E. Sam Cox

Professor of Speech Communication -- Department of Communication


Ph.D. University of Arizona, Communication, 1988; M.A., University of Arizona, Speech Communication, 1983; B.A., University of Arizona, Judaic Studies, 1982

Title of dissertation, "An Assessment of Jimmy Swaggart's Responses to ABC's WBRZ Documentary from the Perspective of the 'Rhetorical Situation'." Director: Henry L. Eubank. Major concentration of the Ph.D. was Rhetoric and Public Address, with Classical Greek as a research tool. Minor area was Communication Theory.


A. Professional Teaching Experience

1995- / Professor of Speech Communication
1991-95 / Associate Professor of Speech Communication
1985-91 / Assistant Professor of Speech Communication

B. Courses Taught at Central, in México, England& China

Communication, Welfare and Social Exclusion --Research Methods Problems -- International Communication --Methods for Speech Teachers -- Case Studies in Public Relations -- Introduction to Communication Theory -- Communication, Science & Technology -- Media Literacy – Modern Rhetorical Theory -- Public Speaking -- Nonverbal Communication -- Communication Audits & Training -- Small Group Communication -- Special Topics: Voices from the Towers -- Research Problems -- Practicum in Communication Apprehension

Group Communication -- General Semantics -- Argumentation and Debate

C. Theses/Graduate Papers Directed

2008-- Ty Murrell, “Explorations of how the ‘Code of Silence’ in Black-on-Black Crime is Communicated.” Director

2008 – Yezmin Ali-Modad, Twentieth Century Political Authoritarian System in Mexico and Its Impact on Media Orientation, 1st reader

2007-- Mae Piraskul, “"The Election Commission of Thailand (ECT): Identification of Strategies and Tactics used in the 2007 General Election,”Director

2006 Lydia McGhee, “"What roles are there for alternative voices to the evangelical Christian right in American politics in the 21st Century?"

2004 Jaime Howell, “Identification and Explanation of Welch Communication Strategies Regarding Conceptions of Time.”

2003 Roxanne Johnson, “Searching for Rhetorical Functions in Negro Spirituals: A Critical Analysis from the Slaves’ Perspective.”

2003 Sandy DiStephano, “A Descriptive Analysis of Relational Messages Imbedded in Cross-Cultural Differences between English and Italian in the Workplace.”

2003 Bridgett Whitecloud Owens, “An Assessment of the CAARC Program at CentralMissouriStateUniversity.”

2000 Patty Moore, “Key Training Functions in Human Resource Development.”

1998 Linn Conway, "An Analysis of Male and Female Participation at the National Forensics Tournaments."

1998 Wen Tin Lui, “An Examination of the Communication between International Students and Nine Key Offices at CentralMissouriStateUniversity.”

1996 Igor Dybal, "Cross-cultural Communication between American and Russian Businesses."

1996 Jon Gurian, "Training Requirements in Order to Effectively Prepare Generation-X."

1994 Tommye Burton, "An Analysis of Clinton's Use of TV-Talk Shows in his Presidential Campaign."

1990 Melanie Thomas, “Winston Churchill in Secret Session to Parliament: Evaluation of Churchill’s ‘Air Raid’ Address from a Neo-Aristotelian Perspective.” For the English Department.

D. Graduate Degree Committee Memberships –Nine (9)in the 2000’s and six (6) in the 1990’s

E. Research Problems, Special Projects, Readings –Five (5) in the 2000’s and nine (9) in the 1990’s

F. Course Development

Incorporated work with an area middle/high school on hateful/hurtful speech (bullying) as an activism and service learning component in Group Communication (COMM 5330) during the fall of 2006-spring 2008. Extended that service learning to include “Bully Proofing Workshops” in four area public schools by the Communication Training Class (COMM 4783) duirng the spring of 2008. The hateful/hurtful speech service learning projects grew out of a successful proposal to the National Communication Association’s Communicating Common Ground Project, which was accepted in the fall of 2006. Early work has shown significant impact on three levels of activism and increased regard for service learning.

Co-developed and taught a new Integrative General Education course, IGEN-4224--Communication, Science and Technology

Conceived of the idea of Electronic/Virtual Field Trips (VFT's) for Public Speaking and authored The PS Roadtripper as a Student Workbook to enable instructors to effectively incorporate the VFT’s into their Public Speaking classes.

