Basalt Fire-Rescue

Volunteer’s Newsletter

/ “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.”
- John F. Kennedy
November 2, 2010


A Message from the Chief

I would like to begin by expressing my thanks to all volunteers for contributing your personal time to the District. On a near daily basis I see our members leaving their families, jobs or pastimes to respond for emergencies in our community. Things are not getting easier for any of you, yet I continue to see many personal sacrifices again and again. You can never be thanked enough, all of you are truly the unselfish heroes of our community and I thank you.

I would like to apologize for all the e-mails and miscommunications concerning the Annual Awards Dinner. The original thought was to provide for an Awards Dinner and a summer event instead of just one expensive dinner at the Roaring Fork Club. I never want anyone to have the misconception that the Board of Directors would cut volunteer benefits. The Board

has stated that volunteer benefits will not be cut. The Board and I have great respect for our volunteer staff. The volunteers are the true backbone of our organization and without the volunteer force the District would not be able to fulfill our mission. The first and foremost priority for the paid staff, including myself, is retention, training and support of our volunteer force.

I would like to make all of you aware of a change in job titles. Brian Benton is being promoted to the position of Deputy Chief of Operations. Jerry will continue as the Administrative Deputy Chief and Cleve as the Volunteer Deputy Chief. Cleve and Jerry have done a great job and the reasoning behind this is not performance, but more due to a need to expand and add to our coverage. Also, in all honesty, the Office of Fire Marshal is simply not busy enough for three people any longer. Within the District, the majority of our staff, either paid and volunteer, have minimal or no experience with large career type events. We preach firefighter safety during all incidents and assuring a chief officer’s presence during complex incidents goes a long

ways toward safely mitigating an emergency scene. Experience gained when combined with proper education is simply what prevents loss of life or injury. Cleve, Jerry and Brian have proven themselves during large incidents not to mention gaining our trust. We currently lack 24-7 coverage by a chief officer and by making this appointment we will accomplish this goal. Brian’s responsibilities will include all operations of the District, assisting with training, vehicle training, vehicle and building maintenance as well as continuing work in the Office of the Fire Marshal as needed. We are privileged to have someone as qualified and skilled as Brian and I feel he will fill this roll well. I hope you support Brian as he continues to be a great asset to our District.

Happy Birthday

To Our



Craig Williams

David Herrera

Greg Bailey

(If we missed your birthday please let us know so we can update our records)

Board Update

NOTE:The October meeting of the Board of Directors was rescheduled for this Thursday, November 4th at 5:30PM.

Agenda for Nov. 4, 2010


Public Comment


  • Chief’s Report
  • Financial/Budget
  • 2011

Attorney’s Report


Board Member Comment

Staff Comment

Unfinished Business

New Business

Training Opportunities



Are you ready for winter? Are you sure you are?Is your vehicle ready for winter? Now is the time to check! Roads get slippery so “slow down” and put on the SEAT BELT. And put down the damn phone!!

Safety must be a primary consideration in everything that we do. Come to the work details to make sure our apparatus are in good working order; the attendance seems to decrease at this time of the year, so come and help.

Question…what is the leading cause of death for firefighters? If you knew the answer is heart related deaths, pat yourself on the back. Did you get a physical exam this year? If not you should so you don’t have to be rescued at an incident!

Safety first and foremost!


The recent weather change has also added an increase in calls due to ice and frost. No one ever seems to be prepared when the first snow storms arrive. Look at the line of cars outside the tire stores and remember that you still need to put on your snow tires. Be careful until you do.

Flu shots are available again this year through Eagle County Community Health. We have a letter of good standing that must be presented to the nurse for any members who would like to get a flu vaccine. They can be picked up with a signature from Erin in the front office. Clinical hours for vaccinations at the Eagle County Building are on Fridays from 9 to 11am. A flu clinic will also be held on Tuesday Nov 9th from 4 to 7 PM. Be aware that there may be a lot of people there for the same reason.

November is our yearly infection control update for EMS training. OSHA has mandated that all of us receive an update on PPE practices and any new concerns regarding infectious diseases or new outbreaks in public health. Although required and informative, this training is hard to keep interesting. How many ways are there to discuss hand washing techniques? I have been in touch with a Physician’s Assistant from Vail Valley Medical Center who is in charge of Infection control. He also teaches many other subjects, so we will add a presentation on sepsis to go along with his version of Infection Control. He is a very dynamic speaker and I believe this will be a good presentation to attend. He will also be paid in pizza and will need help in eating it all.

Early reminder: The EMS and Fire Conference is to be held in Grand Junction on January 27th – 29th. Please register before January 1st.


Total calls for service:46

Total Trauma:05

Total Medical:08

Total Refusals:08

Transport to AVH:04

Transport to VVH:09