Tina Riccio Southington High School
Course Overview and Objectives:
Students develop a command of the Spanish language and they achieve proficiency in all language skills. This class is conducted entirely in Spanish and all students speak only Spanish to their teacher and their classmates; this includes formal discussions as well as casual conversations.[CR1] During the first week of school the students’ abilities are assessed in order to customize the instruction to their strengths and weaknesses. Students use Spanish to understand the written and spoken word, to express themselves well orally and in writing in a variety of styles, and will use different strategies to demonstrate understanding of the products, practices and perspectives of Spanish speaking cultures, depending on the situation presented. [CR7]
To teach this class several books are used and material is pulled from many sources. [CR2a] [CR2b] [CR2c]
Triángulo Aprobado (Wayside) is the main texts with Modern Spanish Prose (Pearson Prentice Hall) and Abriendo Puertas (McDougal Littell) as supplemental texts.
Student Activities and Teaching Strategies:
A. Formative Assessments:
The Triángulo Aprobado book has many activities that improve all the skill areas, i.e. reading, listening, speaking, and writing. [CR3a] [CR3b] [CR4a] CR4b] [CR5a] [CR5b] It also has vocabulary and grammar activities that broaden their understanding of idiomatic expressions, cognates, complex structures, etc. The site provides students with extra activities they can accomplish at home and send to me. In class we have many small group and whole class discussions in a Socratic format during which students share ideas and opinions. With Abriendo Puertas they are provided with a thorough grammar review for their reference. There are also several short stories we will read throughout the year out of Modern Spanish Prose and other sources.
There are also websites that we visit for authentic resources including online print, audio, and audiovisual resources. [CR2a] [CR2b] [CR2c] These activities build proficiency in all modes of communication moving students to the pre-advanced level.
CNN en español:ñol
Radio Naciones Unidas:
Youtube videos and music BBC:
These links are posted on the my school webpage.
B. Summative Assessments:
Students refine their Spoken Interpersonal, Interpretive, and Presentational Communication skills in formal and informal contexts by participating in classroom discussions and debates and in the various language laboratory activities. [CR3a] [CR5a]
I use the Triángulo Aprobado text for practice speaking topics. They participate in the simulated conversations and present some of the formal speaking topics in the language laboratory. They record themselves on the computer and I collect them to listen and grade at a later time. [CR5a] These activities help with their aural comprehension skills as well. [CR3a]
Formal and informal speaking assignments are done in the language laboratory every week to simulate exam conditions. Students have a digital portfolio of all their recordings.
Students increase the comprehension skills of written and aural materials in formal and informal contexts by reading and listening to a wide variety of authentic sources, including newspaper and magazine articles, literary texts, TV programs, videos, youtube videos, etc. [CR4a] [CR4b]
Students read Spanish newspapers on line and choose an article to present to the class every Friday. The class discusses and debates the topics presented. They also read and analyze literary texts, such as short stories and poems. [C6]
Students are given pre-reading activities as well as post reading activities, such as comprehension, interpretation and analysis activities.
They also research information about various topics for class presentations.
Students listen to narratives and dialogues to make inferences, predictions and interpret linguistic cues. The Triángulo Aprobado text and other audio sources provide them with many different accents and regional dialects. They answer questions and write and speak formally and informally about these texts.
Students also listen to youtube videos, songs, radio broadcasts and news reports online. In the beginning they are allowed to listen more than once and the online texts often have the text written for them on the screen. By the end of the year, they are not allowed to listen more than once and are not allowed to read the screen.
Students are encouraged to take notes while they are listening and to listen for the main idea. In the beginning, they are allowed to review what they heard with a classmate to check comprehension and compare notes.
Students increase their Written Interpersonal Communication skills, Written Presentational Communication skills, and Interpretive Communication skills in formal and informal contexts with frequent writing assignments, including journal entries and formal essays in which they need to synthesize written and aural materials. [CR3b] [CR4b] CR5b]
Students write in their journals every day Monday through Thursday and turn their journals in on Friday. The topics are free choice, but must be related to current theme studied. Journals are graded based on improvement and not repeating previously corrected errors.
Students write informal and formal essays on alternating weeks. Their topics come from Triángulo Aprobado. They synthesize written and aural materials in their formal essays.
Formal and informal writing assignments are sometimes done in class to simulate the exam conditions. In these situations, students may not use any other resources other than those presented and the topic is unannounced. The topic is related to recently studied vocabulary. Peer editing is allowed on some for some of these essays.
They also write literary analysis of short stories; they discuss character development, theme, symbolism, etc.
Students have a portfolio of all their formal and informal essays (hard copies or online).
Students will further their knowledge and understanding of the many cultures of the Spanish speaking world and their products, practices, and perspectives by studying their history, art, architecture, literature, current events and political and economic situations of various Spanish speaking countries. [CR7] [CR8]
Students write about, discuss and debate literary topics, cultural topics and current events.
Monthly Outline:
agosto Tema: Las identidades personales y públicas [CR6d]
Preguntas esenciales:
¿Cómo se expresan los distintos aspectos de la identidad en diversas situaciones?
¿Cómo influyen la lengua y la cultura en la identidad de una persona?
¿Cómo se desarrolla la identidad de una persona a lo largo del tiempo?
Triángulo Aprobado: Capítulo 4
Actividades adicionales:
Presentación: “mi bolsa”
Video de youtube “Hiyab” [CR8]
septiembre Tema: Las identidades personales y públicas [CR6d]
Preguntas esenciales
¿Cómo se expresan los distintos aspectos del a identidad en diversas situaciones?
¿Cómo influyen la lengua y la cultura en la identidad de una persona?
¿Cómo se desarrolla la identidad de una persona a lo largo del tiempo?
