Fr. Leon Hont, O.S.B. Pastor Office Hours 9 AM – 3:30 PM M-F Rectory Address: P.O. Box 248

Rectory Phone: 495-5241 - Fax 495-9522 538 Main St., Summerhill, PA 15958


Mon.July 3rd St. Thomas

SJ 7:45 AM Urban & Rita Wolfe

Tues. July 4th Independence Day

SJ 7:45 AM Ken & Jean Long

Wed. July 5th St. Elizabeth of Portugal

SJ 7:45 AM Betty Gabany

Thurs. July 6th St. Maria Goretti

IC 7:45 AMClyde W. Gallardy

First Friday, July 7th Weekday

IC 7:45 AMLouise Illig

Saturday, July 8th Blessed Virgin Mary

IC 4:00 PM Mary Shrift

SJ 5:00 PM Helen Bimle

Sunday, July 9th – 14th Sunday of the Year

SJ 8:00 AM Ray Penatzer

SJ 10:00 AM For the Parish

IC 7:00 AM Reta & Tim Wess

IC 9:00 AM Minnie & Ray Long


THE PARISH office will be closed Tuesday, July 4th.


For the weekend ofJuly 8th & 9th:

SJ– 5 PMSarah Bodenschatz

8 AM Gracie & Connor Ray

10 AM Gus Wirfel & Jessica Poldiak

IC - 4 PMMary Beth, Jessica & JoAnna Woods

7 AM Benno Smith

9 AM Aimee Smith and Alyssa Walker


SJ & IC: 1/2 hour before Saturday evening Masses;

1/2 hour before all weekend masses, duringthe first weekend of each month; oranytime byappointment.

GIFT BEARERS - SJ & IC next week.

SJ Sat 5 PM Salamon Family

SJ Sun 8 AM Sandi Penatzer Family

SJ Sun 10 AMVolunteer Needed

IC Sat 4 PM William Knisel Family

IC Sun 7 AM Volunteer Needed

IC Sun 9 AM Patrick McCall Family


IC CCDprogram needs a teacher for Grade 5; and we need more substitutes. Call Kim 495-5241 at the rectory if you can help.

SJ & IC: On the first Thursday of each month, all parishioners are encouraged to attend our monthly Mass or Repentance and Reparation and to pray for vocations. Our next monthly mass and devotion will be held on Thursday, July 6th at SJ Church: 6 PM Confession; 6:30 PM Exposition & Rosary; 7 PM Mass of Reparation.

IC/SJ YOUTH GROUP: There will be a youth group meeting/night of fun for students in grades 6-12 and their families on Sunday, July 9th, at 5:30 PM, at the Grove. Outdoor Mass and a Bonfire with hot dogs, smores, & drinks. A short meeting will be followed by volleyball, corn hole & other games. RSVP to Laurie Roberts at her cell 241-8650 by Friday, July 7th. The outdoor Mass is open to anyone. Bring a lawn chair and please join us!

THE NEW GERMANY COMMUNITY YARD SALE will be Friday, August 4th from 8 AM to 3 PM, and Saturday, August 5th, from 8 AM - 12 Noon. The cost is $4.00 per house and $1 for each additional family setting up at that house. Anyone with questions or wishing to participate, please contact Laurie Roberts at 322-0967 or 241-8650 by July 14th.

SJ & IC WEDDING ANNIVERSARY COUPLES: Our couples who celebrate their wedding anniversaries in July:

Larry & JoAnn Malzi, Dave & Doris Motchenbaugh, Jim & Becky Wehner, Mike & Tracey Wess, Bob & Lois Whiteford, Ronald & Suzie Bodenschatz, Nick & Denise Paronish, Paul & Laura Papcunik, Shawn & Ann Ray, Ray & Barb Bodenschatz, Eric & Jennifer Deitke, Ted & Faye Becker, Barry & Lisa Boyd, Dave & Ruth Ferchalk, Keith & Donna Penatzer, Larry & Deb Wilburn, Chuck & Nancy Reininger, Bill & Kathy Puruczky, James & Jennifer Poldiak, Brian & Deb Wilson. Congratulations!

IC PICNIC NOTES: All chances sold or not should be turned in ASAP. If necessary they can be taken to the grounds on picnic day. Money chances that are not returned cannot be honored. “Theme Baskets” should be taken to the Grove grounds on July 3rd 6-7 PM or take them to Lisa Wirfel’s house by Sunday. Baked Goods are needed for the Country Store. Bring them to the booth on picnic day. Cakes are still needed - please call Rosanne Krug at 495-9805. Gob making will be Sunday, July 2 at 6 PM at the grove hall. All help is welcomed and needed. Heads of Games please have stands set up by 7 PM on Monday, July 3rd. Waitresses and Dining Room Help and anyone else who can help are asked to help set up & decorate the hall; organize the tickets, etc. on Sunday, July 2at 6 PM. Dining room waitresses please come July 4th at 10:30 AM. All games are to be open July 4th from 11 AM until 6 PM. The Beer Hall will be open on Monday, July 3 from 7 to 10 PM and a Cornhole Tournament will be held. Additional help is needed in many areas on picnic day. If you don't have a job, and can help us out, please call Cody at 525-0253 or Tiffany at 244-5308. Stand areas must be cleaned up by noon on July 5th. CHICKEN CLEANING will be Monday, July 3rd from 6-8 PM at the grove hall kitchen. Help is needed and would be greatly appreciated.


OUR TUESDAY, FOURTH OF JULY PICNIC will start with a Chicken & Ham Dinner (with homemade noodle soup) served buffet style 11 AM to 3:00 PM in the Grove Hall. Adults - $10 and children under 12 - $5. Entertainment: 11 AM –2 PM Johnstown Button Box; 2:30- 5:30 PM Darrell Dumm; 7-11 PM DJ Jack Labarko, Inc. (in the Beverage Hall). Crafts, Games, Refreshments, Food, Bingo, Funnel Cake and Fun for the Family. Kids Olympics start at 2 PM. 5K RUN starts at 8 AM. Everyone's Welcome. Monday, July 3rd at Beer Hall; 7-10 PM Cornhole Tournament.

GOD’S HEROES don’t wear masks or capes and at HERO CENTRAL we learned that God relied on ordinary people to do heroic things. I would like to thank our VBC Heroes: my volunteers, their parents, anyone who helped make VBC a success by donating an item (or two), but mostly my campers. They are the SUPERHEROES of tomorrow. They learned that not because of who they are, but by their actions, their words, and even their thoughts, they are and can continue to be heroic. I hope to see you all next June when we return to SonRock, Kids Camp for another exciting VBC. Jessica Singer