Revised: 5/15/2013
1. Name: John Doe, MD
2. Office Address: Atlanta VA Medical Center
1670 Clairmont Road.
Decatur, GA 30033
3. E-mail Address:
4. Citizenship: United States Citizen
5. Current Titles and Affiliations:
a. Academic Appointments:
1. Primary Appointments:
Associate Professor of Medicine Division of General Medicine Emory University, School of Medicine; 2009 - Present
b. Clinical Appointments:
Chief, Section of Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical Care Medicine VA Hospital, Emory University; 2011- Present
6. Previous Academic and Professional Appointments:
Instructor in Medicine, Department of Medicine University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill, School of Medicine; 2001 - 2005
Assistant Professor of Medicine Division of Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical Care Medicine Emory University, School of Medicine; 2005 - 2009
7. Previous Administrative and/or Clinical Appointments:
Director, Pulmonary Physiology Laboratory Emory University Hospital - Midtown, Emory University; 2007- 2012
Associate Director, Respiratory Care Services Emory University Hospital - Midtown, Emory University; 2007- 2012
8. Licensures / Boards:
North Carolina Issued 2002
Georgia Issued 2006
9. Specialty Boards:
American Board of Internal Medicine 2003
American Board of Pediatrics 2003
Board of Pulmonary Medicine 2004
10. Education:
B.S., University of Michigan 1987-1991
M.D., University of North Carolina -Chapel Hill 1991-1995
11. Postgraduate Training:
Internship and Residency in Internal Medicine, Emory University Affiliated Hospitals, Atlanta, Georgia, Jane Doe, MD, PhD, 1995 -1999
Chief Medical Resident, UAB Hospital, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Jack Smith, MD, 1999 – 2000
Clinical Fellowship, Pulmonary/Critical Care Medicine, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Matt Martin, MD, 2000 - 2001
12. Continuing Professional Development Activities:
Master of Science in Clinical Research 2012
Woodruff Leadership Academy 2013
13. Committee Memberships:
a. National and International:
NIH: NHLBI Task Force on Research in Cardiopulmonary Dysfunction, Critical Care Medicine, 1993 -1994
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Clinical Working Group, 2003 - present
American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP) Clinical Pulmonary Medicine Network Steering Committee Member, 2004 – 2009
American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) Education Committee Member, 2011 – present
b. Regional:
VA Central Region Flow Inpatient Improvement Initiative (FIX) Steering Committee, 2006-2008
Southern Society of General Medicine Education Committee, 2009 - present
c. Institutional:
Ethics Committee at Emory University Hospital – Midtown, 1994 - 1995
Faculty Development Committee, Department of Medicine, 2003 – 2005
Pulmonary Grand Rounds Chair, 2005 - present
14. Peer Review Activities:
a. Grants:
i. National and International:
NIH Center for Scientific Review Special Emphasis Panel, Pediatric Heart Disease Network Review Panel, 2000
NIH- Grant review study section- “Chronic Kidney Disease”, 2006
ii. Institutional:
Ad-hoc reviewer for CFAR03 2011A Cycle, 2011
b. Manuscripts:
i. National and International:
JAMA, 1990-2000
AmericanJournalofMedicine, 2000-present
JournalofHealthCommunication, 2005-present
c. Conference Abstracts:
i. National and International:
American Diabetes Association 73rd Scientific Sessions Abstract Reviewer, 2013
ii. Regional:
Southern Regional Meeting Abstract Reviewer, 2008, 2010
15. Consultantships:
US Department of Education, health literacy and adult basic education in America, 1999
AstraZeneca, 2000 - 2001
16. Editorships and Editorial Boards:
Editorial board, Annals of Epidemiology, 1999
Editorial board, Archives of Medical Research, 1999 – 2003
Editor, Journal of Health Communication, 2001- present
17. Honors and Awards:
Edward Livingston Trudeau Scholar, American Lung Association, 1997 -1998
Young Faculty Research Award in Pulmonary Medicine, Southern Section, AFCR, 1999
Emory University Department of Medicine Housestaff Teaching Award, 2000
18. Society Memberships:
American Thoracic Society, 1980 - present
American Society of Gene Therapy, 2000 - present
19. Organization of Conferences:
a. National and International:
i. Administrative Positions:
Chairman, American Thoracic Society: Communications and Media Relations Committee, 2003 - 2005
Chairman, Organizing Committee for the Conference "Gene Therapy for Acquired Diseases", Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, May 12 – 15, 2005. Co-Sponsored by National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institutes
ii. Sessions as chair:
Co-Chairman, Critical Care Track Symposium, “Building the Critical Care Clinical Research Laboratory: A Practical Approach” American Thoracic Society International Conference, Atlanta, GA; 2008.