Triángulo Aprobado: Capítulo 4
Abriendo Puertas gramática-pretérito/imperfecto
Actividades adicionales:
Presentación: “mi grupo estereotipado” [CR8]
Video de bbcmundo: “Los EEUU y la educación: batalla de una familia hispana”
Ensayo: Inmigración: soluciones posibles
octubre Tema: Las familias y las comunidades [CR6e]
Preguntas esenciales:
¿Cómo se define la familia en distintas sociedades?
¿Cómo contribuyen los individuos al bienestar de las comunidades?
¿Cuáles son las diferencias en los papeles que asumen las comunidades y las familias en las diversas sociedades del mundo?
Triángulo Aprobado: Capítulo 5
Abriendo Puertas gramática-por/para
Actividades adicionales:
Lenguas/Historia de España
Noche de película [CR9]: Los estudiantes escogen una película de un país hispanohablante que tiene relevancia cultural e histórica e invitan al público hispanohablante a verla con ellos
noviembre Tema: Las familias y las comunidades [CR6e]
Triángulo Aprobado Capítulo 5
Abriendo Puertas gramática- otros tiempos/pronombres
Actividades adicionales:
“Bodas de sangre”, Gabriel García Lorca-proyecto
“Una bonita combinación” Mercedes Abad
Fiestas y arquitectura de España
Youtube video “el rastro de Madrid” [CR7]
Redes sociales/Facebook video de youtube
“El lenguaje de los jóvenes”
diciembre Tema: La belleza y la estética [CR6f]
Preguntas esenciales:
¿Cómo se establecen las percepciones de la belleza y la creatividad?
¿Cómo influyen los ideales de la belleza y la estética en la vida cotidiana?
¿Cómo las artes desafían y reflejan las perspectivas culturales?
Triángulo Aprobado: Capítulo 6
Actividades adicionales:
Presentación: La arquitectura española [CR7]
El arte alternativo de España webquest
enero Tema: La vida contemporánea [CR6c]
Preguntas esenciales:
¿Cómo definen los individuos y las sociedades su propia calidad de vida?
¿Cómo influyen los productos culturales, las prácticas y las perspectivas de la gente en la vida contemporánea?
¿Cuáles son los desafíos de la vida contemporánea?
Examen del medio del año
Triángulo Aprobado Capítulo 3
Abriendo Puertas gramática- el subjuntivo
febrero Tema: La vida contemporánea [CR6c]
Triángulo Aprobado: Capítulo 3
Actividades adicionales:
Fiestas de España [CR7] [CR8]
Video de la tomatina [CR7] [CR8]
Youtube video de Splunge [CR7] [CR8]
marzo Tema: Los desafíos mundiales [CR6a]
Preguntas esenciales:
¿Cuáles son los desafíos sociales, políticos y del medioambiente que enfrentan las sociedades del mundo?
¿Cuáles son los orígenes de esos desafíos?
¿Cuáles son algunas posibles soluciones a esos desafíos?
Triángulo Aprobado Capítulo 1
Actividades adicionales:
“Carta del descubrimiento” Cristóbal Colón o
“La Araucana”, Alonso de Ercilla y Zúñiga (fragmentos)
Poesías por Pablo Neruda, Octavio Paz, Rubén Darío, y otros
Partes de “Yo, Rigoberta”, Rigoberta Menchú Proyectos/presentaciones formales de las relaciones entre nosotros y estos países
Video de la entrevista de Rigoberta Menchú [CR8]
Video de Madres de la plaza de mayo [CR8]
abril Tema: La ciencia y la tecnología [CR6b]
Preguntas esenciales:
¿Qué impacto tiene el desarrollo científico y tecnológico en nuestras vidas?
¿Qué factores han impulsado el desarrollo y la innovación en la ciencia y la tecnología?
¿Qué papel cumple la ética en los avances científicos?
Triángulo Aprobado: Capítulo 2
Actividades Adicionales:
Youtube video: Yo soy #132 [CR7]
Youtube video: La brecha digital [CR7]
Noche de cultura [CR9]:
IDEA 1: Los estudiantes usan tecnología para presentar sus proyectos e ideas para la comunicación global.
IDEA 2: Los estudiantes invitan a un conferenciante de la embajada o de la universidad para hablar de un tema escogido (desafíos mundiales o la brecha digital)
mayo Tema: Nuestros vecinos: hispanos en los EEUU [CR 6e]
Preguntas esenciales:
¿Quiénes son nuestros vecinos?
¿Cómo nos influimos?
¿Por qué es importante mantener la cultura y la lengua?
Repaso de vocabulario y gramática
Entrevistas de hispanohablantes en nuestra comunidad: hablar de la situación actual de estas personas y las diferencias entre las culturas (la situación económica, política, etc.) [CR9] Los estudiantes presentan sus entrevistas a la clase
junio Temas escogidos por los estudiantes
Literatura: [CR7] [CR8]
Ensayos de Unamuno
“El limo del Almendrares” Lydia Cabrera
“La muerte y la brújula”, Jorge Luis Borges
“La continuidad de los parques”, Julio Cortázar
“La siesta de martes”, Gabriel García Márquez
Examen final
40% Interpretive Tasks: reading, listening, vocabulary, grammar
30% Interpersonal Tasks: speaking with partners (formal and informal), participation
30% Presentational Tasks: writing and speaking (formal and informal)
Make up work: Students have one week to make up work due to a medical absence.
Homework: Students need to hand in assignments the day they are due; no credit is given for late assignments.
Plagiarism: Students are allowed to use online dictionaries, such as but NO online translators are allowed. All work, written and oral, is expected to be your own without the help of others. Anyone submitting work that is not their own will receive a zero for the assignment and be subjected to the district disciplinary consequences for cheating (refer to student handbook)