What was funded in the past?

In 2014, the following project/programs were funded:

  • Bethel College

Bethel Bridge Food Packaging

  • Harvey County DV/SA Task Force, Inc.

Families Rebuilding their Life’s in our Rural Communities

  • Harvey County Health Department

Keeping Our Babies Safe

  • Harvey County Homeless Shelter, Inc.

Employment Skills

  • Health Ministries Clinic

Building Bridges to Health Care

  • Heart to Heart Child Advocacy Center

Audio/Visual Equipment

  • Newton Mid-Kansas Symphony Orchestra

Fifth Grade Outreach

  • Newton Recreation Commission

Girls Room Only

  • Offender/Victim Ministries, Inc.

Sparking Client-Inspired Creativity & Change

  • Peace Connections

Summer Enrichment Activities for Kids

  • Trinity Heights Respite-Care

Balance Auditory Vision Exercises

You may obtain a complete list of project/programs funded in the past by emailing Chancy Gerbitz, CKCF Program Director, at.

What amounts do you actually end up funding?

The WCF will consider funding any amount up to $3,000 if wefeel that the project/program meets the grant criteria and the organization demonstrates specifically how the funds will be used to accomplish the project/program. In the past, we have awarded grants in amounts ranging from $400 - $3,000.

Do you truly consider operating expenses?

Yes, we will consider these as long as the organization shows that the request embodies one or more of the following criteria: urgency or immediacy to address a critical need; excitement because it is a bold new venture; creativity in providing new solutions to age-old problems.

Does the application haveto besubmitted online?

Completed applications should be submitted online. If you prefer to not use the online application, contact Chancy Gerbitz, CKCF Program Director,at r 316.283.5474 for alternatives for applying.

If our organization was funded in the previous year do we have to submit a follow-up report?

Yes, you have a follow-up report that is due in May after notification of funding. You will be asked on your application if this has been turned in. If it has not, to even be considered eligible, your follow-up report must be included with your application. There will be a section on the online application were you can upload the document. If you no longer have this document or would like an electronic form, contact Chancy Gerbitz, CKCF Program Director, at or 316.283.5474.

Do you try to select new organizations for grants from year to year?

The WCF Grants Committee and Members look at every application each year. We do not choose or rule out an organization because of previous funding that it has received or not received. We are looking for project/programs that embody one or more of the following criteria: urgency or immediacy to address a critical need; excitement because it is a bold new venture; creativity in providing new solutions to age-old problems.

Our organization has applied multiple times for a grant from the WCF and has not been funded. What are we doing wrong?
Don't feel like you are doing something wrong because you have not received funding in the past. A large number of applications are received for the WCF grants each year. Unfortunately, some very worthwhile project/programs have not been funded simply because there have been so many wonderful organizations that have applied. Furthermore, the WCF Members commit to a donation on an annual basis, meaning that the amount of money available to fund requests fluctuates from year to year. Please keep trying!