eProposal 1.1 – Compatibility
See I-Server 1.6.1 Requirements
eProposal v1.1 - Upgrades
Use the following procedure when upgrading the eProposal connector from v1.0 to v1.1.
Download the connector using the location in this document:
Run the Cendyn eProposal installer.
Install the Cendyn eProposal connector from the Cendyn eProposal Installation CD by running Setup.exe. Accept all installation defaults.
Note—The eProposal v1.1 Modify - Uninstall window opens if the eProposal v1.1 connector has already been installed. Please see Using the eProposal v1.1 Modify Mode in the last section of this document.
eProposal v1.1 – New Installation and Activation
Download the connector using the location in this document:
Run the Cendyn eProposal installer.
Install the Cendyn eProposal connector from the Cendyn eProposal Installation CD by running Setup.exe. Accept all installation defaults.
Note—The eProposal v1.1 Modify - Uninstall window opens if the eProposal v1.1 connector has already been installed. Please see Using the eProposal v1.1 Modify Mode in the last section of this document.
Activation of eProposal
When activating and testing eProposal, the Property ID and email address you use is determined by whether or not Cendyn has completed their database setup. Their setup is considered complete if they have assigned a Cendyn Property ID to the property AND entered the Cendyn user email addresses into their database.
Note—Refer to the Technical Statement of Work (SOW) in NI’s Property Information Database to determine whether the Cendyn setup is complete.
Procedures if Cendyn Setup Complete
If the Cendyn setup is complete, you must have the Cendyn Property ID and at least one valid Cendyn user email address.
1.Perform Procedure 1, Activating eProposal, page 1-11, using the Cendyn Property ID.
2.Perform Procedure 2, Verify Email Addresses for Cendyn Property Authorized Users, page 1-13 to make sure the email addresses are consistent between the Delphi and Cendyn databases.
3.Perform Procedure 3, Testing, page 1-14.
Procedures if Cendyn Setup is Not Complete
If the Cendyn setup is not complete, use a Test Property ID (to access Newmarket’s test property on the Cendyn Server), and the test email address, .
1.Perform Procedure 1, Activating eProposal, page 1-11, using a Test Property ID.
2.Perform Procedure 3, Testing, page 1-13.
Procedure 1, Activating eProposal
1.Open the Internet Explorer Browser.
2.Enter the following address:
http://<IP Address of I-Server>/NIIS/adminpanel/login.aspxfor example:
The Admin Panel Welcome window appears.
3.Log on with the Breezeop User Name and Password.
4.Click the Login button.
The Admin Panel opens.
5.Click Connection Manager.
A list of all Cendyn eProposal default connections appears.
Note—A default connection exists for each property.
6.Click the connection you wish to activate.
The Connection Details window appears.
7.Do one of the following:
a.If Cendyn’s setup is complete, enter the following:
*Change Target Address to Cendyn’s URL: webservices.cendyn.com
Note—Always use Cendyn’s URL. Do not enter the Property’s URL.
*Change Others to the Cendyn Property ID.
Note—A unique Cendyn Property ID is created by Cendyn for each property. Please refer to the Technical Statement of Work (SOW) in NI’s Property Information Database.
b.If Cendyn’s setup is not complete, enter the following:
*Change Target Address to Cendyn’s URL: webservices.cendyn.com
Note—Always use Cendyn’s URL. Do not enter the Property’s URL.
*Change Others to one of the test property IDs:
•Any Starwood property: 1242 (Starwood Test Property)
•Any property other than Starwood: 2162 (Newmarket Test Property)
Note—Once the Cendyn setup is complete, the test property ID needs to be replaced with the Cendyn Property ID.
8.Click Save Changes.
9.Click the Connection List link to select another connection to activate.
Procedure 2, Verify Email Addresses for Cendyn Property Authorized Users
Note—This procedure must be performed only if the Cendyn setup is complete.
Cendyn provides Newmarket with a list of Cendyn Property Authorized Users for each property along with a Cendyn Property ID. This information is available in the Technical Statement of Work found on the Property Information Database.
If the email addresses between the Delphi and Cendyn databases do not match exactly, an error similar to the following occurs when the user tries to view an online proposal in Delphi:For example, if the user’s email address in Delphi is , and in Cendyn it is different (i.e. ), thiserror occurs.
