MAY 31, 2013
TIME: 8:00A.M.
The May 31, 2013, SBDM Council meeting was called to order by Mr. Johnstone, Chairperson. Members present:Paradise Forbes, Mike Walters,Tracy Alsip, Mark Jump. Absent:Vicke Crowder. Guest/s: Todd Dupin
1.Opening Business
•Mr. Johnstone called the meeting to order at8:13am.
•The May 31, 2013, Agenda was approved by consensus.
•Minutes from May 6,2013,were approved by consensus.
•No Public Comment
2. Student Achievement
•Mrs. Forbes spoke to Council regarding gains being made in map testing. She feels that some students are genuinely concerned about their results, and work hard in order to do well on the tests. Council discussed the possibility of more incentives/awards being given for map testing.
3. Old Business
•Policies and Incentives for Seniors will be printed in the school handbook. Some of the policies should also apply to all of high school and middle school students as well.
•The Program Review is now online for review. It has to be submitted to the Board by the end of the day today.
4.New Business
•The topic of High School Soccer was discussed. Since there have been no specifics brought before Council, this was tabled until a later date.
•Council approved the 2013-2014 Student Handbook.
•There was discussion about shared positions and how they impact the school allocations. Mr. Johnstone was going to attempt to get additional details on this subject.
•PD for next year was discussed. Nothing has been finalized as of yet. Mr. Johnstone will get with Misty Middleton in order to have further detail for next month’s meeting.
•Mark Jump asked about online class availability. Mr. Johnstone will get with Mrs. Feagan to see what she thinks may be options.
•WIFI Service – More Bandwidth is coming to the Willamstown in the next couple of months. Tammy Steele will inform everyone when this is available.
•Schedules are not finalized to date. June budgets will be the determining factor as to whether we are minus 1 or 2 positions.
5.Field Trips & Fundraisers
• Field Trips – None Submitted
•Fundraisers approved by consensus
SBDM Council Meeting Minutes
May 31st
Page 2
7.Next Meeting
•To be determined by the new Principal
8.Adjourned @9:45m
Williamstown High School
SBDM Agenda
- Opening Business
Approve Agenda
Approve Minutes
Public Comment
- Student Achievement
- Old Business
Senior Attendance Incentive Policy
Program Review
- New Business
Handbook Approval
PD Plan
Online class availability
Wifi service
- Field Trip Requests
- Fund Raiser Requests
- Next Meeting July?