Reforming the Industrial Order

Chap 9 Sec 2 Notes

Reforming the workplace

·  1900 the Avg. laborer worked 10hrs/day 6 days/week for $1.50/day women and children were paid less

Female and Child Labor

·  1900 -½ of women in jobs as factory workers, store clerks etc. earned $6 or less per week

o  Barely enough to survive

·  Significant barriers when try to increase wages

o  Piece workers penalized for working too fast

§  “Outage for a girl to earn $25 a week”

§  would be fired if you protest

·  John Spargo “The Bitter Cry of Children “ in 1906 charged textile industry with enslavement of children

·  Few children had attended school or could read

·  Child worked or family starved

Labor Laws

·  Prohibit or limit child labor and improve conditions for female workers

·  Florence Kelley persuade Illinois legislature to prohibit child labor and limit number of hours women could work

o  More than 2 million children worked in factories in 1910

o  Girls worked 16 hours in canning factories

·  In 1904 Florence Kelley organized National Child Labor Committee to persuade state government’s to pass child labor laws

1912 child labor laws- passed by 39 states

§  Some limited older children’s hours to 8-10 hours/day – barred from working at night and in dangerous occupations

§  Others required that children be able to read and write

·  Enforcement was lax- some owners refused to follow laws

·  George Creel Children in Bondage 1913 describes problem of child labor

o  Also campaigned for laws to force factories to limit hours employers demanded

·  1903 Florence Kelley helped pass a law in Oregon limiting laundry workers to 10 hour days

o  Utah already had laws limiting workdays to 8 hours in certain jobs

·  Fight for higher wages

o  30 million men and 7.5 million women employed in 1910- 1/3 lived in poverty

o  Catholic monsignor John Ryan called for establishment of minimum wage in 1910 level to approximate normal standard of living

o  Massachusetts passes first minimum wage law in 1912-set wages for women and children

o  1938 Federal gov’t pass minimum wage law

Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

·  March 25,1911 Saturday

o  500 employees mostly Jewish and Italian immigrant women

o  Finishing shift- fire starts in rag bin

o  8th floor of 10 story building a blaze

o  Escape impossible

§  2 stairways- fire doors locked owners afraid girls would steal fabric

§  Elevator shaft jams

o  60 workers jump to deaths to escape fire

§  143 die in fire

·  Popular outrage forces lawmakers to pass laws to help workers

o  NY City enacted strictest and first fire safety code in U.S.

Progressivism and Supreme Court

·  Business fought back through courts

·  14th amendment prohibits states from depriving “any person of life, liberty or property w/o due process of law”

o  Owners claimed regulatory laws deprived them of property

o  Supreme Court sided w/business owners and declared early laws unconstitutional

o  Court also ruled some legislation violated freedom of contract

·  1905 Lochner vs. New York—overturned law limiting bakers to 10 hour work days

o  Workers should be free to negotiate and accept any conditions of employment

·  Muller vs. Oregon (1908)

o  Supreme Court upheld law limiting hours in laundries

·  Louis Brandeis argued for keeping law on work hours for women - “Brandeis Brief”-format for defense of social legislation- women are fragile

Labor Unions

·  Fought for closed shops- must belong to a union

o  Most favored “working within system”

o  Wanted changes but w/o replacing capitalism

·  Some favored socialism- government ownership of factories, utilities, transportation and communication


·  American Federation of Labor

o  Samuel Gompers leader

·  AFL grew 4 fold from 1900 to 1914

o  Excluded unskilled workers

o  Mostly eastern European and African American workers excluded

·  Belief that skilled workers had greatest potential to cause change and win higher wages

·  By 1902 only 3% of African Americans were union members


·  International Ladies Garment Workers Union

·  Established in 1900 in N.Y. City

o  Unionize workers in sewing shops

·  1909 workers in 3 shops walked off job wanted ILGWU to call General strike

·  Nov 1909 “Uprising of 20,000”

o  Workers walked off job and demanded recognition of ILGWU as union

o  Strike lasted throughout winter

o  Got assistance from Women’s Trade Union League

o  Owners brought in African Americans to replace workers- some joined strike

·  Results mixed

o  Got wage increase

o  Got reduced working hours

o  However owners refused to recognize union

·  Membership grew from 400 to 65,000


·  International Workers of the World

o  “Wobblies” opposed capitalism

o  Led by “Big Bill” Haywood

·  Denounced AFL cooperation w/business owners and failure to include unskilled workers

o  Enlisted African -Americans, Asians and Hispanics

·  Successes

o  Philadelphia raised wages from $1.25/day to $4/day

o  Pursued goals through boycotts, general strikes and sabotage

o  1912 led strike of 10,000 textile workers in Lawrence, Massachusetts

·  Failures – several strikes failed

o  Many Americans grew weary of IWW tactics

o  Government cracked down on union