Highlander Soccer Club

Beginning of Season Board and Coaches Meeting



Called to order: 6:10

Attendees: Cari Boucher, Cindy Langer, Tom Hortsmann, Dan Pinton, Marie Keefe, Milissa Woodward, Aaron Boucher, Aaron Lefkowski, Tony O’Neill, Fran Pantuosco, Tim Baran, Chuck Gaura, Andy Rees, Dave D’Amore, Joe Douaihy and Staci Murphy

Bryan Sautters and Jenny Munch entered after meeting called to order

President’s Report:

District/CJSA Updates

  • District Meeting highlights from 3/8/17—will post on website as well
  • March 22nd Coaches meetings—scheduling—district changes/requests
  • April 22nd is opening day of baseball, no home games will be able to be held that day
  • Goal/Field sizes upcoming changes—likely Fall 2017
  • Concerns with insurance, friendly play, fields and volunteers coverage
  • CJSA provides our insurance and therefore we can only play teams under the CJSA umbrella
  • Any Volunteers should be listed on the team roster and background check so that they are covered under the insurance

Coaching update

  • New Coaches for U9 (Aaron Lefkowski) U13 (Dan Pinton) and U14 (Andy Rees) —their assistant’s and manager’s

Registration Updates

  • Last day to register, March 17

Roster Updates

Dome time—session 3, practices, trial

  • Schedule of available times past out for coaches to request 2 a piece

Field Usage/Practice/Start of season guidelines

  • Goals need to be moved off fields at Brown’s into an unusable position
  • Bathrooms need to be locked at end of the night

Supply Binder: Was passed out for coaches to request additional supplies for season

Fund Raising: Friday April 21st we will be having a welcome trainer fundraiser at Parrot Delaney Pub

Uniforms: Order from the website. Make sure that players numbers are on the roster so new players know what numbers are available

Vice President/Training and Development

  • Trainer update-scheduled to start 4/17
  • Scheduling-Brown’s corner practice will be trainer practice
  • Coaches should think about how the trainer can be most beneficial to their team and offer suggestions to the trainer
  • Trainer Housing—We are looking for coaches or parents to potentially host the trainer, one or two week increments
  • Consider Coaching Certification, F is an online course!

Treasurer’s Report: See Attached

Registrar’s Report:

  • No registrar---we need a volunteer.
  • President’s to report as above---Status of team registrations
  • New kids—birth certificates

Referee Representative Report:

  • Carm—new assignor
  • Carm report
  • 40 new refs in pool
  • Should have game schedule at least 3 weeks out, refs will be assigned 1 or 2 weeks out
  • Any team can pull from our pool so scheduling early gives more ref options
  • Coaches are responsible for parent behavior
  • March 22nd Ref meeting
  • April 1st, possible scrimmages for ref practice

Secretary’s Report:

  • Parent Handbook—Discussed items that can be included. Secretary will distribute after preliminary schedule
  • Coaches Handbook

Game Balls, Practice balls, first aid kits, and back up Gatorade Water jugs handed out

9:00 Adjourn

Highlander Soccer Club: Treasurer’s Report February 2017

Administrative Account

January 31 2017 Balance: $6,968.92

February 28, 2017 Balance: $9,925.85

Deposit: $6,150.00 (registrations)

Withdrawals: $3,193.07

  • Check 194 $2,750.00 CJSA Northwest District
  • Check 195 $58.00 Cindy Langer for Postal Box
  • Check 197 $96.79 Dan Pinton Board Meeting
  • Check 198 $190 Carm D’Urso reimburse for registration and assignor fees
  • Merchant Fees: $98.28

PayPal Account: Business Name: Northwest Travel Soccer Club

Deposit: $0

Withdrawals: $0


Upcoming March bill paid to CJSA for Team registration is $825. This was mailed out and will show on March statement. Current 3/7/17 snapshot of account shows $13,785.