Tuesday September 14th, 2010 – OPEN SESSION 7:00PM
LOCATION: Elementary/ Middle School Library, 411 W. 8th Street, WASHBURN, WI 54891
A. Call to Order
President Christina Sauer called the meeting to order at 7:02 PM
Roll Call: President-Sauer, Vice President- Sneed, Clerk- Burkman, Treasurer-May and Board Member- Geisen
Leadership: Administrator- Schlichting, Director of Special Education- Raspotnik, High School Principal- Philipsek, Elem/MS Principal-Krause, Financial Manager- Kozeneski and Administrative Assistant- Gazdik.
Public: Richard Avol and Julie Buckles- Daily Press.
B. Proof of Posting and Notification of Public
Proof of Posting was provided
C. Approval of regular board meeting minutes from August 16th Open and Closed sessions
A motion was made by Sneed, seconded by May to approve the August 16th open and closed session minutes
D. Approval of Financial Reports and Bills
Ted May presented the September Treasurers Report.
1. A motion was made by Sneed, seconded by Burkman to approve the August Financial report as presented. Roll Call Vote: Unanimous
2. A motion was made by Burkman, seconded by Sneed to approve payment of August 2010 vouchers #2235
# 22491. Roll Call Vote: Unanimous
3. A motion was made by Sneed, seconded by Burkman to approve payment of August Activity vouchers #4347- #4360. Roll Call Vote: Unanimous
E. Spotlight:
F. Communications:
1. Citizen Comments: None
2. CESA #12 Report – No CESA #12 Report
3. Board Member Committee Reports
Policy Committee Mark Sneed report that the policy committee is working on revamping several policies that will be discussed later in the agenda. Also the committee will be speaking to the Neola Company to discuss revamping the entire policy book.
LRPC-Rick Burkman reported that the Communication Plan was presented at today’s meeting and was approved by the LRPC. There was also discussion on the future direction for the LRPC, considering facility updates and strategic goals for the district.
4. Administrative Reports
Administrator Schlichting publicly thanked Director Raspotnik for putting together the teacher in-service together. He also discussed time and use of the money coming to the district from the state equalization aid formula. At this time he is recommending using the $143,955 next year because of the uncertainty of the district’s financial status next year.
Enrollment count is Friday the 17th and at this point it looks like we will be up 10 students.
May made an acknowledgement to past administrator, Sue Masterson for making this district attractive to people coming in to this district…quality of programming was a great part to Sue’s (Masterson) efforts.
Schlichting continued stating that Football numbers are down so athletic administrator is once again contacting Bayfield to see what interest there is in a co-op. The number of students is 19 students out for football. Geisen asked if we had 8th graders on the football program- Krause did not think this was true and will check into it.
Schlichting let the board know of the two dates for Union Negotiation Meetings set for Sept 22nd and Sept 29th – hoping that the board members on the negotiation committee will be attending the two scheduled meetings.
High School Principal, Norb Philipsek reported on events at the High School
Adams, King, Kraft, Ollankato & Schmidt set up the events for the beginning of the school year and they were very successful for the students and it was great way to start the year. Last year the district was provided with a grant from Natural Resources of Wisconsin, with an in-kind match, for an outdoor classroom and the High School is proceeding with that project. Tomorrow the National Scholarship Finalist will be released as someone from Washburn, the only one in the CESA 12 area.
Al Krause, Elem/MS Principal reported that the Elem/MS is evaluating students, the Big Top Chautauqua field trip and that the school garden was recognized by the state, Secretary Timberlake and Deputy Secretary Romanski gave awards to the two AmeriCorps workers, Greta Anderson and Molly Siegler.
Sped Director, Raspotnik reported on Third Friday Pupil Count, Training for Crisis Prevention Intervention, the addition of PBIS signs inside and outside of the buildings, IDEA –Washburn is in compliance.
