Approved by Academic Council:

Endorsed by Executive Council:

Effective date: Students matriculating in Fall 2011

Text modified by Academic Council: April 2011

Text modified by Divisions: April 2011

Student’s Name:
Student’s Id:




This evaluation form can be downloaded from the Student Affairs website.


Describe your professional or career goals and specific knowledge and skills that you intend to acquire during your degree program. This statement should be reviewed each semester and updated as needed.


MS students are expected to master competencies in their program. These competencies have been adapted from the ASPH competencies for each of the disciplineareas included below. The competencies and sub-competencies that are listed have been formally adopted by the UTSPH. Thus, once these competencies are met, students should be prepared to successfully complete the credentialing examination. This document should be updated each semester to reflect the student’s progress and brought by the student to evaluation meetings to guide the committee in formulating the student’s degree plan.

Discipline-based competencies:

The competencies/sub-competencies for each discipline are fully addressed in the divisional core course(s) that is (are) indicated after the unit title. For each discipline, mastery of competencies and sub-competencies should be documented by listing the course or courses that addressed them. Add the appropriate core course in the column that follows each sub-competency. In some cases, other courses may also address one or more of the sub-competencies; add those courses to the listing, if applicable.

Learning experiences:

In some cases, the student may have had learning experiences outside the classroom that address a competency/sub-competency. A textbox is provided under each competency so that these experiences may be documented in the student record.


Degree Program Evaluation Form

May 2011

Approved by Academic Council:

Endorsed by Executive Council:

Effective date: Students matriculating in Fall 2011

Text modified by Academic Council: April 2011

Text modified by Divisions: April 2011

Filling out the evaluation form:

This form contains the disciplinary competencies (numbered) and sub-competencies (lettered) that you will be expected to master during your degree program. In addition, you are encouraged to add competencies that you wish to master in your practicum or other learning experiences.

In the right-hand column of the table, indicate the course or courses in which the competency (or sub-competency) was addressed. Some competencies may be addressed in one course only, while others may be addressed at a different level in another course.

For each competency and/or sub-competency, identify the course number(s) and indicate the extent to which you have met the competency by designating the appropriate level (listed below). For competencies that have no sub-competencies, the box may be filled in as described. However, many competencies have several sub-competencies listed under them. In these cases, course numbers and levels should be filled in for each of the sub-competencies.

The box to the right of the competency may be used to summarize the sub-competencies below it. For example, you may indicate that all of the sub-competencies have been addressed by placing “FM” next to the competency.

The competency levels are:

EX = exceeded

FM = fully met

PM = partially met

NM = not met

As you complete the core courses, you and your committee will be able to judge your progress. In case you have completed the core course in an area, but have a “partially met” (PM) or “unmet” (NM) for any of the competencies, your advisor will assist you in identifying additional educational activities that will help you remediate the problem. These additional activities may take the form of another course, an independent study, or other learning experiences.

You should keep an electronic copy of this form so that you may refer to it during the semester and update the information in preparation for the meeting of your advisory committee at the end of the fall and spring semesters.


Degree Program Evaluation Form

May 2011

Approved by Academic Council:

Endorsed by Executive Council:

Effective date: Students matriculating in Fall 2011

Text modified by Academic Council: April 2011

Text modified by Divisions: April 2011

Epidemiology and Disease Control
(Majors: ) Course Number(s) and Level
  1. Describe basic philosophy, theory (including causal inference), and principles of epidemiology as a scientific discipline

  1. Explain the role of epidemiology within the broader field of public health

  1. Discuss the natural history of one or more specific diseases or health conditions, including consideration of its causation, control, and prevention

  1. Apply basic principles and methods of epidemiology to research questions

  1. Demonstrate basic data collection, management, and analysis techniques

  1. Interpret results from epidemiological studies, taking into account the impact of bias and error

  1. Summarize relevant literature related to an epidemiologic question

  1. Address ethical issues in the practice of epidemiology

  1. Communicate epidemiologic information to lay and professional audiences

Specify other relevant experiences:
Other Competencies You Wish To Master Course Number(s) and Level

MS Course Curriculum

List completed courses by number under the appropriate disciplines.
Use the “Other” column for all other courses.
Biostatistics / Environmental Health Sciences / Epidemiology / Social and Behavioral Sciences / Health Policy and Management / Other

Submit with signatures to:

Office of Academic Affairs and Student Services

Email: or

In person:

RAS E 201

1200 Pressler St.

Houston, TX 77030


Degree Program Evaluation Form

May 2011