1500-Gallon Per minute Pumper Fire Truck

Mandan Fire Department

Mandan, North Dakota


The City of Mandan invites qualified bidders to submit bids for the purchase of a 1500-gallon per minute pumper. The equipment specified herein must be onsite and operational no later than October 1, 2016. Legal advertisement for invitation to bid will be published in the Mandan News, official newspaper for the City of Mandan, on October 30, 2015 and again on November 6, 2015. In addition, notice of invitation to bid is posted on the City of Mandan website at The City requires that a bid be submitted before 2:00p.m. local prevailing time on Monday November 23, 2015 to the City of Mandan, 205 2nd Avenue NW, Mandan, ND58554. Bids submitted after this date and time will not be accepted. The City will evaluate the bids for the purpose of selecting the responsive and responsible bidder with the lowest price.


2.01 Bid Form: The enclosed Bid Form must be submitted and all blanks completed in ink or type. The Form will list the equipment being offered, the bidder’s name, address and telephoneand FAX number, the appropriate contact person, date, and certification statement from anauthorized official of the firm that verifies the understanding and ability of the firm to provide therequested equipment in a timely manner, and that all required items are contained within the responseto this Invitation to Bid.

2.02 Experience and Qualifications: Each firm submitting a bid must provide a brief history of thefirm including years in business and size of the firm. In order to be responsible, a bidder must be ableto respond to a service call within 24 hours and verify that parts will be available within 72 hours.

2.03 References: Reference information is requested whereby each firm submitting a bid mustprovide at least three (3) references that are using the offered piece of equipment or similar model. Inorder to qualify for 2.20 above, these references will be in the United States upper Midwest region. References will be used to assurethe City of Mandan that the low bidder has been responsible in previous equipment procurementagreements.

2.04 Execution of Bids: Bids must be executed in the corporate name by the president, vice-president or other authorized corporate officer.

2.05 Bid Bond: Bidder shall provide attached to the bid of not less than 10 percent of the amount ofthe bid, which may be in the form of a certified check, a cashier’s check or bid bond made payable toThe City of Mandan. Such bid bond or check shall be submitted with the understanding that it shallguarantee that the bidder will not withdraw his bid during the period of sixty days following theopening of the bids.

2.06 Late Delivery Penalty: Late delivery of Fire Apparatus shall result in a liquidated damage of$100 per day. Upon written request the City of Mandan may approve deadline extensions due tounavoidable circumstances.

3.00 SPECIFICATIONS: See attached.


4.01 Statement of Warranty: The apparatus manufacturer shall provide details of all proposed warranties to include structural, paint &corrosion, tank, plumbing and allother components covered by separatesuppliers.

4.02 Electronic Manuals: Two (2) copies of all operator, service and parts manuals must besupplied at the time of the delivery.


5.01. Issuing Office: City of Mandan 205 2nd Avenue NW, Mandan, ND 58554.

5.02. Trade Allowance: Part of consideration for bid award will include a trade allowance for a 1993 Pierce Dash 1500 gallon per minute Waterous pump, 500 gallon poly water tank, and all emergency warning devices. The City of Mandan reserves the right to reject any trade allowance portion of the Invitation to Bid should the City feel the trade allowance is not sufficient

5.03. Inquiries: Interested bidders are encouraged to request clarification concerning specificationsand bidding requirements prior to submitting a bid. Simple clarifications may be directed bytelephone by calling 701-667-3288 Ext. 114 however, only written responses are binding socomplex/significant issues should be submitted via email (), FAX (701-667-3289), or letter at 110 Collins Avenue, Mandan, ND 58554. Responses to written and non-written inquiries will be availableup to 1 week prior to the bid closing date/time in order to allow bidders time to evaluate theresponses. All inquiries concerning this Invitation to Bid should be addressed to Mitch Bitz, Battalion Chief.

5.04. Closing Date/Time: In order for all bids to be fairly considered, a sealed bid shall be forwardedto the Issuing Office, clearly marked “Bid-Fire Truck” no later than 2:00 p.m., local prevailing timeon November 23, 2015. Without exception, bids delivered after this date and time will not be accepted. Allbids will be opened in the Issuing Office and made available for public inspection at the closing date &time.

5.05. Incurring Cost: The City is not liable for any cost incurred by any bidder, or selectedcontractor, prior to the execution of a contract.

5.06. Evaluation of Bids: The Issuing Office intends to award work under this Invitation to Bid tothe responsible bidder with the lowest responsive bid. Prices quoted are binding for the duration ofthe contract period as specified in this Invitation to Bid. After evaluation, the City of Mandan will issuea Notice of Intent to Award and allow all bidders the opportunity to comment prior to award.

5.07. Financing: The City will be financing a portion of the truck and will require finance options.

5.08. Negotiation with Lowest Bidder: In the case that the lowest bid exceeds the available funds ofthe City, the City reserves the right to negotiate with the apparent low bidder to obtain acontract price within available funds.

5.09. Bid Binding: The contents of the Bid, in its entirety, submitted by the bidder shall become anattachment to and part of the agreement between the successful bidder and the City of Mandan. The bidderagrees that this bid will remain open for sixty days after the day of the bid opening. This Invitation toBid shall become in total a part of the final contract. The submitted bid must be contained fully withina sealed envelope prior to the closing date/time. Writing on the outside of the envelope is not validand shall not be considered as part of the bid. The City reserves the right to withhold payment tothe successful bidder if any of the articles in this document are not upheld, until situation is rectified.

5.10. City of Mandan Rights: The City of Mandan reserves the right to reject any and all bids, or tocontact any bidder or reference prior to award for explanations or clarification. The City reservesthe right to waive any formalities and to award to the most responsive and responsible bidder.


PROJECT: Purchase of Fire Truck

City of Mandan, North Dakota

1. The undersigned Bidder proposes and agrees, if this Bid is accepted, to enter into an agreement withthe City of Mandan as stated in any future Notice to Proceed to complete all work as specified and within the timeindicated in the Notice to Proceed and in accordance with this Invitation to Bid. Bidder accepts all of the termsand conditions of the Invitation to Bid and Notice to Proceed. Bidder will sign the Agreement, and submit anydocuments required within seven days after the date of City of Mandan Notice to Proceed. Bidder must fill-inall blanks in ink or with type.





4. REFERENCES (of owners similar model apparatus):

a. Location: ______

Owner: ______

Phone Number: ______

Contact Person: ______

Email address: ______

b. Location: ______

Owner: ______

Phone Number: ______

Contact Person: ______

Email address: ______

c. Location: ______

Owner: ______

Phone Number: ______

Contact Person: ______

Email address: ______

5. COMMUNICATIONS (please print or type):

Contact Person: ______

Company: ______

Address: ______

Phone No.: ______FAX No.: ______

Email address ______


PROJECT: Purchase of Fire Truck

Mandan, North Dakota


(a) Total bid without trade $ ______

(b) 1993 Pierce trade allowance $

(c) Apparatus can be delivered on or before: October 1, 2016? Yes No ____

(d) A certified bid bond (or equivalent) is enclosed? Yes No ____


The undersigned is an official authorized to bind the bidder and hereby warrants that the bidder hascarefully reviewed the Invitation to Bid and is in compliance with the enclosed requirements. TheBidder understands that the City of Mandan will award the bid subject to the requirements in this Invitationto Bid to the bidder with the lowest Bid.Responsible Party:




Date: ______