Escalator East To Edinburgh 2014 Application Form
Please read through the guidelines before filling in this form. It can be downloaded from and contains detailed notes on how to approach the application.
Please return completed forms (including the monitoring form at the end of this document) by email to:
Anthony Roberts
Deadline: Monday 18th November (12 noon)
Personal Information:Contact Name / Position:
Organisation name:
Contact number:
Postal address:
Please provide name(s), organisation and role of any Collaborators:
Your and Your Work (200 words)
A brief introduction to you and your work
Escalator East To Edinburgh Proposal: (400 words)
An outline of what you would like to do. You can include links to websites / video clips / supporting material
How will the company benefit from the Edinburgh Festival? (200 words) Why the Edinburgh Festival specifically rather than other outlets for the work. This is particularly relevant to companies and artists returning to the festival. You will need to demonstrate how this opportunity is a progression and strategic investment for your work rather than a perennial outing.
How will the region benefit the project after the festival? (200 words) An idea how the work presented in Edinburgh will benefit the East region after the festival.
Finance, Budget & Length Of Run (400 words):
Ideally we’d like you to include a very rough spreadsheet with indicative costs which reflect length of run. Ideal venue options and reasoning will be useful. Length of run is important. Please read guidelines carefully here. Split venue is a new option here. Please note the proposal will be assessed by professionals with a keen sense of Edinburgh costings so the more realistic and reasonable the budget the better your chances of success.
Disability Access Initiatives (400 words):
We are keen to hear about any thoughts or ideas you have in making your show accessible to disabled people. There are a huge number of ways this can be done and we hope to offer support and advice in the area as this is a learning process for the scheme too. Please see guidelines.
Audience (200 words):
How you might engage with the public, how the work will benefit audiences in the short and long term, both in Edinburgh and beyond.
Escalator East to Edinburgh Equal Opportunities Monitoring
Escalator is working towards best practice in its Equal Opportunities policy and considers applicants on the strength of their proposal regardless of gender, age, race or disability. To assist us in monitoring and for this purpose only, please provide the details requested below. This information will not be used by those involved in selection procedures, and will be kept separate on receipt and treated as confidential. If you do not know some of the information or prefer not to provide it, please mark x next to ‘Prefer not to answer’ box.
How would you describe your ethnic origin?
British ☐
Irish ☐
Any other white background ☐
Black or Black British
Black ☐
African ☐
Black Caribbean ☐
Any other black background ☐
Asian and white ☐
Black African and white ☐
Black Caribbean and white ☐
Chinese and white ☐
Any other background from more than one ethnic group ☐
Asian or Asian British
Asian Bangladeshi ☐
Asian Indian ☐
Asian Pakistani ☐
Asian background ☐
Chinese ☐
Any other ethnic group ☐
Prefer not to answer ☐
Please tell us how you would like to describe yourself if none of the above is suitable
Do you consider yourself to be disabled?
Prefer not to answer ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐
Prefer not to answer ☐ Male ☐ Female ☐
How did you hear about the scheme?