Executive Board

Meeting Minutes 07/05/2017

I. Call to Order

-In attendance: Mike Smith, Joe Erwin, Vince Holmes, Erik Benz, Mike Francois, Lance Bradford, Jim Marzullo, Mark DeAtley. Not present Andrea Boone and Jose A. Feliberty

-Meeting called to order @ 7:03

-Joe went over the modified minutes from last meeting, made a motion to approve the minutes; 2nd by Jim Marzullo; 7-0 passed

-2017-2018 Budget Discussion (Erik); Went over the various sections of the budget. Joe made some suggestions as to where we could make up funds. Liability insurance is now a big expense that we can’t avoid. End of the year party is on the chopping block as a possible area to make up shortages. Was voted to keep the end of year banquet this year but to eliminate the alcohol and go cash bar. Looking at scholarships and summer training camps. Eliminated assignor costs. Added $400 to recruiting cut back the evaluations. Joe made motion to approve budget, 2nd by Lance; Passed 7-0

-Recruiting and Retention Update (Lance) Mentioned that Erik Russell put forth that he did not have time to spearhead the recruiting and retention program. Joe appointed Lance to take over that position. Suggested Jon Pierre and Alec Cerevolo would participate in the recruiting and retention task force, both accepted. We will be using face book and twitter for this. Looking into business cards for recruiting. ESPN will do a PSA for us for recruiting officials. Spoke about getting the other sports involved long term in the overall recruiting of officials.

-Training Update (Jim) Oxbridge and Keiser College will be the meeting sites for all general meetings for 17-18. Jim suggested a portable sound system for these meetings

-Calendar Discussion Jim went over the meeting dates and times. Present members voted on changes to general meetings vs. newbie training sessions. Said schedule has since been emailed out.

-Registration – Open in July 10/15 is the last day to register w/o late fee of $20. 11/15 is last day to register!

-Meeting Agendas read by Joe; Topics to be addressed at the first general meeting. Talked about what the new board has done over the summer to help advance the ECBOA. Suggested to have a guest speaker at one of the general meetings. Mike S. brought up Ray Acosta as he lives in Boynton.

-By-Law Changes (Jose) Shelved this until Jose is present.

-For the Good of the Cause; Lance asked is we have done anything to help Mark with the issues he has getting schedules from the teams each year. No other topics were brought up.

-Adjourn ; 9:13

Next meeting 7:00 on 7/26 at the school board.

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