National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition

National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition’s


Fiscal Year 2009

Fiscal Year 2009 Agricultural Appropriations Chart -- ($ millions)

Program / Authorized
Pre-2008 Farm Bill ⁿ / FY 06 * / FY 07 / FY 08 / BUSH FY 09 REQUEST / Authorized FY 09 Level Post-2008 Farm Bill / HOUSE SUBCOMM
SARE / 40.0 / 12.3 / 12.3 / 14.4 / 9.1 / 40.0 / 14.4 / 14.4 / 14.4
SARE-PDP / 20.0 / 4.0 / 4.0 / 4.6 / 3.8 / 20.0 / 4.6 / 4.6 / 4.6
SARE -total / 60.0 / 16.3 / 16.3 / 19.0 / 12.9 / 60.0 / 19.0 / 19.0 / 19.0
ORG TRS / n/a / 1.9 / 1.9 / 1.8 / 0.0 / n/a / 1.8 / 1.8 / 1.8
ORG RES / 3.0# / No limitation / No limitation / No limitation / 0.0 / 18.0# + 25.0 / No limitation / 16.0 / No limitation
AFRI / 500 + 160# / 181.2 / 190.0 / 190.2 / 256.5 / 700.0 / 202.0 / 200.0 / 201.5
SCRI / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / 50.0# / No limitation / Cut 14m to 36m / No limitation
BFRDP / ss/ / 0.0 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 18.0# + 30.0 / No limitation / Cut 2m to16m / No limitation
SDA / 25.0 / 5.9 / 5.9 / 6.4 / 6.9 / 15.0# / No limitation / No limitation / No limitation
ATTRA / ss/ / 2.5 / 0.9 [i] / 2.6 / 0.0 / 5.0 / ? / 2.8 / 2.6
RCDG / 50.0/ / 6.4 / 6.4 / 5.9 / 4.5 / 50.0 / ? / 5.9 / 5.9
RMAP / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / 4.0# + 40.0 / No limitation / No limitation / No limitation
RBEG / ss / 39.6 / 39.6 / 38.7 / 0.0 / ss / ? / 38.7 / 38.7
VAPG / 40.0# / 20.3 / 20.3 / 18.9 / 0.0 / 15.0# + 40.0 / ? / 16.2 / No limitation + 3.9
B&I - Food / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / 5% of B&I level / ? / 50.2 / 49.7
REAP / 23 # / 22.8 / 22.8 / 35.7 / 0.0 / 55.0# + 25.0 / ? / Cut 5m to 50m / No limitation + 5.0
BCAP / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / ss# / No limitation / No limitation / No limitation
FSMIP / ss / 3.8 [ii] / 1.3 / 3.2[iii] / 1.3 / ss / ? / 1.685 [iv] / 1.7 [v]
Specialty / ss / 6.9 / 6.9 / 8.4 / 0.0 / 49.0# / ? / Cut 5m to 44m / No limitation
ORG STDS / ss / 2.1 / 2.1 / 3.2 / 4.0 / 6.5 / 3.8 / 3.177 / 3.9
NOCCS / 5.0# for FY 02-07 / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / 22# for FY08-12 / No limitation / No limitation / No limitation
ORG Data / n/a / 0.5 / 0.5 / 0.5 / ?? [vi] / 5# FY08-12 + 5 / No limitation + 0.5 / No limitation +0 .5 / No limitation +0 .5
FMPP / ss / 1.0 / 1.0 / 1.0 / 1.0 / 5.0# / No limitation / No limitation / No limitation
FMNP / ss / 19.8 / 19.8 / 19.9 / 24.0 / ss / ? / 19.8 / 19.8
SR FMNP / 15# / No limitation / No limitation / No limitation / No limitation / 20.0# / No limitation / No limitation / No limitation
CFSA / 5.0# / No limitation / No limitation / No limitation / No limitation / 10.0# / No limitation / No limitation / No limitation
SMG / 7.5 / 4.2 / 4.2 / 4.4 / 4.0 / 7.5 / ? / 4.4 / 4.4
Program / Authorized
Pre-2008 Farm Bill / FY 06 / FY 07 / FY 08 / BUSH FY 09 REQUEST / Authorized FY 09 Level Post-2008 Farm Bill / HOUSE SUBCOMM
DFO / 205.0 / 274.9 / 222.8 / 222.3 / 252.9 / 350.0 / ? / 222.3 / 222.3
GFO / 1000.0 / 1236.0 / 1200.0 / 1238.8 / 1223.7 / 1000.0 / ? / 1238.8 / 1238.8
DOL / 565.0 / 670.4 / 647.6 / 575.1 / 628.4 / 850.0 / ? / 575.1 / 575.1
GOL-U / 2000.0 / 963.6 / 1150.0 / 1017.5 / 1012.4 / 2000.0 / ? / 1017.5 / 1017.5
GOL-S / 750.0 / 271.9 / 272.3 / 270.0 / 260.9 / 750.0 / ? / 270.0 / 270.0
BFR IDA / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / n/a / 5.0 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 0.0
CONS OPS / ss / 831.1 / 759.1 / 834.4 / 794.8 / ss / 847.9 / 866.9 / 853.4
GLCI / 60.0 / 27.2 / 27.2 / 27.0 / 0.0 / 60.0 / ? / 9.9 / ?
RC&D / ss / 50.8 / 50.8 / 50.7 / 0.0 / ss / 50.7 / 50.7 / 50.7
CSP / # / Cut $72 m to $259m / Cut $113 m to $259 m / No limitation / Cut $141 m to $360 m / 13 m acres/yr# / No limitation / No limitation / No limitation
EQIP / 1,270 # (FY08) / Cut $183m to $1,017m / Cut $253 m to $1,017 m / Cut $270 m to $1,000 m / Cut $220 m to $1,050 m / 1,337# / Cut $270 m to $1,067 m / Cut $285m to 1052m / Cut $270 m to $1,067 m
AWEP / 60 # / Cut $9m to $51m / Cut $9 m to $51 m / No limitation / No limitation / 73# / No limitation / No limitation / No limitation
FRPP / 97 # (FY08) / Cut $26.5m to $73.5m / Cut $23.5 m to $73.5 m / No limitation / No limitation / 121# / No limitation / Cut $15m to $106m / No limitation
FVP / 1.4 WI earmark
0.5 VT earmark
AMA / 20.0#
10.0 # after FY07 / Cut $14m to $6m / Cut $14 m to $6 m / No limitation / Cut $10 m to $0 / 15.0# / No limitation / Cut $5m to $10m / No limitation
WHIP / 85 # / Cut $42m to $43m / Cut $42 m to $43 m / No limitation / Cut $85 m to $0 / 85# / No limitation / Cut $11m to $74m / No limitation
WRP / 2.275 million acres total = 250,000 acres/yr - # / Cap at 150,00 acres
($160m cut) / Cap at 150,000 acres
($160m cut) / No limitation / Estimated at $181 m = total left in program / ?? / No limitation / No limitation / No limitation
GRP / $254 million total over a 10 year period - # / 0.0 / 0.0 / n/a / n/a / $254 million total over a 10? year period - # / No limitation / Cut $15m to 48m / No limitation
CRP / Up to 39.2 m acres / 2,021.0 / 2,175.0 / No limitation / No limitation – estimated at $1,950 / Up to 32 m acres / No limitation / No limitation / No limitation

