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Study Guide - Semester 1 Midterm Exam 2013-2014 – Spanish 2
I. Articles – what is an article and where does it go? ______
Definite articles – what are the 4 ways to say ‘the’ in Spanish?______
Indefinite articles – how do you say ‘a/an/some’ in Spanish?______
II. Verbs – a verb is the part of speech that indicates: _______
There are three verb families in Spanish: ____ (90%) ____ (7%) ____ (3%)
Infinitive - What is an infinitive?______
What is the Stem - ______
the Ending – refers to the three verb ______
III. Subject Pronouns: what is a subject pronoun and what are they in Spanish?
Irregular Verbs – what is an irregular verb – what does that mean?
IV. Present tense verbs indicate – ______
REGULAR Present Tense Subject/Verb Endings/Conjugations
Fill in the chart with the appropriate present tense endings (Jingle Bells)
-ar -er/-ir -ar -er/-ir
yo nosotr@s
tú vosotr@s
él, ella, usted ell@s, ustedes
V. IRREGULAR Present Tense Verbs – The Rule Breakers/Wak Verbs/Special Verbs
There are four kinds of irregular present tense verbs.
1. WAK verbs that make no sense at all. (SER, ESTAR, VER, IR)
2. Step bros – Go in Yo and I b4 E in the bottom 3 (of the stanky boot) Tener & Venir
3. Irregular Present Tense YO verbs (hacer, conocer, dar, ver, etc.)
4. Stem Changing (Stanky Booters) Present Tense Verbs
VIII. STEM changing verbs - are verbs that change in the PRESENT TENSE (Jingle Bells) in the stinky boot only.
We/Y’all are NEVER Weird. Please list all the stem changing verbs you know that fall under the classifications below.
e→ie / e→ie / o→ue / e→i (hot date verbs)******What is the ONE verb in Spanish that stem changes from u→ue? ______What is it’s BFF?_____
IX. IRREGULAR YO Verbs in the present tense - are verbs that are normal everywhere but in the YO form.
Name as many as you can remember.
X. GO Verbs in the present tense - are verbs that ‘GO’ in the YO. List all the GO verbs you can think of.
XI. PRESENT PROGRESSIVE TENSE- THE “ING” Tense - Indicates what is presently happenING. Estar + ING form of verb
You Form the Present progressive by using the present tense of estar + Present Participle.
To form ING form, just drop AR, ER/IR and add ‘ANDO, IENDO, or *YENDO ‘
**** NO stem changes in the ING present progressive.
****Only irregulars occur when you have a weak ‘I’ between two stronger vowels. Then the ‘I’ converts to a ‘y’
Estar (present tense) + present participle (the PART of the verb that is the ‘ing’)
(conjugate according to subject) (ar→ ando/ er and ir→ iendo) * sometimes Yendo
REGULAR ejemplos: Yo estoy hablando. Yo estoy comiendo. Yo estoy escribiendo.
IRREGULAR ejemplos. Leer – leyendo oIr – oyendo creer – creyendo.
XII. Present participle – (how do you form them and in which tense are they used)
Present Participle- just a fancy way of saying the ING form of the verb
XIII. Near Future – IR + A + VERB INFINITIVE. The near future is used to express what is going to happen in the near/ immediate future. In other words – If you are ‘about’ to do something. In English – I am ‘going’ to do…..blah blah.
You conjugate the verb IR – to GO and add A then the INFINITIVE UNCONGUGATED form of the VERB.
Ejemplo: Yo voy a estudiar. I am going to study or about to study.
XIV Recent Past. ACABAR + DE + INFINITIVE. It means you have ‘just’ finished doing something.
It allows you to cheat and talk about the past without using the actual past tense. J
You conjugate the verb ACABAR – to HAVE JUST and add A then the INFINITIVE UNCONGUGATED form of the VERB.
Ejemplo: Acabo de estudiar. I have ‘just’ finished studying.
XV. Ser vs. Estar- the TWO TO BE’s what is the difference between them?
· For how you feel
· Where you are
· What you’re do ING (present progressive)
· USE ESTAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Uses for ser – give different examples.
Uses for estar – give different examples.
XVI. Saber vs. Conocer – the TWO to ‘KNOW’s what is the difference between them? What do they have in common?
Conocer - ______
Saber- ______
XVII. Expresiones con Tener – define the following ‘tener’ expresiones. (p. 22)
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Tener frío
Tener calor
Tener hambre
Tener sed
Tener sueño
Tener prisa
Tener suerte
Tener ganas de
Tener ______años
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XVII. Preterit – It is the equivalent of our ‘ED’ verbs in English. talked, walked, etc. (Yellow Submarine – BAM tense)
Preterite trigger Words – what are some Words that indicate you are in the preterit?