Co-Chairman, Critical Care Track Symposium, “Five special problems in the ICU: Cirrhosis, alcohol abuse, pregnancy, HIV, and care for the elderly” American Thoracic Society International Conference, Seattle, WA; 2010.
b. Regional:
i. Sessions as chair:
Southern Society of General Internal Medicine Annual Meeting Chair, 2007
20. Clinical Service Contributions:
Reorganized and assumed directorship of outpatient pulmonary clinics at Atlanta VAMC, 2009
21. Community Outreach:
a. General:
Periodic Health Fairs, Screening, and Health Promotion, Health Counsel Antioch Baptist Church, Atlanta, GA, 2008 – current
b. Media appearances:
ABC News/Good Morning America - “Common Cold vs. The Flu”
The Weather Channel – “Chilean Miner’s Rescue Health Issues”
22. Formal Teaching:
a. Medical Student Teaching:
PBL Preceptor for M2’s, 2001 – present
M1 Patient-Doctor Course, 2005 – present
b. Graduate Programs:
1. Residency Programs:
Morning report faculty for medical residents and interns, 1998 - present
Grady Memorial Hospital Combined Emergency Medicine/Internal Medicine Case Conference, 2000 – 2006
2. Fellowship Programs:
Lecturer, Gastroenterology Fellowship Core Lecture Series, Division of Digestive Diseases, Emory University, 2004 – present
3. Masters and PhD Programs:
Lecturer, Molecular Endocrinology, 1998 - present
c. Other Categories
Lecturer, Physician Assistant gastroenterology core lecture series, 2006 - present
23. Supervisory Teaching:
a. PhD Students Directly Supervised:
John Smith 2008 – 2012 Faculty at Emory University
Jane Allen 2010 - present Student
b. Post-doctoral Fellows Directly Supervised:
Mike Martin, M.D. 2004 - 2006 Private Practice
Mario Martinez, M.D. 2005 - 2006 Private Practice
John Toms, M.D. 2005 - 2007 Adjunct Faculty, Harvard
c. Residency Program:
Consultation Attending Physician, Fellowship Training Program, Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism, 2003 - present
d. Thesis committees:
Member of Ph.D Thesis committee for Mary Smith for Ph.D, Department of Biology, Chemistry and Developmental Biology 2009
Member of Ph.D Thesis committee for Susan Samuels for Ph.D, Department of Biology, Chemistry and Developmental Biology 2010
e. Other:
Tutorials in Clinical Cardiology 2007 - Present
Tutorial in the Pathogenesis of Atherosclerosis 2011 - present
24. Lectureships, Seminar Invitations, and Visiting Professorships:
a. National and International:
Ochsner Clinic, Visiting Professor, Pulmonary Grand Rounds, “The Importance of Glycemic Control in the Intensive Care Unit,” November 29, 2010, New Orleans, LA
Houston Critical Care Club, Guest Speaker, ““Effects of Sleep Deprivation and the 80-hour Work Week”, March 5, 2013, Houston, TX
b. Regional:
Gwinnett Medical Center Inpatient Medical Group CME Conference, “Update in Hospital Medicine” April 2009, Lawrenceville, GA
c. Institutional:
Grand Rounds Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Emory University School of Medicine, “Teaching in the Hospital: Strategies for Success” Jan 2010, Atlanta, GA
25. Invitations to National/International, Regional, and Institutional Conferences:
a. National and International:
American Thoracic Society International Conference, “Diabetic patients with septic shock have a decreased incidence of the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)” San Francisco, CA; 2008