Program Name -- (Lead Agency at USDA) KEY

SARE Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (CSREES)

SARE-PDP SARE Professional Development Program (CSREES)

ORG TRS Organic Transition Program (CSREES)

ORG RES Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative (CSREES)

IFAFS Initiative for Future Agriculture and Food Systems (CSREES)

NRI National Research Initiative (CSREES)

AFRI Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (CSREES)

SCRI Specialty Crop Research Initiative (CSREES)

BFRDP Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program (CSREES)

SDA Outreach and Assistance for Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers (CSREES)

ATTRA Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas (RBCS)

RCDG Rural Cooperative Development Grants (RBCS)

RMAP Rural Micro-entrepreneur Assistance Program (RMAP)

RBEG Rural Business Enterprise Grants (RBCS)

VAPG Value-Added Producer Grants (RBCS)

REAP Rural Energy for America, formerly Renewable Energy Systems and Energy Efficiency Improvements Program (RBCS)

FSMIP Federal-State Market Improvement Program (AMS)

Specialty Specialty Crop Block Grants (AMS)

ORG STDS National Organic Program and other spending on organic standards (AMS)

NOCCS National Organic Certification Cost Share (AMS)

ORG Data Organic Production and Marketing Data Collection (AMS, ERS, NASS)

FMPP Farmers Market Promotion Program (AMS)

FMNP Farmers Market Nutrition Program (part of the WIC program) (FNS)

SR FMNP Seniors Farmers Market Nutrition Program (FNS)

CFSA Community Food Security Act – community food grants (CSREES)

SMG State Mediation Grants (FSA)

DFO Direct Farm Ownership Loans (FSA)

GFO Guaranteed Farm Ownership Loans (FSA)

DOL Direct Operating Loans (FSA)

GOL-U Guaranteed Operating Loans – unsubsidized (FSA)

GOL-S Guaranteed Operating Loans – subsidized (FSA)

BFR IDA Beginning Farmer and Rancher Individual Development Account Program (FSA)

CONS OPS Conservation Operations (includes Conservation Technical Assistance) (NRCS)