1.From File, click Setup, and double-click Sales Reps.
2.Double-click the Sales Rep whose email address you want to verify.
Refer to the list of Cendyn Property Authorized Users found in the Technical Statement of Work on the Property Information Database.
3.Verify that each user’s email address matches those provided by Cendyn.
Procedure 3, Testing
Perform the appropriate procedure below to test eProposal.
•If Cendyn setup is complete, proceed to If Cendyn Setup is Complete, page 1-14.
•If Cendyn setup is not complete, proceed to If Cendyn Setup is not Complete, page 1-14.
If Cendyn Setup is Complete
If Cendyn has assigned a Cendyn Property ID for the property, you can verify launching of the Cendyn web page using a Delphi User who is an authorized eProposal user (their email address is registered at that Cendyn Property ID).
Note—The Cendyn Property ID was entered in Step 7a on page 1-12.
1.Open the Delphi application and login as a Delphi user who is an authorized eProposal user.
Refer to the list of Cendyn Property Authorized Users found in the Technical Statement of Work on the Property Information Database
2.Open an existing booking.
3.In the Booking Manager, select a booking contact that has an email address.
Note—If the booking contact does not have an email address, the eProposal does not launch and you receive an error.
4.From the View menu, click Online Proposal.
5.If successful, the Cendyn web page opens.
Note—If an error occurs, verify the user’s email address in Delphi matches the address in Cendyn’s database, and verify the booking contact has an email address.
6.Close the window.
If Cendyn Setup is not Complete
If the Cendyn setup is not complete, you can test eProposal by using the generic email address found in NI’s test property databases.
1.Open the Delphi application.
2.In Setup, create a Sales Manager with the following generic test email address:
3.Open an existing booking.
4.In the Booking Manager, select a booking contact that has an email address.
Note—If the booking contact does not have an email address, the eProposal does not launch and you receive an error.
5.From the View menu, click Online eProposal.
6.If successful, the Cendyn test web page opens.
Note—If an error occurs, verify the generic user email address was entered correctly (see Step 2), and verify the booking contact has an email address.
7.Close the window.
8.Do one of the following:
•If the future Cendyn Property ID is not listed in the Technical SOW, escalate to the Client Services Project Manager, who will be responsible for entering the Cendyn Property ID when it becomes available.
•If the future Cendyn Property ID is listed in the technical SOW, you must enter the Admin Panel’s Connection Manager and change the Other setting to the Cendyn Property ID. See Procedure 1, Activating eProposal, page 1-11 for instructions on opening the Connection Manager.
a. From the Connection Details window, click the connection whose Cendyn Property ID you wish to change.
b. Change Others to the Cendyn Property ID.
Note—Always use Cendyn’s URL. Do not enter the Property’s URL.
Using the eProposal v1.1 Modify Mode
The Cendyn eProposal v1.1 Modify - Uninstall Wizard opens to the Modify Mode window when you run the eProposal v1.1 Installation CD and the eProposal v1.1 connector is already installed. You may want to run the eProposal v1.1 Installation CD if any of the following has occured:
•you need to change the I-Server IP Address or port number
•you need to change the eProposal Server IP Address or port number
•a new DMPE has been added
•a new property has been added to an existing DMPE
•you want to uninstall the eProposal v1.1 connector
Use the following instructions when running the wizard.
1.In the eProposal v1.1 Modify - Unstall Wizard window, select the Modify option.
Note—Selecting Remove uninstalls the connector.
2.In the Delphi Database Server(s) window, select the database server and click Next.
3.When prompted, enter the Delphi database server’s SA user password.
4.In the Do you want to add New Delphi Database(s) window, select one of the following:
•To add more databases
a.Select the Yes option.
b.Enter the Delphi Database Server IP address, Delphi database name, and SQL user name and password.
c.Click Next.
d.Click Yes to add another Delphi server, or No to continue with the installation program. Proceed to Step 5.
•To continue without adding another database, select the No option and continue to Step 5.
5.In the I-Server IP Address window, enter the following:
•Type the IP of the I-Server Server.
•Leave port number blank if the port number does not need to be changed.
6.Click Next. The installation program completes the Modify mode.