Incorporated field experiences with local and Kansas City area businesses in Communication Training (Comm 4783); and utilized a semester-long simulation, The Strategy Game, in Group Communication (Comm 5330); Added a series of public Mock Trials in Argumentation and Debate (Comm 2340) with local circuit judges sitting on the bench and students and faculty serving as jurors, 1986-90

Worked with Dr. Joseph Mazza and Dr. Deems Brooks from 1993-95 to revise our Internship Program, the capstone experience for the BS in Corporate/Organizational Communication

Designed and guided the addition of Communication Training and Communication Audits to the Corporate/Organizational Communication degree program, 1988 & 2002.

G. Pedagogy Research and Development-- Visiting Research Professor, 1998-00 in the Institute of Educational Technology, The Open University, United Kingdom


A. Grants

2000’s–Seven (7)grants--$16,176 – focused on internationalization, team and online learning. For example, minority scholars Marcelo Manucci, Alicia Ahumada, Amaro LaRosa & Guillermo “Willy” Vasquez averaged 12 classroom presentations plus a university-wide presentation

1990’s –Seven (7) grants--$16,225 – focused on online learning, communication apprehension and debate education

1980’s –Four (4) grants --$8,750 – focused on debate education

B. Current Research Projects

I am co-authoring a Public Speaking textbook with emeriti faculty member W. Clifton Adams that takes an idea focus, stresses orality, abstraction, and Toulmin’s model for reason-giving. Along with this is my interest in web-based versions of Virtual Field Trips for interactive and self-guided experiences for Public Speaking.

In addition, my current research agenda focuses on hateful/hurtful speech. I am principal investigator as a Partner in the National Communication Association’s with Communicating Common Ground program. We are exploring hateful/hurtful speech in rural Missourimiddle/high school and using graduate student teams in service learning projects. I am exploring transatlantic differences in international media coverage of hateful/hurtful speech, a sub-set of my interest in using a trans-national perspective to teach media literacy. Finally, I am also conducting a national survey on best practices in teaching graduate-level courses in group interaction.

I am examining with Joe Moore current practices in teaching graduate level group communication.


A. Journal Articles and Book Chapters

2007 “Prefacio,” [a 3 page introduction to] La Gente y Su Aparato by Amaro La Rosa, Lima, Peru: Feminina Universidad Press.

2006 “The Role of Rumor in Creating a Post 9/11 War Psyche: Justification for War with Iraq,” with Shanna Goodman. In Mass Media Research: International Approaches, Eds.Yorgo Passadeos & Dimitra Dimitrakopoulou, (Athens: ATINER), pp. 309-318 (ISBN: 978-960-6672-14-9) (refreed)

2004 “Strong Similarities but Critical Differences: A Transatlantic Perspective of Portrayals of the Destruction of the World Trade Center Towers.” Democracy and Culture in the Transatlantic World.(Eds.)Charlotte Wallin & Daniel Silander. 49-68. Maastricht, The Netherlands: The MaastrichtCenter For Transatlantic Studies.

2004 "Integrating Student Learning with Practitioner Experiences via Virtual Field Trips (VFTs)," with Tyng-yn Su. Journal of Educational Media. 29.2 (2004):113-124. (Blind reviewed international journal published in the United Kingdom)

2003 “Como determinar las situaciones y condiciones de la comunicación en las organizaciones por medio de una auditoria comunicación,” with Terry Cunconanin Razon y Palabra, edited by Octavio Islas. February-March 2003. No. 31. URL:

2000 “Key Facilitation Skills for Effective Online Discussion Groups: Herding Cats Through Piccadilly Circus,” with Hazel Heath, Ben Plumpton and Wendy Clark. Proceedings of An International Distance Education and Open Learning Conference: Distance Education—An Open Question. (Ed. Karen Smith. Adelaide, Australia: Open and Distance Learning Association of Australia. (Blind review --on CD)

2000 “The Impact of Gender on Effective Online Discussion Groups,” with Hazel Heath, Ben Plumpton and Wendy Clark. Proceedings of An International Distance Education and Open Learning Conference: Distance Education--An Open Question. Ed. Karen Smith. Adelaide, Australia: Open and Distance Learning Association of Australia (Blind review--on CD).

