“The Head Of John The Baptist”

Mark 6:14-29

Introduction: Our study will deal with some of the characters involved in this account.

I. Herod

[Tetrarch, ruler of ¼ of nation, Matt. 14:1]

·  Superstitious (v. 14-16)

·  Politician (Matt. 14:5).

·  View Of John (v. 20a)

·  Ignorant (v. 20b, “did many things” - - NASB has “very perplexed”)

·  Liked To Listen To John (v. 20c, NASB)

Þ  Heard Flattery All The Time

Þ  John Very Plain And Candid

·  Sought To Please Wife (v. 17)

·  Foolish Oath (v. 23).

·  Worldly Sorrow (v. 26a - - see 2 Cor. 7:10).

·  Peer Pressure (v. 26b)

Þ  “Chicken”

Þ  “Save Face”

Þ  “Give In To Pressure”

·  Murderer (v. 27)

II. Herodias

[Blot to womanhood, yea even to humanity]

·  Not Committed To Marriage Vows (v. 17)

·  Filled With Hate, Ill-will, Malice, Grudge-bearing, Vengeful (v. 19)

·  Evil Influence

Þ  Husband (v. 17)

Þ  Daughter (v. 24)

·  A Real “Winner” (v. 28)

Þ  Opportunity To Gloat?

Þ  “What Have You To Say Now, John-Boy?”

Þ  “What’s Wrong, Cat Got Your Tongue?”

III. John

[A fearless, impartial prophet described by Jesus as no “reed shaken with the wind,” Matt. 11:7-9]

·  Prophesied (Mal. 4:5-6; Lk. 1:17)

·  “Trouble Maker” (v. 18)

Þ  Not First Time (Matt. 3:7-11; Lk. 3:7-14)

*  Stirred Up People

*  Can’t Preach Without Getting Someone Riled Up

*  Didn’t Urge Vague Generalities

*  Not - - “Preach Word, Leave People Alone”

·  Sin To Be Confronted (2 Tim. 4:2)

·  “It Is Not Lawful” (v. 18)

Þ  Can’t Make Something Wrong Right And Stay In It

Þ  Some Say About Unlawful Marriages:

*  “Get Baptized”

*  “Ask Forgiveness”

Þ  Didn’t Say This Because It Is Not True

IV. Herodias’ Daughter

[Josephus says her name was Salome. She is certainly the product of her mother’s morality]

·  Lasciviousness (v. 22)

·  Partner In Crime With Mother (vv. 24-25)

Þ  “Give me here” means “right now” (Matt. 14:8)

·  Received A Revolting Reward (v. 28)

V. The Disciples Of John

[Devoted followers of John]

·  Love, Care, Devotion (v. 29)

Conclusion: We can learn many things from this - - how to be courageous, how to have faith, how to stand for the truth, how not to conduct ourselves in the shameful manner of Herod and his family.

Why not be courageous and take a stand for truth by obeying the gospel today/(tonight?