G. Consent Agenda
1. Approve Theresa Bailen as the Co- Forensic Advisor
2. Approve Notice of change in adopted budget for 2009-10
3. Approve hiring of Jennifer Pearson as a Special Education Instructional Assistant for the 2010-11 School Year
4. Approve contract for Michelle Crowell, School Nurse for the 2010-11 School Year
5. Approve Chelsea Meierotto, Chase Meierotto, & Chelsey Carrier as Volunteer Volleyball Coaches for the
2010-11 School Year
6. Approve Mike Meierotto as Head Volleyball Coach for the 2010-11 School Year
7. Approve Wendy Meierotto as Assistant Volleyball Coach for the 2010-11 School Year
8. Approve Jim Marsh as Head Cross Country Coach for the 2010-11 School Year
9. Approve Nicole Ollankato as Assistant Cross Country Coach for the 2010-11 School Year
10. Approve of Justin Bitzer as MS Boys Head Basketball Coach for the 2010-11 School Year
11. Approve Terry Burns as High School Boys JV Basketball Coach for the 2010-11 School Year
12. Approve Duane Gasperini as High School Boys Varsity Basketball Coach for the 2010-11 School Year.
13. Approve Mike Kurschner as High School Boys JV Assistant Coach for the 2010-11 School Year.
14. Approve Chuck Carrier & John Anderson as MS Boys Volunteer Basketball Coaches for the 2010-11 School
15. Approve Dennis Liphart as Volunteer Assistant Cross Country Coach for the 2010-11
School Year.
16. Approve Bob Mrdjenovich and Tom Kruit for volunteer Football Coaches for the 2010-11 School Year.
A motion was made by Burkman, seconded by May to approve the items on the consent agenda except item number 13. Motion carried 5-0
H. Discussion Items
1. Discussion on Common Administrative Contract Format
Ted May looked at WASDA, WASB to research samples of administrative contracts for the board to review. Looking for a contract that is consistent and simple, May favored the WASB sample. May will put together the good things from each and then email the board and will also include in the October board packets
2. Discussion on Role and Responsibilities of School Boards
Schlichting is going to present the Role & Responsibilities of School Boards in two sections. Two main functions of the Board of Education are to hiring of superintendent and setting policy. The State Statues, chapter 118, there will be a list of hundreds of things that the school board must do, be aware of and responsible for.
Mission- current
Vision- future
Goals- steps to carry on the mission and vision
3. Discussions on requests for participation in school sports programs.
Discussion on allowing the St. Louis 6th graders to join the Washburn MS Girls Basketball team. A second request came from a home school parent who has a 7th grader that is practicing with the middle school cross country team. We can allow this at the middle school level and this student can run in the competitions as long it is not at WIAA event. She can run on the Washburn team and the same rules would apply to a home school Middle school student as Washburn’s students The Board gave a vocal approval and will add it as an action item on the October agenda.
I. Individual Action Items:
1. First Reading of Head Custodian Job Description
The board had further discussion and should email any further questions. Second Reading in October
2. First Reading to revise Food Service Personnel Job Description
Food Service job description provides district with staff that has some expertise in the food service program. The fourth item under essential duties should be altered to read, “When someone is filling the food service director they will be responsible for” etc. Second Reading in October
3. First Reading to revise Policy #662.1 Student Activity Funds
Both required by the audit- so added policy 662.2. Board recommended 662.2 be added to the October meeting as a separate first reading. Second Reading of Policy 662.1 in October.
4. Approve short-term borrowing application and resolution
A motion was made by Burkman, seconded by May to approve the short-term borrowing application and resolution. Roll Call Vote- unanimous.
J. Items for Regular October 12th Board Meeting
1. Approve 2010-11 Tax Levy
2. Add 662.2 First reading of Policy
3. Approve Communication Plan
4. Update Board Goals and Responsibilities
K. Motion to Adjourn
A motion was made by M. Sneed, seconded by Burkman to adjourn at 8:24PM