1998 “A Comparison of Telesite Student Learning with Origination Site Learning when using Electronic Field Trips in a Public Speaking Course,” with Kristin Brown-Owens, Ed Journal. July 1998.

1995 "Valuing of Tournament Debate: Factors from Practitioners and Administrators," with W. Clifton Adams. The Forensic of Pi Kappa Delta, 80.4 (1995): 7-12.

1995 "Pi Kappa Delta's Leadership Role in Competitive Debate: Toward Fairness, Civility and Accessibility," with W. Clifton Adams. The Forensic of Pi Kappa Delta, 80.4 (1995): 38-56.

1995 "Toward Resolving the Debate Over Format: A Response to Panel Four," with W. Clifton Adams. Proceedings from the Pi Kappa Delta Developmental Conference, Constructing the Reconstruction: Re-Formulating Forensics for the New Century. Ed. Scott L. Jensen. Lake Charles, LA: Pi Kappa Delta. (1995): 133-136.

1995 "The Value of Tournament Debating: An Analysis of Administrator's Views," with W. Clifton Adams. Proceedings from the Pi Kappa Delta Developmental Conference, Constructing the Reconstruction: Re-Formulating Forensics for the New Century. Ed. Scott L. Jensen. Lake Charles, LA: Pi Kappa Delta. (1995): 144-157.

1995 "Pi Kappa Delta as a Regulatory Agency for Competitive Debate: Toward Adapting and Adopting Officiated Debate," with W. Clifton Adams. Proceedings from the Pi Kappa Delta Developmental Conference, Constructing the Deconstruction: Re-Formulating Forensics for the New Century. Ed. Scott L. Jensen. Lake Charles, LA: Pi Kappa Delta. (1995): 226-239.

1994 "The Need to Return Tournament Debate to the Public Arena," with W. Clifton Adams. Proceedings of the Pi Kappa Delta National Development Conference. Ed. Edward Inch. Fargo, ND: Pi Kappa Delta. (1994): 37-43.

1994 "The Officiated Approach to Return Tournament Debate to the Public Arena," with W. Clifton Adams. Proceedings of the Pi Kappa Delta National Development Conference. Ed. Edward Inch. Fargo, ND: Pi Kappa Delta. (1994): 74-84.

1993 "A Reaction to Frank, and Horn and Underberg: An Assessment of Assessments." 20th Anniversary Assessment Conference Proceedings. Eds. David A. Thomas and Stephen C. Wood. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt. (1993): 109-20.

1993 "An Answer to the Call for Experimentation by the CEDA Assessment Conference: A Descriptive Study of a Peer-Judged Round," with W. Clifton Adams.CEDA Yearbook.Ed. Ann Gill.Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt, 14 (1993): 34-53.

1992 "Impact and Implications of Parliamentary Format on American Debate," with Kendall R. Phillips. Advanced Debate. Eds. David A. Thomas and John P. Hart. Lincolnwood, IL: National Textbook. 94-104 (Chapter 11).

1992 "An Alternative Method for Arguing Values," with Scott L. Jensen.The Forensic. 77.3 (1992): 114.

1991 "Inexperienced and Experienced Debate Judges: 'Beyond Name Calling'," with Tammy Lyman Honse.CEDA Yearbook. 11 (1991): 48-66.

1991 "Assessing and Re-Positioning the Educational Function of Collegiate Debate." Commitment to Forensic Education: The Challenge to the Twenty-First Century, Proceedings to the 1991 PKD Professional Development Conference. Ed. Sally Roden. Conway, AR: U of Central Arkansas. (1991): 139-160.

1991 "An Objective Analysis of One Audience Debate," with Scott L. Jensen, Christopher Wheeler and Michael Fulton. Argument in Controversy: Proceedings of the 7th Biennial Conference on Argumentation. Ed. Donn Parson. Annandale, VA: Speech Communication Association. (1991): 418-422.

1991 "Special Edition: Assessing and Positioning Forensics for the Nineties and Beyond." Speech and Theatre Association of Missouri Journal. Ed. E. Sam Cox.Warrensburg, MO: CMSU Press.21 (1991): 1-4.

