FFA Terms, 1.01

Term / Definition / My Sentence / Symbol
FFA Motto
Career Development Event (CDE)
FFA Officers
FFA Banquets
FFA Convention
Program of Activities(POA)
Greenhand Degree

FFA Bingo

Use the terms provided to fill in this bingo sheet. Note- do not use a term more than once and there are NO free spaces. You can get a FFA Bingo diagonally, horizontally or vertically. The teacher will call out the answer and the terms are the clues (kind of like Jeopardy).

Terms: FFA Motto, Greenhand Degree, Program of Activities, Committee, Chairperson, Banquet, Convention, FFA Colors, FFA Official Dress, Cross section of the corn, Eagle, Owl, Plow, Rising Sun, President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter, Sentinel, Career Development Event, 1965, 1969, 1928, Future Farmers of America, Future Farmers of Virginia, New Farmers of America, Cotton, Gavel


Term / Clue / Round #1 / Round #2 / Round #3 / Round #4
FFA Motto / Learning to Do, Doing to Learn, Earning to Live, Living to Serve
Greenhand Degree / The award at the end of your first year in FFA
Program of Activities / A list of events for the year
Committee / A small group of people that work to solve a problem
Chairperson / The leader of an organization
Banquet / A festivity at the end of the FFA’s school year where there are awards and food
Convention / Held in Raleigh, NC and Louisville, KY
FFA Colors / National Blue and Corn Gold
FFA Official Dress / White collared shirt, blue corduroy jacket, black pants, black shoes, tie
Cross section of the corn / The foundation of agriculture and the background of the FFA emblem
Eagle / The symbol of freedom
Owl / The advisor’s symbol
Plow / The vice president’s symbol
Rising Sun / The president’s symbol
President / The person who presides over meetings
Vice President / This FFA officer’s symbol is the plow
Secretary / They are in charge of making the minutes and the agenda
Treasurer / They are responsible for the budget and finances of the FFA
Reporter / They are responsible for telling everyone about the FFA
Sentinel / This officer’s symbol is friendship
Career Development Event / This is a competition based on skills learned in class
1965 / This is the year that the New Farmer’s of America merged with the FFA
1969 / This is the year that women were admitted to the FFA.
Future Farmers of America / This is the name of the FFA before it was changed in 1988.
Future Farmers of Virginia / This is the group that later became the Future Farmers of America.
New Farmers of America / This was the African American Organization that merged with the FFA.
Cotton / This was the symbol of the New Farmer’s of America.
Gavel / This is a symbol of authority used at meetings.