Regular conjugations (Yellow Submarine)
Fill in the chart below with the respective Preterit endings:
-ar -er/-ir -ar -er/-ir
yo nosotros(as)
tú vosotros
él, ella, usted ellos, ellas, ustedes
XVIII. IRREGULAR PRETERIT - There are three types of irregular preterit verbs:
1. WAK Preterit– ir/ser, dar, ver
2. YO forms only - CAR, GAR, ZAR verbs change to QUÉ, GUÉ, and CÉ respectively ONLY in the YO
3. Stem Changing Combo Plates – Mixed up and Lost - that mix AR and ER endings and lose the accents.
***************** (La Cucaracha song)
1. WAK Irregular PRETERIT verbs - Ir and ser, dar and ver.
Complete the chart below with the preterite wak verbs.
Él, Ella, Usted (Ud.)
Ell@s, Ustedes (Uds.)
2. YO Preterite Irregulars - Changes in the yo form only (CAR, GAR, ZAR verbs)
Llist all the CAR, GAR, ZAR verbs you know in the following chart.
-car / -gar / -zar3. The Dirty Dozen – “La Cucuracha Verbs” Verbs with RADICAL stem changes and a mixture of AR/ER Pret Endings:
These verbs do not have accents and share the same endings. Conjugate the preterite Dirty Dozen verbs the chart.
Infinitivo / Estar / Andar / Tener / Poder / Poner / SaberYo
Él, Ella, Usted (Ud.)
Ell@s, Ustedes (Uds.)
Infinitivo / Dar / Ver / Hacer / Venir / IR / SER
Él, Ella, Usted (Ud.)
Ell@s, Ustedes (Uds.)
4. Preterite Irregular Verbs like CAER - Complete the following chart in the preterit. When er/ir verbs have a stem that ends in a vowel, the I of the third person preterite endings changes to y: io to yó and ieron to yeron. In all other forms the I has a written accent mark “í” is pronounced as a separate syllable. The er, ir, verbs like leer and construer also have a stem that ends in a vowel and follow this same pattern. (p 146)
Infinitivo / Caer / Traer / Construir / LeerYo
Él, Ella, Usted (Ud.)
Ell@s, Ustedes (Uds.)
5. Preterite Irregular Verbs like Decir, Traducir - Complete the following chart in the preterit. When a verb ends in CIR it changes to J in Spanish. Decir has a spelling change from e to i. (p 130)
Infinitivo / Decir / Traducir / verYo / Dije / traduje
Él, Ella, Usted (Ud.)
Ell@s, Ustedes (Uds.)
XIX. Possessive Pronouns – Indicate what belongs to whom. List the possessive pronouns.
My ______, ______our ______, ______
Yours ______, ______yours ______, ______
His/hers ______, ______their ______, ______
OR I can say it is the __ of ___. Es la chaqueta de Raúl. Es su chaqueta.
OR I can say they are the __ of __. Son las chaquetas de las hermanas. Son sus chaquetas.
XX. The verb Gustar - The verb gustar is conjugated in two ways. It pleases and They please. Then you add the IOPs (Indirect Object Pronouns) and you have a conjugated verb. It pleases me, they please me, it pleases you, they please you, etc. IN English, we say I ‘like’ – In Spanish, To Me - It/they please me. J Other verbs like gustar: interesar, fascinar, molestar, encantar, paracer, tocar
A mI, ______A nosotr@s ______
A ti, ______A vosotr@s ______
A él,ella, Ud______A ell@s,Uds. ______
Other Examples of verbs that conjugate/work the same way are:
XXI. The verb Gustar & Indirect Object Pronouns (IOPs)-
In Spanish the indirect object pronouns are: They answer the question, to whom or for whom…..
Singular Plural
Me me nos us
Te you (familiar) os y’all (familiar)
Le You, him/her les you all, them
XXII. Direct Object Pronouns (DOPs)-
In Spanish the direct object pronouns are: They answer the question, to whom or for whom…..
Direct object pronouns can refer to people or things and indicate the gender and number of the object.
Singular Plural
Me me nos us
Te you (familiar) os you(familiar)
Lo you, him, it los you, them
La you,, her, it las you, them
XXIII. Accenting Rules – Where does the Natural Stress in Spanish fall?
1. If the word ends in a ______ : pelota, biblioteca: Penúltima or 2nd to last sílaba.
2. If the word ends a ______ : dificultad, hablar; La Ultima or Last sílaba.
XXIV. Los Mandatos – Mandates are Mandatory. Commands. You can tell someone ‘DO it’ and ‘DON’T do it’ both formal/familiar
Informal/Familiar Commands - Informal/Friend Commands – Mandatos: +,-Positivo y Negativo
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Positive Commands – Just DO it! ++++++++
For Yes = Drop the ‘S’ (from the TU form)
Ejemplo: Tú Corres. = you run. Mandato: ¡Corre!
