Elisa Heinsohn & Mark Bove

From the Broadway shows; Phantom of the Opera, Chicago, Annie Get Your Gun,

West Side Story, Ragtime, A Chorus Line


ABroadway Performing Arts’ production of:


The BPArtists will bring the Best of Broadway to your school! Our mission is to educate kids on the history of Theatre, while encouraging self-confidence, determination and strength of character in order to keep the contemporary & classics alive and kicking (so to speak)!

BPArtists will demonstrate to students how they can be anything they want to be with hard work, determination and continued education. We will give them exercises and ideas to inspire their dedication, discipline and confidence. BPArtists will provide tools your students will need to go into the world with creativity and excitement, and become strong individuals who have the courage to go after what they want!

Music and the Arts are so important in a young (and old!) person’s life; they not only inspire creativity and encourage one to think outside the box – they take practice, continued learning and close work/collaboration with other individuals. Our hope is that your students will carry this appreciation throughout their lives and pass it on to succeeding generations.

Students will experience a performance, and participate in some activities that involve movement, rhythm and vocal exercises. With a little fun, music and enthusiasm, BPArtists hopes to not only educate your students on everything theatre – we hope they leave reaching for the stars!!


Opening number……………………….Atlantic City (1998, 2009)

Popular…………………………………Wicked (2003)

Audition……………………………….A Chorus Line (1975, 2006)

Moses Supposes……………………….Singing In the Rain (1985)

Dance At The Gym……………………West Side Story (1957, 1980)

Good Morning Baltimore……………..Hairspray (2002)

La Vie Boheme………………………..Rent (1996)

Hand Jive……………………………...Grease (1972, 1994)

Time Warp…………………………….The Rocky Horror Picture Show (2000)

One…………………………………….A Chorus Line

Did You Know?

Comedy – a play characterized by its humorous or satirical tone and its depiction of amusing people or incidents, in which the characters ultimately triumph over adversity

Drama – a play for theatre, radio, or television

Musical – a play or film in which singing and dancing play an essential part.

Straight Play – a dramatic work for the stage (or to be broadcast).

Opera – a dramatic work in one or more acts, set to music for singers and instrumentalists. Also; a genre of classical music.

Operetta –a short opera, usually on a light or humorous theme and typically having spoken dialogue.

Ballad – a slow sentimental or romantic song.

Uptempo – played with a fast or increased tempo. (regarding musical theatre actors, it generally refers to the songs they sing.)

A capella – (with reference to choral music) sung without instrumental accompaniment.

Storyline - the plot of a novel, play, film, or other narrative form.

Before The Show!(Discussion Topics)

-Who has ever seen a Broadway or local production? What was the name/storyline?

-How do music, dance & theatre affect you personally?

-How many different styles of dance can you name, and how are they expressed/ do they reflect different cultures? Can anyone name anyone name some types of theatre in different countries? (Give some examples & explain – i.e. Noh, Kabuki, Zaju, etc)

Things to Learn!(Our Goals)

-The history of the Broadway Musical: Music has always been a part of Theatre, but the first modern Broadway Musical that told a story through song and elaborate dance was Showboat in 1927.

-Explore creative skills: research shows that the motor skills, dexterity and conceptual skills involved in ‘the arts’ correlate with success in academic studies!

-Gain an appreciation and understanding of The Arts

After The Performance!

-Discuss the presentation

-What was your favorite part of the presentation? Why?

-Did you notice the different types/styles of music & dance? Identify. What were the necessary skills to accomplish these numbers? How can these skills be applied to other aspects of life; think about what it takes to put on a show: auditions/rehearsals/performance and relate – sports, academics, public speaking, etc.

-Did the songs and dance numbers tell a story? What stories did you see?


Elisa Heinsohn – Television: Fame (Jillian), Dark Justice (Samantha) Broadway: Phantom of the Opera (original Meg), Annie Get Your Gun (Sylvia Potter Porter), Ragtime (Evelyn), 42nd Street, Smile & numerous television commercials

Mark Bove – Broadway: West Side Story (Action), A Chorus Line (Mike, Al & Zach), Chicago, Woman of the Year, Kiss of the Spider Woman, The Life, Urban Cowboy, Jerome Robbins Broadway

Amanda Adamczyk – B.A. in Dance from James Madison U, Virginia Repertory Dance Company, Choreograper for what. (NYC & VA), Performed in pieces by Maurice Fraga, Shane O’Hara & Gesel Mason, Music video “A Christmas Song” by Liz Chan (angel)

Larissa Adamczyk – B.A. in Dance/English from Rutgers U, The Producers (Ulla), Grease (Sandy), Joseph& The Tech Dreamcoat (Narrator), NYC Theatre/Readings: Never Norman Rockwell (Shelly), Merry Wives of Windsor (Pistol), Music Video “Headshot” by Joe Iconis

Mallika Thomas - Competitive & Award-winning dancer of 25 years, Teaches & specializes in Tap

Gabrielle Yannuzzi- Varsity Cheerleading Captain for Bloomfield High School, First Place: Q.O.P. Cheer Competition & Cheer For The Cure, MSU’s Rhythm Nation Dance Showcase, Motivational Dance for PKE. Specializes in Cheerleading & Acro

Kristin Adamczyk- Kathryn Collins Dance Studio, Gymnast (level 9), Finished top 10 in USAIGC Nationals, Specializes in Lyrical/Ballet

Lauryn Herchakowski- Montclair State U, Red Bank Dance Academy, Performing Arts Dance Dept. RBRHS, President of Rhythm Nation Dance Club, specializes in Ballet

Karen Masbang: Montclair State U, Kathryn Collins Dance Studio, Awarded First Place in MSU Dance-off, Rhythm Nation Dance Club, specializes in Hip Hop/Breakdancing

Resources: The Oxford Dictionary (word definitions)