Wellington City Work Meeting6/11//2016

Wellington City Work Meeting Minutes

Meeting held Wednesday, June1, 2016

at the Wellington City Hall

Located at 150 West Main Street, Wellington, Utah

at5:30 P.M.

City Council Present:

Mayor Powell, Councilman Tatton, Councilman Wells, Councilman Sanslow, Councilwoman Noyes (joined later)

City Council Not Present:

Councilman Willson

City Staff Present:

City Recorder – Glenna Etzel

Agenda Item 1– FY 2017 Tentative Budget

Topics Discussed

General Fund – Revenue Receivable

The City Recorder briefly discussed the anticipated revenues for the upcoming fiscal year, 2017. Issues discussed in General Fund Revenues included the following:

General Taxes: During the current fiscal year, 2016, Wellington City only collected 85% of its anticipated revenue. Although the Certified Tax Rate, which is set by the Carbon County Auditor based on property values calculated by the County Assessor, Wellington City should receive approximately $101k for the 2017 fiscal year.

Class C Roads: Based on negotiations with Carbon County, the roads Wellington City will claim with the state will change. As a result the City’s anticipated revenues for this fund may or may not increase.

Marcus Bott Restitution: The City Recorder explained that Wellington City is no longer receiving restitution from this case. As a result this line item will be removed.

History Books: Councilmembers discussed selling these at a lower price in an effort clear storage space, and gain extra funds. These would sell at the Pioneer Days Celebration.

Sell of Assets: Councilman Tatton asked for clarification on a tractor at the City Shop. If this tractor is not in use, it would be ideal to sale.

Local Sales Option Tax: The City Recorder explained that the City has begun receiving tax revenue from the Local Sales Option Tax.

Water Fund – Revenue Receivable

The City Recorder noted that the City’s overall revenue collected in the Water Fund is steadily declining. To obtain an estimate for the water service revenues collected, the average utility uses were multiplied by an average of 2.5 gallons use for twelve months. Also discussed were the anticipated revenues collected from Penalties, Water Connection Fees, and Misc. Utility Service Charges. Councilmembers discussed reducing the meter budget to increase the waterline maintenance budget.

Sewer Fund

Councilmembers discussed setting aside funds in the Sewer Fund to begin repairs on the Sewer System. To meet these requirements an adjustment is needed to the Public Works Department pay allocation. Councilmembers also discussed the amount of the portion of sewer videoing in each year.

Irrigation Fund

The City Recorder explained that in preparing the budget the City should anticipate a loss of $79k in the irrigation fund. This amount however is offset by journal entries to clear the bonds payable. As a result, the balance sheet will not show a defect.

Sanitation Fund

Councilmembers suggested paying for Utility Postage from the Sanitation Fund.

Perpetual Care Fund

Councilmembers expressed concerns over the high costs of a mini excavator. Councilman Tatton explained that PRWID also was lead to believe the mini excavator for Century Equipment would be less. Councilmembers suggested eliminating this item from the budget, or finding it at a more reasonable price.

Recreation Fund

The proposed revenue receivable for the Recreation Fund is similar to the current fiscal year; the only major suggested change is increasing the General Fund Transfer to $10k.


The City Recorder discussed how deprecation of assets within the Enterprise Fund is calculated. As explained, although the depreciation is a line item to the budget, the City’s accumulated depreciation increases. Therefore, the overall balance sheet remains positive.

Bond Payments

The City Recorder discussed Bond Payments with the City Council. As explained, the City’s overall liabilities decline with each bond payment.

Cost of Living Adjustment

The City Recorder presented a Cost of Living Adjustment to the City Council and Mayor. It was suggested the City consider a two percent wage increase for all full-time employees.

Agenda Item 2 – Wellington City Fee Schedule

Topics Discussed

Cemetery Fees

Councilwoman Noyes suggested eliminating the non-resident fees receivable for the City Cemetery. The City Recorder will calculate how much is collected from non-residents, and the affect it could have on the budget. Councilmembers also discussed the time difference and space requirements of a cremation versus a traditional vault.

Animal License Fees

Councilmembers discussed commercial kennel licenses in comparison to small kennel licenses. Councilman Sanslow suggested the City consider a tier fee schedule based on number of chickens permitted.

Park, Multipurpose Room, and Gym Rental Fees

Councilmembers agreed to eliminate the non-resident fees collected to rent the park, multipurpose room, and gym. Instead it was suggested to increase these fees as follows:

Multipurpose Room: $50/day

Gym: $100/day + a $50 deposit

Park Pavilion: $50/day

Park Concession Stand & Pavilion: $100/day

Misc. Fees

The City Recorder suggested a Notary Fee of $3/signature. Present the City Fee Schedule is out of compliance with State Statues. A notarization cannot exceed $5/signature.

The Work Meeting adjourned at 7:10 p.m.

Minutes approved by City Council on May 18, 2016


Joan Powell, Mayor


Glenna Etzel, City Recorder

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