Homework and Class Work for ENG 100

Friday, Sept. 28, 2012

1st Pd: Autumn Bailey,Alli Banks, Gus Bartley, Kylie Ball, Jordan Cornett, Baileigh Garvin, Joseph Greenhill, Coleen Helvey, Daniel Johnson, Candace Justice, Sebastian Taylor, Sumner McCarty, Brianna Means, Brianna Meckleburg, Casey Phillips, Andrea Wallace

3rdPd: Mark Dameron, Dylan Lambert, Taylor Conn, Rachel Malone, Trevor Newsome, Canon Vice, Ian Ray

5th Pd: Ivy Creahan, Kayla Farthing, Spencer Griggs, Spencer Perry, Brooke Ratliff, Samantha Rowley, Taylor Summers


Turn in Analysis Assignment from Thursday.


Lecture Notes:

The analysis will form the body of the essay. This is where you will include a detailed explanation of the strategies used by the writer.

When analyzing rhetorically you will analyze for

  1. Appeals
  2. Logos
  3. Pathos
  4. ethos
  5. Style
  6. Details
  7. Imagery
  8. Diction
  9. Syntax
  10. Tone
  11. Etc.

You should already be familiar with Details and Imagery. We went over diction earlier this week. Today’s focus is on Syntax and tone.

  1. SYNTAX - refers to the way words are arranged within sentences

There are four categories we will look at when looking at syntax. They are:

1. Schemes/Tropes

2. Sentence Length

3. Sentence Type

4. Punctuation

See Powerpoint on Teacher Page entitled “How to Analyze a Text,” slide #23


Most English sentences follow a subject-verb-object pattern. (I.E. I went to the store.) Deviating from this pattern can serve to add emphasis to the author's ideas.

See Slide # 24 of PPT.

See attached handout over Schemes and Tropes or print form teacher page. Read this page!

There will be a quiz over the Tropes on the handout on Tuesday, October 2 and a quiz over the schemes on the handout on Friday, October 5.


Another aspect of syntax is sentence length. Good writers will use a variety for emphasis.

  • Short sentences - imply straightforward info or attitude
  • Long Sentences - imply description, detail


A third aspect of syntax is sentence type. Again, good writers use a variety to affect the message.

View PPT slide #25


View PPT slide # 26

See attached "Some Guidelines for Choice of Sentence Structure" handout or print it out from teacher page. Read. You will be expected to analyze for these things and explain the effects they have on the message.


View PPT slide #27

When discussing an author's tone, you must be careful to choose the right word.

See attached "List of Tone Words" handout or print out from teacher page.

This is a small list of tone words. There are hundreds more. Use these in your essays to describe the tone of the piece but only if you are sure ou know the word's meaning (not sure- look it up in the dictionary).