GLCI Grazing Lands Conservation Initiative – a subset of Conservation Operations budget (NRCS)

RC&D Resource Conservation & Development Program (NRCS)

CSP Conservation Security Program (NRCS)

EQIP Environmental Quality Incentives Program (NRCS)

GSWC/AWEP Agricultural Water Enhancement Program, formerly Ground and Surface Water Conservation (NRCS)

FPP Farm and Ranch Land Protection Program (NRCS)

FVP Farm Viability Program (NRCS)

AMA Agricultural Management Assistance Program (NRCS, RMA, AMS)

WHIP Wildlife Habitat Incentives Program (NRCS)

WRP Wetlands Reserve Program (NRCS)

GRP Grasslands Reserve Program (NRCS/FSA)

CRP Conservation Reserve Program (FSA)

Significant FY 2009 Report Language

Economic Research Service – Local Food Study

ERS is conducting a two-year study of the impacts of local food systems and commerce that will account for the effects of local food systems on economic activity, nutrition, and energy and the environment. This study will consider government policies to support local food markets and reduce barriers to growth of that sector. ERS is encouraged to work in collaboration with the Agricultural Marketing Service, Rural Business-Cooperative Service, Food and Nutrition Service, and other appropriate federal agencies. ERS is also encouraged to study federal, state and local food program procurement issues as they relate to market development for small and mid-scale farms within local and regional food systems.

Agricultural Marketing Service – National Organic Program

The bill includes $3,867,000 for the National Organic Program. USDA is implementing draft revisions to the National Organic Program resulting from the American National Standards Institute 2004 audit and USDA Office of the Inspector General 2005 audit. AMS is directed to report to the Committees on the status of these revisions. It is appreciated that the Department has moved forward with the long-overdue proposed rule on access to pasture, and the Department is strongly encouraged to thoroughly review public comments on the subject.

Natural Resources Conservation Service – Financial Audit

There is significant concern in the wake of the Natural Resources Conservation Service's (NRCS) first stand-alone financial audit. The November 2008 audit presented a "disclaimer of opinion" on NRCS' s consolidated financial statements for fiscal year 2008, which means that NRCS was not able to provide the necessary information that the auditors needed to be able to express an opinion about the state of the agency's accounts. In the spectrum of possible findings, a disclaimer of opinion is potentially the weakest outcome because an agency has been found to be unable to adequately account for its financial transactions and program activities. The auditors uncovered five material weaknesses and several other deficiencies in the agency's financial management controls. This result, coupled with hundreds of millions of dollars in funds for contracts and conservation projects that the agency has had to cancel over the past two fiscal years, raises significant questions about not only NRCS' s financial management systems, but also its program management and delivery capabilities.

Because NRCS is responsible for disbursing billions of dollars on an annual basis, ensuring the financial integrity of the agency's management systems is critical. The process of reviewing its books and accounting for various financial controls is valuable; NRCS may ultimately improve program delivery and performance as it rethinks how it manages its money.

Accordingly, NRCS must submit a report to the Committees that details how the agency is responding to the 2008 audit findings so that it does not receive a second disclaimer of opinion in its fiscal year 2009 audit. The report should detail a recovery plan, with milestones, for how NRCS will address all of the deficiencies identified in the 2008 audit. Finally, the report should detail a plan to improve its program delivery to ensure that all funds that Congress provides for conservation are used in a timely, accurate, and cost-effective manner.

Furthermore, the bill provides $10,000,000 in Conservation Technical Assistance to strengthen the agency's program and financial management capabilities. NRCS is expected to appropriately use these additional funds to enhance the agency's budgeting, accounting, contracting, and information technology systems, as

well as program delivery oversight and accountability. NRCS must submit an expenditure plan to the Committees within 60 days of enactment of this Act for how the agency will use the additional funds with an explanation for how the expenditures will strengthen the agency's performance.

Natural Resources Conservation Service – Conservation Stewardship Program

The 2008 farm bill made substantive changes to the design and intended ' performance of the Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP). There is concern, however, that the redesigned program may place greater program delivery burdens on NRCS's field staff and overlay additional complex requirements on top of other conservation priorities.

As NRCS prepares the design and delivery of the reauthorized program, the agency is directed to submit an assessment of the former program's performance to the Committees. The report should describe progress made in estimating CSP's environmental performance and detail the program's environmental outcomes. The report should compare the cost effectiveness of CSP relative to other NRCS implemented programs, including Conservation Technical Assistance and other programs authorized by the farm bill. Finally, the report should detail how the new program that the Administration will implement will improve upon the cost efficiency and environmental performance of its predecessor.

Food and Nutrition Service – Women, Infants and Children (WIC) Program

The bill provides $6,860,000,000 for the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC). The bill includes $14,850,000 for continuation of the breastfeeding peer counselor program.