only be updated twice a year
· This has a broader list of courses, including international courses
· This will show if a course has been reviewed and determined to be NOT equivalent.
To see a description of the various codes:
Click Submit
Search results will come up
On the right hand side under Kent Courses, click Attribute
Exception form:
Please use the newest form
It has the option to indicate whether you are requesting that the course be approved for standard equivalent.
GPS will no longer accept the OLD versions of the sub forms.
The new exception form is found in FlashLine under ‘Faculty and advisor tools’, see ‘Exception to undergraduate program form.’
Required Advising:
Starting Fall 2014, required advising will include Juniors (every semester) in addition to the Freshmen & Sophomore students. This policy includes students admitted summer 2012 and after.
Juniors will now have pins placed on their registration until they have met the criteria for required advising.
The memo outlines what is expected to be covered during a required advising requirement.
Conferring AA and AS degrees:
It will NOT be automatically conferred but students can apply.
It seems that an email or letter has been sent to some students giving them the option to get their associate’s degree.
Ad Hoc Student Success Committee:
Purpose of the committee is to review policies to ensure that our policies support student success and are not roadblocks to student progress.
Some policies being reviewed
· Not Permitted to Continue - When a student is flagged, they are not allowed to register for classes
· Conversation about requiring midterm grades for all students?
· Conversation about attendance
· Use common assessments and rubrics for common outcomes by college. Also how will the data be used and reported.
· WEAVE – looking at different vendors