
DETAILED Technical Specification:

Supply and installation of standalone Digital Pulse Processing unit for pulse shape discrimination of phoswich [NaI(Tl) and CsI(Tl)] detector spectra with necessary software.

Pulse Shape Discrimination unit

Should accept analog positive and negative input signal(up to 2 Vpp) (of inorganic scintillation detector coupled to PMT)through BNC connector.

  • 4/8 Channel 14-bit 250 MS/sDesktop Waveform Digitizer/ADC
  • Digital memory 640 kS/ch
  • On-line Digital Pulse Processing software for double Charge Integration and Pulse Shape Discrimination (DPP-PSD)
  • Suitable for discrimination of NaI(Tl) and CsI(Tl) signal of phoswich detector
  • Optional Oscilloscope mode to view raw signal and filter waveform.
  • Desktop HV supply for detector driving up to ± 4 kV, 3 mA, (4 W)
  • Low Voltage bias outputs for preamps driving (± 12 V) with DB9 connector
  • Coincidence and anti-coincidences capabilities.
  • DSP-PSD control software to control acquisition, data plot and saving, HV parameters.
  • Energy histograms and 2-D scatter plots of PSD parameter
  • Libraries for an easy interface to system
  • Suitable Drivers for writing software
  • Cable with suitable connectors: 1 set of 5 meter cables for SHV,and detector signal
  • USB2.0 andoptical link interface.

Spectrum AnalysisSoftware

-Control software for Digital Pulse Processing (DPP) and to manage the acquisition of signals acquired and read out from the digitizers.The Control Software should able to set all the parameters of the Digital Pulse Processing, configure the digitizers, run the acquisition, readout the data and plot or save the results.

-DPP-PSD(Digital Pulse Processing for the Pulse Shape Discrimination) The Control Software should be able to perform double charge integration for Pulse Shape Discrimination with programmable width and position of the two gates and Automatic Baseline subtraction"

-DPP-PHA(Digital Pulse Processing for the Pulse Height Analysis) software to completely control and manageMultichannel Analyzere.g.

  • To set all the relevant DPP-PHA parameters for each acquisition channel (like trigger threshold, shaping parameters, etc.), handle the communication with Digitizer/ADC/MCA, run the data acquisition and plot both waveforms for on-line monitoring of the acquisition and histograms, background subtraction, peak fitting, energy calibration, ROI selection, dead time compensation, etc.
  • Provide output both the energy - time stamp lists from each enabled channel for off-line analysis and spectra as 1-column ASCII or ANSI N42.42 compliant files, including all the useful information for the commercial or user defined software for quantitative analysis.

-Suitable drivers for all the different type of communication

-General purpose libraries with demo sample

-DPP-PSD control software: interface for the DPP-PSD management and the HV/ pre-amp power supply control.

-It should also able to manage hardware coincidences from different channels to the same Digitizer/ ADC/MCA and to handle different digitizers. To provide coincidence and anti-coincidences between pair of NaI(Tl and CsI(Tl) detector

-Should provide timing information

-Should work with Windows and Linux

Safety features to include:

-Over voltage/ under voltagewarning when the output voltage differs from the programmed value.

-Programmable VMAX hardware protection limit.

-Over current detection and safe switch off feature with appropriate warning message

Following should be submitted along with the quotations:

-Warranty period

-System should be supplied with manual.

-This will be used with phoswich detector consisting of 20 cm dia x 3 mm thick NaI(Tl) and 50 mm thick CsI(Tl) detector of lung monitor (Model No.Scionix203ADS3Ph51/3(3)M-E1-Cs-LB-X).