1990 "Critique of Informative Speech Champion." Championship Debates and Speeches. Eds. John K. Boaz and James R. Brey.Annandale, VA: Speech Communication Association. 5 (1990): 78.

1989 "Marketing the Communication Training Course," with Dan B. Curtis.ACA Bulletin.Annandale, VA: Speech Communication Association. 69 (1989): 47-53.

1989 "Redeeming Part of Debate's Educational Missionvia Public Formats," with Scott L. Jensen. Spheres of Argument: Proceedings of the 6th Biennial Conference on Argumentation, Ed. Bruce E. Gronbeck. Annandale, VA: Speech Communication Association. (1989): 440-445.

1988 "Critique of Communication Analysis Champion: DeAnna Gunderson." Championship Debates and Speeches. Eds. John K. Boaz and James R. Brey. Annandale, VA: Speech Communication Association.3 (1988): 99.

B. Books

1998 The P.S. Roadtripper: Electronic Field Trips for Public Speakers. Dubuque, IA: Kendall/Hunt.

C. Editorial Work

1998-01 Associate Editor for Quarterly Journal of Speech, a major journal in the Speech Communication discipline. Andrew King of LouisianaStateUniversity was editor.

1995-97 Associate Editor of The Southern Journal of Forensics

1993-97 Associate Editor of The Forensic of Pi Kappa Delta

1991 Guest editor ofSpeech and Theatre Association of Missouri Journal.Special Issue: "Assessing and Positioning Forensics for the 1990's and Beyond."

D. Book Reviews

2000’s–Two (2)oneTraining in Organizations by Irwin Goldstein for Wadsworth Publishing and one The 2007 Pfeiffer Annual by Elaine Biech (ed) (forthcoming).

1990’s -- Seven (7) about multimedia learning, speech anxiety, and debate related issues

1980’s -- Three (3) about public speaking, preaching, and argumentation

E. Conference Papers and Presentations

2008 “The Language Link between Proofs and Cognitions: Aristotle through Toulmin to Fishbein and Ajzen,” with W. Clifton Adams. Presented at the Language, Cognition and Communication Conference, Brighton, UK, 4-7 August.

2008 “Using Three Levels of Activism When Teaching Communication to Graduate Students: A Communicating Common Ground Project with Hateful/Hurtful Speech,” Central States Communication Association Convention, Madison, Wisconsin, April 9-13.

2008 “Assessing Perceived Learning, Personal Growth, and Civic-Mindedness in Graduate Students Participating in a Service Learning Project,” with Wendy Geiger. 3rd Annual Conference on Applied Learning in Higher Education, February 22-23.

2007 “Hateful/Hurtful Speech at a Rural Missouri Middle/High School,” with Wendy Geiger. Communicating Common Ground Explores Faith, Intellect & Ethics, NCA Convention, November 17

2006 “Transatlantic Perspective as a Pedagogical Strategy,” with Fernando Guieterrez & AaronCrowe, [This paper was awarded the top research paper in the UCM faculty research papers competition in the pedagogy category, Spring 2007)

2000’s –Nineteen (19)papers on the themes ofservice-learning, activism, hateful/hurtful speech, using the transnational perspective as a pedagogical tool, learning communities, communication audits, virtual field trips, transatlantic perspectives of the events of 9-11-01, and online learning

1990’s -- Thirty (30)papers on the themes of electronic field trips, the impact of debate; Officiated Debate; debate and the public arena, argument analysis, persuasive speaking and ethics

1980’s -- Thirteen (13)papers on the themes of judging debate, the educational mission of debate, nonverbal communication and rhetorical criticism


A. Governance, LeadershipProfessional Experience

2000’s –Two (2) key contributions--Chair, Department of Communication, 2001- 2004; and, Special Advisor to the Provost for Innovation in Instruction, 2000-01

1990’s–Twelve (12)contributions—themes included United States Open University’s Academic Board; Faculty Senate President (2 terms); Missouri Association of Faculty Senates; President's Summer & Mid-Year Planning Retreats; two Faculty Senate terms; Director of Forensics

B. Discipline Related Applications & Leadership

2000’s-- Seven (7) contributions--Directed 5 Annual FFA Public Speaking Academies and Directed 2 of Central’s Faculty Fellows programs

1990’s-- Twenty-four (24) contributions—themes included National Communication Assoc. convention program reviewerpaper evaluator for the Communication Apprehension and Avoidance Commission and American Studies Committee; Forensics--tournaments and conventions; National Assessment Committee; established 2 scholarships, worked tab rooms; and Director of Central’s Communication Apprehension and Avoidance Reduction Center.

