January 2018

Dear TMSA Members,

Dave Carman was an incredible person. He was kind, considerate and extremely knowledgeable on many topics. During his life, he taught at Sidwell Friends, served as an administrator at Independent Day School, St. Stephens and St. Agnes School, Duke School, Montessori School of Raleigh and ended his career as Head of School at Montessori Community School in Durham. For those of you who knew Dave he was a joy, an inspiration, a mentor and an accomplished guitarist.

Dave passed away on May 2, 2012. In his honor, his love of Montessori and his appreciation of music, the Carman family and many TMSA-affiliated individuals have agreed to create a Music Scholarship in his memory.

The Dave Carman Music Scholarship (DCMS) will be a way to celebrate Dave for years to come. Because music may not be as strong a component in schools as it should be, we would like to extend the opportunity for Montessori teachers to grow their music offering in their classroom/school. The maximum award of the Dave Carman Music Scholarship is $600—however, it can be used to make a much-needed change in a Montessori classroom. For example, you could consider purchasing a set of Montessori Bells or other musical instruments for your classroom, attend a music workshop, or have a special musician visit your school. The opportunities are endless; however, they are of great value to your students and honor the memory of a great leader.

A committee will be formed each year and composed of a TMSA Head of School, a certified Montessori teacher, and a member of the Carman family.

Applicants must submit a written proposal, by February 25, 2018, which must include:

  • A description of the material or activity you would like to have
  • How much funds are needed?
  • How it will be shared with other Montessorians?

We are looking for projects that include but are not limited to:

  • Impact on large number of students:
  • Cultural diversity
  • Montessori precepts
  • Creativity and Joyfulness, a la Dave

The winner of the DCMS will be announced at the TMSA Winter Symposium on March 17, 2018.

2018 Application Form to the Dave Carman Music Scholarship (DCMS)
Cover Sheet

Application Deadline: February 25, 2018.Awards will be announced at the TMSA Winter Symposium on March 17, 2018.

Date of Application: ______

Name: ______Your Position: ______

Your School or Program: ______

Please submit Cover Sheet and information requested in Sections 1 and 2.

Section 1. Please describe how you would use an award from the DCMS. Attach additional information, if desired, to support your application.

Be sure to include:

  • The total amount being requested
  • A detailed description of the material or activity you propose
  • The time frame over which the award will be used
  • How the material or activity demonstrates supporting music
  • How many students will benefit from the award
  • How the material or activity demonstrates Montessori principles
  • How the material or activity supports cultural diversity
  • How you will share the impact of this material or activity with other Montessorians
  • How the material or activity represents the creativity and joy the Dave expressed in his life

Section 2. List in detail all expenses/costs. If the award from the Dave Carman Music Scholarship covers only a portion of the total amount needed for your project, indicate how and when remaining funds will be provided.

Have you received a Dave Carman Music Scholarship award in the past?

Yes___ No___ If yes, when? ______

Please note: Award recipient(s) is/are required to submit a written report of approximately 100 words, on the impact the award had on you and your students, by September 30, 2018. If possible and for future marketing purposes, we kindly ask that high-resolution photos be included. If students are pictured in the photos, please provide permission from their families to include photos in future DCMS and TMSA materials.

Submit your application to the Dave Carman Music Scholarship committee, ℅ Caroline Carman by email: .


For Dave Carman Music Scholarship committee only:

Approved: ______Denied: ______Amount: ______Date: ______

Comments: ______