UCLA Asian American Studies Center

Undergraduate Scholarships, Grants,InternshipsPrizes Application for 2016-2017

Scholarships, Grants, Internships: Due Monday, February 29, 2016:Check all Awards that you are applying for.

Angie Kwon Memorial Scholarship / 1 award at $2,500 / Title:
21st Century Undergraduate Scholarship / 1 award at $1,500 / Title:
Toshio & Chiyoko Hoshide Scholarship / 1 award at $3,000 / Title:
Reiko Uyeshima & Family Scholarship / 1 award at $5,000 / Title:
Chidori Aiso Memorial Scholarship / 1 award at $5,000 / Title:
George & Sakaye Aratani Community Internship / 1 award at $3,000 / Title:
John Kubota Grant in Japanese American Studies / 1 award at $3,000 / Title:
Morgan & Helen Chu Outstanding Scholar Award / 1 award at $5,000 / *Do not submit application, selected from UCLA Registrars Office data.
21st Century Undergraduate Internship / 1 award at $1,500 / Title:
Yuen Fong & Lew Oy Toy Family Internship in Chinese American Studies - due Friday, March 4 / 1 award at $4,500 / Title:

Academic Prizes: Due Friday, March 4, 2016: Check all Academic Prizes that you are applying for.

Hiram Wheeler Edwards Prize for the Study of WWII Internment Camps and Japanese Americans / 1 award at $500 / Title:
Professor Harry H.L. Kitano Undergraduate Prize / 1 award at $500 / Title:
Ben & Alice Hirano Academic Prize / 1 award at $500 / Title:
Tsugio & Miyoko Nakanishi Prize in Asian American Literature & Culture / 1 award at $500 / Title:
Rose Eng Chin & Helen Wong Eng Fellowship / 1 award at $500 / Title:

Applicant Information:Information must be typed on the form.

Name: ______Gender: ______

Last First MiddlePlease write in / Optional

UCLA Identification Number: ______Email address: ______

Cell Phone: (______) ______Permanent Home Phone: (______) ______

School Address: ______

Street City State Zip

Permanent Mailing Address:______

Street City State Zip

Degree Program enrolled in: Bachelor of Arts / Bachelor of Sciences (circle one)

Undergraduate Major(s): ______Minor (s): ______

Cumulative Grade Point Average Winter 2016: _____ Academic units completed: ____Expected Date of Graduation: ______

Undergraduate student status in Fall 2016: Freshman (0-44.9) Sophomore (45-89.9) Junior (90-134.9) Senior (>135 units)

Ethnicity (optional/ list only if requested in guidelines): ______

California Resident? ___Yes ___NoU.S. Citizen? ___Yes ___No

If “No,” Country of Citizenship: ______Visa Type: ___Student ___Permanent Resident

Have you received an AASC Scholarship, Internship, Grant, or Academic Prize in the past? Yes No If Yes, state date received: ______


Title of Project that received past award:______

Please list any publications or other creative works that resulted from the previous award: ______



Award Requirements:

  1. Submit a curriculum vitae or resume.If you do not have this, respond to the following questions on additional pages and attach to this


a)List chronologically your academic record or achievements, including research or creative projects, field studies,internships, honors thesis, special studies projects, teaching experience, publications, presentations, etc.

b)List chronologically your record of professional activities, university or community service. Provide a description of your activities and service. Include dates of involvement and, if any, offices held. If this is your first year at UCLA you may include activities from your

high school or transfer institution.

c)List any current or previous employment. Include job descriptions, dates, and hours worked per week.

d)List the honors and awards that you have received.

2. List one Faculty Reference, a second Faculty Reference is optional. A Letter of Recommendation is not required, unless stated in guidelines.

Reference of UCLA Faculty Advisor (Required)

Name & Title: ______Email: ______

Office Address: ______Phone: ______

In what capacity are you acquainted with this reference? ______

Reference of any Faculty / Instructor / Community Organization (Optional)

Name & Title: ______Email: ______

Organization affiliation: ______

Work Address: ______Phone: ______

In what capacity are you acquainted with this reference? ______

"I hereby certify that all information I submit in this application, and in support of it, is complete and true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

I understand that knowingly providing false or incomplete information may be grounds for dismissal from UCLA."

Student Signature______Date______

Complete application for Scholarships, Grants, & Internships due on Monday, February 29, 2016and

complete application for Academic Prizes are due on Friday, March 4 2016.

Submit application with your curriculum vitae/resume and proposal/essay/paper as a Microsoft Word document and pdf of your academic transcript to ,

in the email subject heading, please enter: 2016 Application for Scholarship / Internship / Academic Prize

(as appropriate).

For any questions contact Meg at or (310) 825-1006, or contact AASC main office phone: (310) 825-2974.

Application continues with Faculty Recommendation form which is required for the

21st Century Undergraduate Scholarship and John Kubota Grant in Japanese American Studies.

Faculty Recommendation:

PART A (To be completed by Student applicant)

The person whose name appears below is an applicant for a UCLA Asian American Studies Center – Scholarship, Internships, or Grant for the 2016-17 academic year.

Name of Applicant: ______

Last First Middle

The applicant (circle one) has agreed or has not agreed to waive rights to access to letters of recommendation under the

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and any other laws, regulations, or policies.

Signature of Applicant: ______Date: ______

PART B (To be completed by Faculty Advisor)

AASC policy recommends that students who receive an AASC award conduct their research or creative project under the mentorship of a faculty advisor. Should you agree to serve as a faculty advisor for the above applicant, AASC requests that your letter of recommendation include comments on the following:

(a) How well you know the applicant;

(b) The significance and feasibility of the proposed research or creative project;

(c) The applicant's capability to carry out the proposed research or creative project;

(d) Whether you will be available for consultation with the student during the award period.

Name of Faculty: (please print) ______

Title: ______Department: ______

Signature: ______Date: ______

Form to be completed by Faculty Advisor, needs to be in a sealed envelope with faculty signature across the seal.

The sealed envelope should be given to the student for submission with their fellowship or grant proposal.

For any questions contact Meg at or (310) 825-1006, or contact AASC main office phone: (310) 825-2974.