

A regular meeting of the Ennis City Commissionwas called to order onMonday, January 4, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the City CommissionChamberof Ennis Municipal Building, 115 W. Brown Street, Ennis Texas 75119.

Mayor Thomas askedCommissioner Lola Searcyto give the invocation.


The Invocation was given by Commissioner Searcy


The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Thomas


Mayor Thomas asked the Interim City Secretary to call the roll to determine the presence of a quorum. Interim City Secretary Acy-King called the rolled with a quorum present to wit:

Russell ThomasMayor

Matt WalkerMayor Pro Tem, Ward 6

Jeremie SalikCommission Member, Ward1

Marco HernandezCommission Member, Ward 2

Ken HackneyCommission Member, Ward 3

Lola SearcyCommission Member, Ward 4

Brian HolleyCommission Member, Ward 5

The following Staff members were present when the meeting was called to order:

Interim City ManagerJohn Hatchel

Interim City SecretaryShirley Acy-King

City AttorneyRichard Wilson

Chief of PoliceJohn Erisman

ED DirectorMarty Nelson

Fire ChiefJeff Aycock

Finance DirectorJoel Welch

  1. Citizens Requests for Public Hearing

Mayor Russell made a statement that “presentations by citizens, with or without prior notification, shall be limited to three minutes, allowing discretion in the chair to reasonably extend those limits.”

The following citizen appeared before the Commission:

W. B. (Bill) Kinzie, M.D., 1125 Mockingbird Circle – spoke regarding the Commissioner’s behavior.

There were no other speakers requesting to speak before the City Commissioners during the Citizens Requests for Public Hearing.


Mayor Thomas read the Consent Agenda Items to be considered into the record.

2C.Approval of the City Commission Workshop Minutes of December 21, 2015.

3C.Approval of the City Commission Regular Meeting Minutes of December 21, 2015.

4C.Consider an Ordinance to approve and adopt the Ennis 2015 Comprehensive Plan.

5C.Consider an Ordinance amending the EEDC FY 2015-2016 Budget to provide $225,000 for an Economic Development Agreement with Project Viking (Cenveo).

Mayor Thomas called for discussion on the Consent Agenda. There being no discussion, Mayor Thomas called for a motion to approve the Consent Agenda. Mayor Pro-tem Walker made a motion to approve all items on the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Holley seconded the motion. Mayor Thomas called for all members present to vote by raising their right hand. All members present (7) voted in favor of the motion by raising their right hand. Mayor Thomas declared the Consent Agenda was approved.


6. A Public Hearing to consider an Ordinance for annexation of a 44.251 acre tract of land (also known as 901 Rudd Road) in the Thomas McKinney Survey, Abstract No. 687, City of Ennis, Texas for the purpose of a manufacturing plant expansion (Sterilite Corporation).

Mayor Thomas asked if anyone in the audience would like to address the Commission regarding the approval of an Ordinance annexing 44.251 acre tract of land for the purpose of a manufacturing plant expansion.

There were no speakers requesting to speak before the City Commissioners during the Public Hearing of this item on the first reading.

Mayor Thomas called for a motion to close the Public Hearing. Commissioner Holley made a motion to close the Public Hearing on the first reading. Commissioner Salik seconded the motion. Mayor Thomas called for all members present to vote by raising their right hand. All members present (7) voted in favor of the motion by raising their right hand. Mayor Thomas declared the Public Hearing closed on the first reading.

  1. A Public Hearing to consider amending the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Ennis, Texas from “T” Transition District to “M-2” Manufacturing District for a 49.295 acre tract of land described in deed to Sterilite Corporation (also known as 901 Rudd Rd. Ennis Texas).

Mayor Thomas asked if anyone in the audience would like to address the Commission regarding amending the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Ennis by changing “T” Transition District to “M-2” Manufacturing District for a 49.295 acre tract of land.

There were no speakers requesting to speak before the City Commissioners during the Public Hearing of this item on the first reading.

Mayor Thomas called for a motion to close the Public Hearing. Commissioner Hackney made a motion to close the Public Hearing on the first reading. Commissioner Hernandez seconded the motion. Mayor Thomas called for all members present to vote by raising their right hand. All members present (7) voted in favor of the motion by raising their right hand. Mayor Thomas declared the Public Hearing closed on the first reading.


Mayor Thomas read the item into the record.

8.Consider a Resolution naming authorized representatives for the TexPool Local Government Investment Pool.

Mayor Thomas called for a discussion on the item. There being no discussion, Mayor Thomas called for a motion. Mayor Pro-tem Walker moved to approve the itemas presented. CommissionerHolley seconded the motion. Mayor Thomas called for all members present to vote by raising their right hand. All members present (7) voted in favor of the motion by raising their right hand. Mayor Thomas declared theitem was approved.

9.Consider a Resolution authorizing the purchases of three (3) vehicles for the Police Department fleet from Ennis Ford in the amount of $91,758.

Mayor Thomas read the next item into the record.

Mayor Thomas called for a discussion on the item. There being no discussion, Mayor Thomas called for a motion. Commissioner Salik moved to approve the item as presented. Commissioner Hernandez seconded the motion. Mayor Thomas called for all members present to vote by raising their right hand. All members present (7) voted in favor of the motion by raising their right hand. Mayor Thomas declared the item was approved.

10.[HOLD] Consider a Resolution amending the By-Laws of Ennis Economic Development Corporation, Article III, adding Section 6, an Approval Process Check List ensuring each project and expenditure is given the same approval process.

Mayor Thomas announced that the Commission Members had requested that this item be held until the Attorney’s had time to review the By-Laws.

Mayor Thomas read the next item into the record.

11.Consider an Ordinance amending Ordinance 15-09-06 by appropriating $89,000 from the General Fund unappropriated balance to be added to the Fire Department’s budget allocation for unanticipated expenses.

Mayor Thomas called for a discussion on the item. There being no discussion, Mayor Thomas called for a motion. Mayor Pro-tem Walker moved to approve the item as presented.Commissioner Holley seconded the motion. Mayor Thomas called for all members present to vote by raising their right hand. All members present (7) voted in favor of the motion by raising their right hand. Mayor Thomas declared the item was approved.


Mayor Thomas stated that there was no new business before the Ennis City Commission.


12. Requests from City Commission and Round Table.

The following Commissioners’ spoke:

Commissioner Holley wished everyone present a Happy New Year and thanked the citizens for coming out to the Commission Meeting.

Commissioner Searcy wished everyone present a Happy New Year.

Commissioner Hackney wished everyone a Happy 2016.

Commissioner Hernandez thanked the citizens for coming out to the Commission Meeting.

Mayor Thomas stated that there was no other business before the Ennis City Commission.


With no other business before the Commission, Mayor Thomas declared the meeting adjourned at 7:11 p.m.




