Incidents Relating to the Devonshire Arms Bexhill East Sussex.
DEVONSHIRE HOTEL, Bexhill – Serial Number 1385 of the 21.4.06
Police were called by the landlord of the pub about a problem customer. A customer stated that the male “kicked off” in the pub before assaulting the landlord. A description was given to the police and they located a male matching the description a short distance away from the premises.
6/2008/3: DEVONSHIRE HOTEL BEXHILL – Serial 1245 of 10.2.08 at 17.16 hrs.
Report to police of a problem male at the premises. No further information provided. On attendance of police male had left the premises. No information provided reference any crime having been committed.
9/2008/1: DEVONSHIRE HOTEL Bexhill – Serial 56 of 27.2.08 at 01.21 hrs.
Report to police stating that the informants son had been assaulted, suffering a possible depressed fracture of the skull. No exact location for assault or offenders. Initial enquiries also make officers believe that the injured party may have fallen. The reason for this entry on the report is as follows, staff at the premises have stated that the injured male was very drunk and has possibly hit his head on the step outside. CCTV images show a very intoxicated male in the Devonshire Square, Western Road area. Enquiries continuing. This incident did not reveal that any crime had been committed
12/2008/5:DEVONSHIRE ARMS Bexhill – Serial 1753 of 22.03.08 at 2322hrs.
Report to police of a male arguing with his brother who was refusing to leave the premises. Male was ejected from the premises and was asked to leave the area by police officers, but tried to regain entry. Arrested for being drunk and disorderly, a male 39years of age. Fixed Penalty Notice issued for being drunk and disorderly in a public place.
15/2008/2: DEVONSHIRE ARMS Bexhill – Serials 1712 of 10.04.08 at 21.32hrs.
A male assaulted a member of staff, by punching him in the face, after being asked to leave the premises. The male walked from the premises with his friend. Both males were located in the area of Western Road Bexhill. Whilst the offending male was being arrested his friend intervened, punching an officer to the shoulder.
Arrested for Assault ABH, a male 18years of age.
Arrested for Assault Police, a male 18years of age.
Both persons have been bailed to Hastings Police Station on the 25th April 2008.
The male arrested for Assault Police refused charge, no further action.
The male arrested for Assault ABH, investigation on going.
17/2008/5: DEVONSHIRE ARMS Bexhill - Serial1679 of 26.04.08 at 18.29hrs.
Report to police of a group of youths, about 16 years of age, outside the premises starting a fight with the landlord. No allegations made, no complaint and no offences disclosed.
18/2008/5: DEVONSHIRE HOTEL Bexhill - Serial 1416 of 03.05.08 at 17.16hrs.
Report to police of a drunk male who had been ejected from the premises and had broken a window to a shop in Endwell Road Bexhill.
Arrested for criminal damage and for being drunk and disorderly, a male 42years of age
Charged with the offences of criminal damage and being drunk and disorderly in a public place.