Gastro-Intestinal (GI) Consequences of Pelvic Radiotherapy

Task and Finish Working Group - Terms of Reference


NICaN will establish a task and finish group to assess the current pathway for patients with gastro-intestinal consequences following pelvic radiotherapy treatment to bring forward recommendations to improve the pathway and patients’ experience.

The working group will take account of strategic developments already being progressed by established HSCB groups namely:the Transforming Cancer Follow Up Programme (TCFU),Radiotherapy Expansion Programme and Development of Acute Oncology.

The scope of the group’s assessment will comprise: diagnostic/referral pathways, medical and surgical management of patients with GI consequences of pelvic radiotherapy.

Specifically the GI Consequences of Pelvic Radiotherapy task and finish group will focus on:

  • Establishing a baseline
  • Identify a clinical champion within each Trust
  • Implementation of redesigned pathway to include patient information, raising awareness with GPs and introduction of treatment summary records (the early part of Royal Marsden algorithm)
  • Explore the way forward with complex cases

The Working Group will operate as a task & finish group and will produce a report to NICaN and HSCB before end of February2016. It is envisaged that the working group will meet regularly and include external input from elsewhere in the UK.


The Working Group will be chaired by Dr Tony Tham, Consultant Gastroenterologist, South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust


Membership will be sought from individuals with HSC Trusts, HSCB and PHA, NI Cancer Registry, and Patient and Public Involvement.

The following membership is proposed

Consultant Oncologists / Dr Jackie Clarke – BHSCT
Dr Anne Drake –BHSCT
Dr Ursula McGivern – BHSCT
Dr Darren Mitchell - BHSCT
Dr Suneil Jain - BHSCT
Consultant Gastroenterologist / Dr Tony Tham – SEHSCT
Dr Andrew Murdock – SHSCT
Dr Charlie Ferguson - WHSCT
Dr Graham Turner – BHSCT Intestinal Failure Unit
Dr Mike Mitchell – BHSCT
Dr Colin Rodgers – NHSCT
Dr Eugene Campbell– WHSCT
Dr Gerard Rafferty - BHSCT
Consultant Colorectal Surgeon / Professor Keith Gardiner – BHSCT Intestinal Failure Unit
Mr William Wallace – BHSCT
Representation from the other trusts to be confirmed.
Palliative Care Consultant / Dr Bernie Corcoran - BHSCT
Dr Joan Regan - BHSCT
Primary Care / Dr Gerry Millar – GP, SHSCT
Macmillan Cancer Support / Ms Liz Henderson – Special Advisor RTS
Clinical Psychology / Dr Nuala Brady, Clinical Psychologist, NHSCT
Trust Management / Ms Davinia Lee, General Manager Cancer Services, BHSCT
Ms Pat McClelland, General Manager, Cancer Services, NHSCT
Ms Wilma Boyd-Carson, Clinical Manager for Cancer Service, SEHSCT
Ms Elizabeth England, Macmillan Lead Nurse / General Cancer Manager, WHSCT
Ms Fiona Reddick, Head of Cancer Services, SHSCT
Cancer Nursing / Ms Elish McColgan –Gynae Oncology CNS, BHSCT
Ms Kerry Chambers –Uro-Oncology CNS, WHSCT
Ms Martina Finn – Colorectal CNS, SET
Specialist Radiographer / Ms Helen Vennard, Breast/Gynae Specialist Radiographer, BHSCT
Mr Pat Sheils, Bracytherapy Specialist Radiographer, BHSCT
Allied Health Professional / Ms Thamra Ayton, Physiotherapist, BHSCT
Ms Alison Robinson, Physiotherapist, BHSCT
Ms Brenda Nugent, Dietician, BHSCT
Experts by experience / Mrs Janine McCann
Urology PPI representative TBC
NI Cancer Registry / Dr Anna Gavin
PHA / Dr Miriam McCarthy -Consultant in Public Health
Ms Jenny Keane – AHP Consultant
Ms Mary Jo Thompson – Nurse Consultant
NICaN / Ms Lisa McWilliams – Network Manager
Dr Martin Eatock – Medical Director NICaN
Ms Edel Aughey – Service Improvement Lead

The Working Group will be supported by Cancer Network Personnel.

Other members will be co-opted on as required.

Accountability and reporting arrangements

The Groups authority will come from its credibility. This credibility will be evidenced by the application of the Group and its member’s knowledge and expertise. It will be the principal source of advice to indicate service improvements that are possible within existing resources, and to quantify theresource implications of any proposed development in line with best evidence available.

Individual members will be accountable to their own profession and are responsible for reporting back to their own multi-disciplinary teams. The Lead/Chair of the group will be held accountable to the NICaN Board, via a member of the NICaN management team, for the delivery of the agreed work plan. The Lead/Chair will be responsible for reporting to the NICaN Board annually.

Version 4, March 2015