1980’s –Three (3) contributions--Three-year term on the Board of Governors of the Speech and Theatre Assoc. of Missouri; Forensics--National Convention and Tournament Evaluation Committee; and Advisor for Speech Communication and/or Speech and Theatre majors

C. Sponsorship & Leadership of University Societies

1995-1998 Co-sponsor of the Speech Communication Society Chapter of the International Association of Business Communicators

1994 Central's Podium of Honor to recognize outstanding supporters of Speech and Debate was established on the 70th Anniversary of Central's Eta Chapter of Pi Kappa Delta (PKD).

1985-95 Sponsor for the Eta chapter of Pi Kappa Delta

--In 1995 the chapter received an Outstanding National Chapter Award

--From 1990-95 guided the officers of Central's chapter of Pi Kappa Delta in writing annual proposals for SGA funds for various activities. The chapter averaged about $5,000 per year until 1993 about $1,500 per year for on-campus only activities from 1993-95since SFB only funded on-campus activities

1989 Served as President of the Missouri Association of Forensics Activities.

D. Membership/Leadershipin University, College and/or Departmental Committees

2000’s—Seven(7) committees including the University General Education Committee (elected), Strategic Planning and Resource Council (SPRC); Chaired the Summer Semester Task Force; Chaired the Department Unification Committee; and State Wide Mission Advisory Committee.

1990’s—Eleven (11) committees including the Provost Search Committee; University Transition Committee; Co-chaired the Community Awareness Committee with the late Board of Regent President, Alan Browder; Distance Education Advisory Committee; Arts & Sciences Curriculum Committee; Department's Tenure and Promotion Committee; & Chaired the Arts & Sciences Committee on Committees.

1980’s—Two (2) committees, Chair of the College of Arts and Sciences Committee on CommitteesMissouri State Chair, Intercollegiate Peace Speech Association

E. Consulting, Leadership and Training Programs

2000’s—Two (2)activities: Produced two (2) videos to promote the MaastrichtCenter for Transatlantic Studies

1990’s—Twenty six (26) activities: Lectures on “Cross-cultural Differences in Nonverbal Communication” at Kossoth Lajos University in Debrecen, Hungary and at Eotvos Lorand Tudomanyegyetem Tanarkepzo Foiskolai Kar (Eotvos Lorand University) in Budapest, Hungary; Taught at the Maastricht Center for Transatlantic Studies; Workshops on Distance Learning for Central faculty; Assessment of the quality of programming by four Kansas City TV stations; Keynote Speaker for the Knob Noster School District's Fall School Year Kick-off; Advisory board for Farmland Industries; High School Debate Workshops for area high schools; Co-conducted an all-day workshop, "Touching and Sexual Harassment," with W. Clifton Adams at the Marshall Habilitation Center; & Verbally and Nonverbally Maximizing Persuasion, the feature program at the National Convention of the Veterans of Safety

1980’s—Seventeen (17)activities: Workshops on Nonverbal Communication; Judge-Training Workshops; Individual Events Workshops; and Lincoln-Douglas Debate Workshops


2000’s—Three(3)awards: The Byler Award for Outstanding Professor, UCM’s highest honour (2005) for a faculty member, The Wayne Brown Award for Outstanding Teacher of the Year from the Speech and Theatre Association of Missouri(2004) and an Award of Distinction from The Communicator Awards competition of Arlington, Texas for a video to promote the Maastricht Center for Transatlantic Studies—titled “An Experience Like No Other” (2001)

1990’s—Ten (10) awards: IncludingHonorable Mention by The Communicator Awards, Arlington, Texas for Electronic Field Trip (EFT) #3; Outstanding Leader Award for the Province of the Missouri of Pi Kappa Delta; Received Department, College and University Level Merit Awardsfor Teaching and Curriculum Development; Nominated for the Excellence in Distance Learning Teaching, United States Distance Learning Association