American History I Syllabus 2016-2017
Teacher: Chris Carroll
Room: 35
North Carolina State Objective: This required course traces the history of the United States from the arrival of the first Americans through the end of the 19th Century. It introduces the themes of balance between unity and diversity, the shaping of democracy, the search for opportunity, and the influence of geographical factors. It also examines European, Native American, and African interaction in Colonial America, the Revolution, the New Nation, the Constitution, the War of 1812, the development of democracy, the West, slavery, the Civil War and Reconstruction.
In this course, I expect each of you to be responsible for your education and learning. In order to best prepare you for all the possible topics on which you will be tested, this course will be taught strictly according to the North Carolina Essential Standards for Social Studies. Remember, this is NOT the class for the passive or lazy, you get out what you put in. This is your education; take an ACTIVE part in it. I hope that this semester will make the world around you become more relevant to you instead of simply a series of abstract ideas and concepts.
I will attempt to use many methods to bring this course of study to life. It is not just my goal to increase your proficiency in standards of study, but to help develop leaders to make our country better. As we look to the future, one of the most important aspects of life is education. Regardless of whether you think it will apply to your daily life, your ability to understand, comprehend and analyze will be essential in all areas of your life.
Mission and Vision: Hobbton High School, in partnership with parents and community, will prepare and graduate globally competitive students to become productive citizens in a changing world. Within my classroom, it is my vision that all students will have a better understanding of the broader world around them than when they began their studies. The knowledge students learn in this class will make them more productive citizens and they will use this knowledge to make their environment a better place for themselves, their families, and all people they meet.
Classroom Expectations: My philosophy on education is simple – to learn. The beauty of education is that it is not a destination but a journey that all of us take every day of our lives. Throughout this semester, each one of us (including myself) will embrace the beauty of learning from one another. As a result there are a few expectations that will help each of us to learn in a comfortable way. The following expectations are essential for my classroom:
· Always come to class prepared
· Always read and follow directions
· Always remain seated unless given permission
· Always demonstrate a POSITIVE attitude
· Always be responsible for YOUR:
· Treat others as you would like to be treated
· Respect other people’s property and person
· Laugh WITH anyone but laugh AT no one.
· \Sleeping or resting in class will not be tolerated. Keep head up and eyes open at all times please.
· Always come to class ON TIME
· Always give me “5” when I ask for it
Grading Policy: The 6 week grades will be graded using the following scale based on the type of assignment:
Tests: 30% Homework/Classwork: 30% Projects: 25% Quizzes: 15%
****Students will have the opportunity to “retake” ONE test. Student must contact me to arrange
**At the end of the semester a district wide final exam will be given. This final will count as 25% of the students overall grade.
Grading Scale: Hobbton High School has adopted the following grading scale:
A=90-100 B=80-89 C=70-79 D=60-69 F=59 and below
Integrity—Cheating is not accepted in my classroom. Please note that if an individual is caught cheating they will receive a zero for that assignment and subject to disciplinary action. Also note that cheating is not limited to copying answers on tests or quizzes, but also includes copying student work and/or receiving unauthorized assistance.
Late Work---I understand that from time to time homework will be late. When that happens, I will accept late work. However, this will be done for extraordinary circumstances and not on a regular basis. It is your responsibility to turn in all make up work. If an assignment is turned in late, the student has 1 week from the due date to turn in the late work for a grade of 70. After 1 week, NO late work will be accepted. If a student fails to turn in an assignment a zero will be given.
Required Materials: Students are required to bring the required materials to class each day
· 3 Ring Binder (with dividers) and Plenty of Loose Notebook Paper
· Black or Blue Pen or Pencil with an eraser
· Highlighters Colored Pencils/Markers
Classroom Supply Wish List---As always, there are items that will be very useful in the classroom. If you would like to assist with this, it would be very helpful. Items that are needed are Tissues, Hand Sanitizer, Copy Paper, 3x5 Index Cards and Colored Pencils/Markers
Absences---Class attendance is an important part of the educational experience. Students are expected to arrange for makeup tests and quizzes with me in a timely manner.
Electronic Devices---Hobbton High School policy states that any electronic device must be put away while the student is in my classroom. If a student has their electronic device out during the class, it is an immediate referral to the office for disciplinary action. This is the only warning the student will receive.
Tutoring: American History can be challenging for some students, due to the pace of the class. If you find yourself in need of additional help in understanding the concepts of the class, please do not hesitate to ask for help.
Bathroom and Hall Passes—I am a firm believer that all students will show improved grades the more time they spend in the classroom during instruction time and less time wandering the halls or in the restroom. However, I do understand that emergencies do arise from time to time. Therefore, I will allow a student up to a maximum of 6 bathroom/hall passes during the semester. PLEASE NOTE: THESE PASSES MAY NOT BE USED DURING LECTURE TIME! For each Bathroom/Hall Pass that a student does not use during the semester, they will be able to redeem it for extra credit. A student who arrives to class late should NOT ask to use their hall pass later in the period. As far as I am concerned, you have already used your time out of the class for the period. I reserve the right to deny or delay a student’s use of their hall pass at any time.
I look forward to working with you and invite you to contact me if you have any questions throughout the semester at
American History I Syllabus
To ensure you are being kept informed of your student’s progress, please have your student return the form below to me. If possible, please include a current email address and phone number you can be reached at during the day. I am more than happy to answer any questions you might have and look forward to establishing a relationship with you and your student.
Student Name: ______
Parent/Guardian Name: ______
Best Contact Number to Reach the Parent: ______
Email Address to Reach the Parent: ______
I have read and am familiar with the requirements/syllabus for American History I and will plan my course of study/behavior accordingly
Parent or Guardian Signature Student’s Signature
American History I Syllabus
To ensure you are being kept informed of your student’s progress, please have your student return the form below to me. If possible, please include a current email address and phone number you can be reached at during the day. I am more than happy to answer any questions you might have and look forward to establishing a relationship with you and your student.
Student Name: ______
Parent/Guardian Name: ______
Best Contact Number to Reach the Parent: ______
Email Address to Reach the Parent: ______
I have read and am familiar with the requirements/syllabus for American History I and will plan my course of study/behavior accordingly
Parent or Guardian Signature Student’s Signature