Notice is hereby given that Doncaster Borough Council (‘the Council’) propose for the purposes of reducing crime and antisocial behaviour to make a Gating Order under Section 129A of the Highways Act 1980 and of all other enabling powers.

The effect of the Order will be to restrict at all times the public right of way over the highways at the rear and/or side of properties located on Thorne Road, Zetland Road, Balmoral and Osbourne Roadall of which are situated within the Town Moor area of Doncaster

Alternative routes for pedestrians and vehicles are available by using the highways to the front of properties located on Thorne Road, Zetland Road, Balmoral and Osbourne Road all of which are situated within the Town Moor area of Doncaster.

A draft of the proposed Order is set out in the Schedule below.

A copy of the proposed Order, the Council’s statement of reasons for making the Order and plan are available for inspection at the Central Library, Waterdale, Doncaster during normal opening hours. A copy of the proposed Order, the Council’s statement of reasons for making the Order, a plan and other associated papers are available for inspection at the offices of the Council’s Community Safety Consultant at Civic Office, Waterdale, Doncaster between the hours of 10am and 4pm Monday to Friday

Any representation or objection to the proposed Order must be insent in writing and addressed to the Assistant Director Legal and Democratic Services (ref L/CP/KM/47280) Civic Office, Waterdale, Doncaster DN1 3BU not later than the 3rd day of March2014. Please state the grounds on which it is made.







Doncaster Borough Council (“the Council”) in exercise of its power under section 129A of the Highways Act 1980 (“the Act”) and of all other enabling powers being satisfied that premises adjoining or adjacent to the highway are affected by crime or anti-social behaviour, the existence of the highway is facilitating that crime or anti-social behaviour and it is expedient to make the Order for the purposes of reducing that crime or anti-social behaviour hereby make the following Order:-

1This Order shall come into operation on the day of 2014 and may be cited as “Doncaster Borough Council Balmoral Road/Zetland Road/Thorne Road/Osbourne Road/Imperial Crescent Town Moor Doncaster Gating Order 2014”

2Except as provided in Article 3 to this Order no person shall use the public right of way over the highways (“the highways”) described in Part One of the Schedule to this Order at any time

3The restriction in Article 2 to this Order shall not apply to any person who lives in premises adjoining the section of highways affected and anyone authorised by them or to any business premises adjoining the said highways or to any Police, Ambulance or Fire Service personnel acting in pursuance of statutory powers or duties, persons acting in their capacity as officers of the Council in pursuance of statutory powers or duties or anyone authorised by the Council or to any statutory undertaker, gas, electricity, water or communications provider requiring access to their apparatus situated in the highways.

4The alternative route for pedestrians and vehicles affected by this Order is by using the public right of way over the highways described in Part Two of the Schedule to this Order

5The Council is satisfied that the conditions set out in Section 129A(3) of the Act have been met in relation to this Order.

6The installation, operation and maintenance of lockable gates to enforce the restriction of public rights of way is hereby authorised.

7Maintenance and operation of the gates will be the responsibility of Doncaster Borough Council. If you need to contact the Council regarding the gates please telephone the Council’s Community Safety Consultant on 01302 737069 or 736000.

8This Order will be available for inspection at the offices of the Council’s Legal Services Unit, Civic Office, Waterdale, Doncaster for a period of one year from the day of 2014 and will be published on the Council’s website.

9This Order will be registered in the Register of Gating Orders, at the offices of the Council’s Community Safety Consultant at Civic Office, Waterdale, Doncaster and a copy of the Order will be available to members of the public on payment of a reasonable charge.

10The interpretation Act 1978 shall apply for the interpretation of this Order as it applies for the interpretation of an Act of Parliament


Part One

Section one

1That highway to the rear of properties bearing numbers 96 and 98 Thorne Road Town Moor Doncaster and to the side of the property bearing number 179 Zetland Road Town Moor Doncaster

2That highway to the rear of properties bearing numbers 127 to 179 inclusive (odd numbers only) Zetland Road Town Moor Doncaster

3That highway to the side of the property known as “The Kews” Balmoral Road Town Moor Doncaster and to the side of the property bearing number 1 Balmoral Road aforesaid

4That highway to the side of properties bearing numbers 45 and 47 Balmoral Road Town Moor Doncaster and to the rear of properties bearing numbers 1 to 45 inclusive (odd numbers only) Balmoral Road Town Moor Doncaster

Section Two

1That highway to the rear of properties bearing numbers 6 to 42 inclusive (even numbers only) Balmoral Road Town Moor Doncaster and to the rear of properties bearing numbers 7 to 39 inclusive (odd numbers only) Osbourne Road Town Moor Doncaster

Part Two

Section one

1That highway at the front of properties bearing numbers 96 and 98 Thorne Road Town Moor Doncaster and to the front of the property bearing number 179 Zetland Road Town Moor Doncaster

2That highway to the front of properties bearing numbers 127 to 179 inclusive (odd numbers only) Zetland Road Town Moor Doncaster

3That highway to the front of property known as “The Kews” Balmoral Road Town Moor Doncaster and to the front of property bearing number 1 Balmoral Road aforesaid

4That highway to the front of properties bearing numbers 45 and 47 Balmoral Road Town Moor Doncaster and to the front of properties bearing numbers 1 to 45 inclusive (odd numbers only) Balmoral Road Town Moor Doncaster

Section Two

1That highway to the front of properties bearing numbers 6 to 42 inclusive (even numbers only) Balmoral Road Town Moor Doncaster and to the front of properties bearing numbers 7 to 39 inclusive (odd numbers only) Osbourne Road Town Moor Doncaster

GIVEN under the Common Seal of the Doncaster Borough Council…..

NOTICE DATED this 30th day of January 2014


Assistant Director Legal and Democratic Services

Civic Office


