Title / NameAddress
Postcode / Email
Phone / Mobile
Chaplaincy team
(if applicable) / (NB: If you are a member of a team it may be beneficial to join as a team. See over for details)
My reason for being a member of WCM UK is: (please tick )
I am active in chaplaincy or mission in the economy as part of my paid ministry for % of my time approximately.
I am a voluntary chaplain contributing an average of hours a month to this ministry.
I am retired from active ministry but want to keep in touch and informed about this form of mission.
I am a representative of an organization working in a related field. Please give details here.
Other reason. Please give details.
Individual Membership for 2017(for details of membership as part of a team see over) / £15
Option to have printed copies of WorkPlace People sent to the above address (2 issues) - £6/yr. (for an explanation please see over) Please cross through if you do not require this. / £6
Total (please sum)
please tick / Payment can be made by cheque or BACS transfer. Our bank details are: Unity Trust Bank. Account number: 20275352 Sort code: 60-83-01 (Please note this new sort code)
I enclose a cheque payable to the ‘Industrial Mission Association’
OR I will pay by BACS (Please use your initial and surname for reference) / Date BACS paid
Please print and send, with your cheque, if paying by cheque,to:-
Dick Johnson, WCMUK Membership Sec, 120 Carthorse Lane, REDDITCH B97 6SZ
Or, if paying by BACS, you may prefer to complete this form and send as an attachment to Dick at
Dick can also be contacted by phone on 01527 61936 or 07946 655450
NB: Data protection. By paying your sub you are agreeing to the IMA (operating as WCM UK) [The Association] keeping this information on a database. The information will be used only for the purposes of maintaining your membership of the Association and will not be shared with 3rd party organizations or individuals. Many members have asked to have contact details of othermembers, to facilitate networking. As this is one of the primary purposes of the Association a directory may be produced of names, contact details and chaplaincy activity of members and distributed only to members. By signing up as a member you agree to theAssociation using your information in this way. If you prefer not to be included please contact the Membership Secretary to say so.
2018 Membership
Individual Membership
Membership covers any part of a calendar year and there is no discount for those joining part way through a year (except for paper copies of WorkPlace People – see below). Membership renewals are sent out in December/January. The individual subscription for 2018 is £15.
Individuals should complete an ‘Individual Membership Form’, available on the WCM UK website, and return it to the Membership Secretary. Payment may be made by BACS transfer. If paying by cheque please print the form and send it, with the cheque, by post.
Team Membership
A team can sign up their members together. The more members, the cheaper per person it becomes.
Cost/member (£)For the first 3 members / 15
For the next 7 members (4 – 10) / 7
For the next 20 members (11 – 30) / 5
For the next 30 members (31 – 60) / 4
For the next 40 members (61 – 100) / free
For each member above 100 / 3
The definition of a team, and who qualifies as a team member, is deliberately as broad as possible; in order to encourage as wide a range of interested people to join. They might be chaplains (paid or voluntary), trustees, ‘friends of’, retired chaplains, supporters, or even supporting churches. The sliding scale means teams of more than 60 members will find the team’s annual cost of membership to be capped at £314 – with this rising slightly for the very largest teams with over 100 members.
Teams should use the ‘Team Membership Form’ available from the WCM UK Website, and send it to the Membership Secretary WITHOUT PAYMENT. An invoice will then be sent.
Printed Copies of WorkPlace People Magazine
WorkPlace People (formerly IMAgenda) is the magazine of Workplace Chaplaincy Mission UK and editions will be distributed direct to all members as an email link.
Members may opt to have WorkPlace People sent to them as a printed copy at an extra cost of £6/year for two editions (or pro rata at £3 per edition). You may request printed copies at any time during the year by contacting the membership secretary.
Individual members can add this extra cost to their membership fee when they join or renew their membership using the Individual Membership Form.
Those signed up and paid for by their team as members can do one of two things.
EITHER, ask their team to request and pay (on their behalf) for a printed copy.
OR, ask their team administrator to request printed copies on their behalf, and that a separate invoice be sent to the member for this extra cost.