Experimental Biology International Conference, “Glutathione homeostasis and lung injury in alcoholics”, New Orleans, LA, 2012
b. Regional:
9th Annual Southern Hospital Conference, “Update in Hospital Medicine, Atlanta, GA Oct 2009
c. Institutional:
Cardiology Morbidity and Mortality Conference, “Cardiac Amyloidosis” Emory University Hospital, January 5, 2010
26. Abstract Presentations at National/International, Regional, and Institutional Conferences:
a. Regional:
Smith G, Doe J. Recognition of Stroke in Sickle Cell Disease. Don’t Blame the Pain Meds. Presented at 11th Annual Southern Hospital Medicine Meeting, Atlanta, GA 2011*
Jones A, Sung K, Doe J. Sacral Tuberculosis: An Uncommon Location of a Common Disease. Presented at 13th Annual Southern Hospital Medicine Meeting, Atlanta, GA 2013
27. Research Focus:
Research has focused predominantly in 2 areas: medical education and health services of underserved populations. For the last 12 years, I focused on health literacy. I helped create an instrument now widely used to measure patients’ ability to read and understand health care information.
28. Patents:
a. Issued:
Artificial Viral Envelopes, U.S. Patent #3,279,124
b. Pending:
VU No. 3327: Antisense RNA for Viral Infections
29. Grant Support:
a. Active Support:
1. Federally Funded:
P.I., American Diabetes Association, Effect of hepatic insulin gene therapy on fuel substrate oxidation, food intake, and body weight, Innovative Award, $72,488, 2010 - current
2. Contracts:
PI, Company XYZ Research Grant, Albuterol and tissue remodeling, $30,000, 2001-2002
b. Previous Support:
P.I., Department of Veterans Affairs, A model of insulin gene therapy for IDDM, Merit Review, $203,000, 1996-1999
30. Bibliography:
a. Published and Accepted Research Articles (clinical, basic science, other) in Refereed Journals:
1. Doe J., Smith MK, Jones TH: Effects of calcium and verapamil on vesicourethral smooth muscle in rabbits. Urology 2005: 22: 284-290.
2. Williams P, Thomas JM, Doe J., Control of vascular tone by the endothelium: new insights. J Crit Illness 2008: 8(3):355-370.
b. Manuscripts Submitted:
1. Doe J., Factors affecting transgene expression in human bronchial epithelial cells lipofected with plasmids containing Epstein-Barr Sequences. Submitted, Exp Lung Research.
c. Review Articles:
1. Doe J, Sarampión: Conceptos actuales sobre un padecimiento antiguo. Gaceta Med Mex 2012:126(2): 121.
d. Symposium Contributions:
1. Doe J. “Putting a Face on the Problem: The Patient’s View. Executive Summary, Health Care Communication: A Key to Quality. ACP Foundation and the IOM; National Academy of Sciences. 2010.
e. Book Chapters:
1. Doe J. Pleural Disease. The Internal Medicine Casebook 2006,Volume 1. Schrier, R.W. ed. Little, Brown and Company Publishers. Pages 213-219.
f. Books Edited and Written:
1. Medical Management of the Surgical Patient 4th Edition Smith/Jones/Doe, Cambridge University Press 2010
g. Manuals, Videos, Computer Programs, and Other Teaching Aids:
1. Gastroenterology Fellowship Training Manual, Emory University School of Medicine, Division of Digestive Diseases, 2004 - present
h. Published Abstracts:
1. Patel H, Doe J, Roberts K. Diversity of mitral valve structure in patients with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: evidence for a primary mitral valve abnormality (abstr.) Circ 1990;82 (suppl III):III-293.
Revised 12/12/13
Name Date 2