EKU Graduate School: Annotated Syllabus Template

Notes: The following syllabus template conforms to EKU’s Syllabus Policy and is appropriate for all graduate-level coursework. All items listed below in red are explanatory notes and should be removed from the document before final submission. Items listed below in blue are meant to provide appropriate guidance and should be replaced by the corresponding information for the course. Items listed below in black should remain in the document as stated. Faculty and departments are free to add additional items as needed. Please contact the Graduate School if you have any questions about preparing syllabi for graduate-level courses.

The Graduate School

Eastern Kentucky University

Department of Name of Department

Syllabus for GRD 999

Enter Crs Title – Limit 30 chars, CRN: XXXXXX

Professor’s Name: FirstnameLastname

Office:Building Name, Room Number


Phone: (859) 622-XXXX

Catalog Course Description:

Enter Catalog Description EXACTLY as it appears on Curriculum Change Form. Make sure to include any prerequisites. Graduate level courses should not list undergrad courses as prerequisites. Description should be limited to 35 words (about the length of this paragraph).

Texts and Course Materials:

Enter titles of required texts, with publication date, along with any other supplemental texts, materials, software, etc., required for the course. Texts must be appropriate for graduate-level work. Texts should be up-to-date and reflect the current status of the field. Texts that have been published outside the seven-year time to degree period may wish to provide supporting documentation as to why the selected text is preferred.

Student Learning Outcomes:

This section should clearly articulate what students are expected to gain by taking this course. They can be formatted as follows:

a)Outcomes should use action verbs that express what students will learn and demonstrate for the course.

b)Graduate Courses should expect students to acquire more sophisticated skills in critical andcreative thinking than undergraduate courses. For courses taught at the 500/700 level, outcomes should clearly distinguish what is expected of students enrolled at he 500 level from what is expected of students enrolled at the 700 level

c)Outcomes should be measureable. Faculty members should be able to evaluate students mastery of the learning outcomes

d)To the extent possible, graduate courses should link to or identify one or more of the common Graduate Student Learning Outcomes for the course.

This might be where you put the additional learning outcomes at the 700-level if this is a 500/700 course

a)EKU’s Course Syllabi policy includes a discussion of action verbs under Bloom’s taxonomy to help facilitate articulation of learning outcomes. Graduate course should focus on categories c-f (Application, Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation)

b)The syllabus policy also provides great examples of graduate course objectives in the Appendix: Notes to Faculty and Syllabus Template

Course Requirements

Please describe all required activities such as papers, quizzes, exams, oral reports, special projects, lab, clinicals, etc., for the course. For courses taught at the 500/700 level, the course requirements should clearly distinguish requirements at the 500-level from those at the 700 level. Note that requiring additional work at the graduate level is not a sufficient criterion for differentiation. Graduate level assignments should tie to the additional outcomes listed in a prior section.

Evaluation Methods

This section should describe how the Course Requirements, listed above,are to be evaluated and applied to the overall course grade. Typically these are listed in table form and should tie to the measureable learning outcomes, where possible. Separate tables for graduate and undergraduate evaluation are encouraged for 500/700 level courses. See example below.

Evaluation Criteria (7XX)

Position Papers(3)30%

Midterm Exam20%

Research Project30%

Final Exam20%

Evaluation Criteria (5XX)

Quizzes (6)30%

Midterm Exam20%

Homework Assignments15%

Class Presentation15%

Final Exam20%

Student Progress:

Describe the method(s) by which the instructor will provide the student with written information on their progress in the course. At least one progress report must be provided prior to the mid point of the semester.

Course Outline:

An outline indicated subject matter and approximate time schedule. You may use the example below as a guide. Eight-week, summer, or alternatively scheduled courses should be indicated. Courses that are less than 4 weeks in length must provide supplementary information on coursework that is required outside of the scheduled alternate term.

Week Num / Topic / Notes
Week 1 / Topics covered in first week / Fill this is as appropriate
Week 2 / Topics covered in second week
Week 3 / Etc.
Week 4 / Etc. / First Quarterly Exam
Week 5 / Etc.
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8 / Mid-term Exam
Week 9
Week 10
Week 11
Week 12
Week 13
Week 14 / Research Paper Due
Week 15
Week 16 / Final Exam
Final Exam: Date, Time, Location

Attendance Policy

The syllabus should describe the specific attendance policy for the course. It should be consistent with the departmental/college policies, if they exist. The policy would normally describe how absences and tardiness will be recorded, how excused and unexcused absences will be handled, and how missed exams and late or missed assignments will be handled.


Notification of the Last Day to Drop the Course

For courses that start and stop on standard 16-week schedules, the syllabus may either list the drop dates or direct the student to the Colonel’s Compass website and provide the appropriate link ( For courses that run under alternate schedules as reflected in the Course Outline, above, the syllabus should list the final drop date.

Disability Statement:

The standardized Disability statement should be included exactly as stated below:

If you are registered with the Office of Services for Individuals with Disabilities (OSID), please obtain your accommodation letters from the OSID and present them to the course instructor to discuss any academic accommodations you need. If you believe you need accommodation and are not registered with the OSID, please contact the Office in the Whitlock Building Room 361, by email at , or by phone at (859) 622-2933 V/TDD. Upon individual request, this syllabus can be made available in an alternative format.

Academic Integrity Policy

The standardized Academic Integrity statement should be included exactly as stated below. Faculty may add additional information or expectations provided they are consistent with the University policy.

Students are advised that EKU’s Academic Integrity policy will be strictly enforced in this course. The Academic Integrity policy is available at Questions regarding the policy may be directed to the Office of Academic Integrity located in the Turley House, or contact them by phone at (859) 622-1500.

Official Email:

The standardized EKU’s Email statement should be included exactly as stated below:

An official EKU e-mail is established for each registered student, each faculty member and each staff member. All university communications sent via e-mail will be sent to this EKU e-mail address.


EKU Graduate Student Learning Outcomes

Graduate Students are able to explain, discuss, and apply, clearly and accurately, the key concepts and central theories, and demonstrate expertise appropriate to the discipline

Graduate Students are able to formulate and express important/essential questions and issues related to the discipline with clarity and accuracy, and appropriate depth and breadth.

Graduate students are able to identify, collect, analyze and evaluate relevant information to understand essential questions and issues and to advance knowledge in the discipline.

Graduate Students are able to identify, analyze and evaluate underlying assumptions of arguments, abstract ideas, and alternative perspectives and theories

Graduate Students are able to generate new knowledge, application, or creative expressions through the self-reflective synthesis of information, evaluation and analysis of critical questions or issues/problems related to their discipline.

Graduate students are able to communicate clearly and logically using oral, written and/or artistic forms.

Graduate students are able to identify and demonstrate the ethical values appropriate to their discipline.

Learning Outcomes:

The attached appendix is from the EKU Syllabus Policy and provides guidance on preparing appropriate learning outcomes.

Rev 1.0July 17, 2013