Wak/Irregulars: Ven,Ten,Pon,Haz,Sal,Ve,Sé,Di
Negative Commands DON’T do it!!! ---No Way José!
1. For NO
2. Start with YO
3. Drop the ‘O’
4. Flip the TÚ
5. (think of cross-multiplication)
Ejemplo: Yo corro.
Drop O
Add opposite TU ending.
Example: Correr. Yo Corro. ¡No Corras!
Wak/Irregulars: no des (dar)/no vayas(ir)/no seas(ser)
***CAR,GAR,ZAR verbs have a spelling change:Ejemplos: tocar - toque, Llegar-llegue, Empezar-empiece
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FORMAL Commands - Informal/Friend Commands – Mandatos: +,-Positivo y Negativo for USTED y USTEDES
Formal Commands are used to tell a sir/ma’am/Dr./teacher/stranger/person politely what to do or not to do.
To form both the Usted singular and Usted plural forms of commands, you start with the YO form in the present tense and add the opposite singular or plural ending. For AR verbs: you add E, or EN. For ER/IR verbs: you add A, or AN.
To NEGATE the command – simply put NO in front of the command form for Usted or Ustedes.
Ejemplos: preparar – preparo – lose the o - ¡Prepare Usted! - ¡Preparen Ustedes!
comer – como – lose the o - ¡Coma Usted! - ¡Coman Ustedes! ¡NO Coma Usted! - ¡NO Coman Ustedes!
escribir – escribo – lose the o - ¡Escriba Usted! - ¡Escriban Ustedes! ¡NO Escriba Usted! - ¡NO Escriban Ustedes!
XXVI. Accent Rules - REGLAS para los asentos / RULES for accents
>Words ending in a vowel, or the letters n or s, are stressed on the next to last syllable.
>Words ending in a consonant other than n or s are stressed on the last syllable.
>Words that have accents are stressed on the syllable with the accent.
XXVII. Past Participles as Adjectives – ADO/IDO (p 144)
Form past participles of regular verbs by dropping the ending: Add ADO to AR verbs and IDO to ER/IR verbs.
Hinchar – hinch – Hinchado Vendar – Vend – Vendado Correr – Corr - Corrido
Cortar – cort – Cortado Torcer – Torc – Torcido Vivir – Viv - Vivido
Infectar – Infect – Infectado Herir – Her - Herido
Quemar – Quem – Quemado Cerrar – Cerr- Cerrado
Irregulars: Romper – Roto Abrir – Abierto
Fill in the following chart with the Past Participle of the following verbs:
Verb / Participle / Verb / Participle / Verb / ParticipleHablar / Oír / Tener
Escuchar / Vivir / Comer
Preparar / Escribir / Vender
Cortar / Leer / Entender
Andar / Correr / Subir
Contar / Sacudir / Bajar
When used as adjectives: Must agree in # and Gender with what they are modifying/describing.
Ejemplos: Rodillas hinchadas. Pierna vendada.
Vocabulario Capítulo 1 – Parte Uno – Describing people, routines, likes/dislikes and activities: p. 37
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Los fines de semana
Jugar al tenis
Jugar al ajedrez
Me levanto,
Me baño,
Mi (person) se llama
Montar en bicicleta
Todos los días
Ven televisión
Traen películas
Ver la televisión
Preferir (ie)
¿Cómo eres tú?
Yo Soy…
¿Cómo es Él/Ella/Usted….?
Él/Ella/Usted es…
¿Cómo son ell@s…?
Ell@s son….
A mí, me gusta/n
A mí, no me gusta/n
Me encanta/n
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Vocabulario Capítulo 1 – Parte Uno Discussing preferences – Likes & Dislikes/Describing People (p. 37)
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Prefiere pasar el rato solo (a)
¿Qué te gusta hacer?
A mí, me gusta leer….
¿Qué le gusta hacer, su amigo/ él /ella?
A él/ella, Le gusta/n…
Estoy en una silla de ruedas.
Tengo pelo castaño y ojos de color café.
¿Qué te gusta/n más, _____ o ______?
Y a tus amigos, ¿Qué les gusta hacer?
¿Qué hacen tus amigos los fines de semana?
¿Qué haces tú todas las mañanas?
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Vocabulario Capítulo 1 – Parte Dos – Offering help and talking about chores/Discussing Plans and Places: p. 37
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¿Algo más?
Cortar el césped
Debes lavar los platos.
Está preparando la cena.
Limpiar el baño
No te olvides de cortar el césped.
Pasar la aspiradora en la sala
¿Puedo ayudarte?
¿Qué hay que hacer en la cocina?
¿Qué más tengo que hacer?
Sacar la basura
Tenemos que ayudarla.
Vamos a limpiar…
¿Adónde piensan ir esta noche?
Conocer el centro
Vamos a celebrar…
Esta decorando…
Ir al zoológico
Ir de compras al mercado