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A Case Study of Nationalism: Primary and Secondary Source Group Work

Types of Nationalist Movements
Type / Characteristics / Examples
Unification / Mergers of politically divided but culturally similar lands
Separation / Culturally distinct group resists being added to a state or tries to break away / Greece
State-Building / Culturally distinct groups form into a new state by accepting a single culture / United States

Germany Source #1

1.  According to Droysen, which German territory should take control of the entire German nation-state. Why?

2.  According to Bismarck, why does Germany have to attack Austria? How is this a nationalistic motive?

3.  Does von Moltke agree or disagree with Bismarck? Cite evidence to prove your position.

Germany Source #2

Using the brief biography of Bismarck, answer the following questions in complete sentences.

1.  Based on Bismarck’s family background, explain which political philosophy (conservative, liberal, or radical) he would most likely agree with and why.

2.  What were Bismarck’s goals for Germany?

3.  What role did Bismarck play in the unification of Germany?

Germany Source #3

Unification of Germany, 1865-871

1.  Using the map on p. 697, label the following:

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·  Denmark

·  Lorraine

·  Bavaria

·  West Prussia

·  Belgium

·  Switzerland

·  Hanover

·  Alsace

·  Mecklenburg

·  East Prussia

·  Netherlands

·  Austria-Hungary

·  Westphalia

·  Saxony

·  Brandenburg

·  France

·  Russian Empire

·  Schleswig-Holstein

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2.  Use either different colors or different patterns to shade in

a.  Prussia in 1865

b.  territory annexed by Prussia in 1866

c.  states joined with Prussia in 1867

d.  territory added to form German Empire in 1871

3.  Create a key for your colors/patterns in the blank box

Analysis and Critical Thinking: Use your map to answer the following questions in complete sentences.

4.  Name two states that became part of the German Confederation in 1867.

5.  What part of Germany remained outside the Confederation until 1871?

6.  What neighboring states lost territory to the German Empire?

7.  Which of these neighbors was most likely to seek revenge? Why?

Italy Source #1

Analysis and Critical Thinking: Answer the following questions using the Garibaldi source.

1.  According to Garibaldi, what did the embattled Sicilians need to fight Italy’s enemies?

2.  Why did Garibaldi think Italians should volunteer to help the Sicilians?

3.  Propaganda is the use of slanted information to further one’s own cause or damage an opponent’s cause. What are two examples of propaganda in Garibaldi’s proclamation?

Italy Source #2

“Right Leg in the Boot at Last”

1.  What symbol does the cartoonist use for the soon-to-be nation of Italy?

2.  How is Garibaldi portrayed? Describe in detail.

3.  What does the title of the cartoon say about the cartoonist’s view of Italian unification?

Italy Source #3

Unification of Italy: 1832-1870