Feb 14/15- Older

To Know Him… FOLLOW

Bible Passages: Luke 14:25-33

Key Bible Verse: And this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. (John 17:3 ESV)

Older Small Group (2nd-5th)

Welcome//15 min

1. Welcome

Visitors & Birthdays- As kids join your group today, make special note of any visitors and any kids who have a birthday this week. If you have any then let them pick a toy out of the prize bucket! And sing happy birthday as a small group!

2. Pre-Lesson Activity:

Give each child a worksheet to complete. On one side there is a crossword puzzle, and on the other side there is a word search. As they are working on it, see how the words could fit in with today’s lesson. Ask your children what they think it means to follow Jesus.


Older Small Group Activities// 30 min.

1. Bible Story Review

Use this time to help your kids process what they heard in the large group time. Give space for them to ask any questions they might have, and encourage them to look into the Scriptures for their answers. Review the following questions with your small group.

Say: At the end of large group, the teacher asked a couple of questions. I’m curious what your answers to those questions are. First, how about you - would you consider yourself a follower of Jesus? Have you given up everything to follow Jesus? Let the kids answer. Give them time to think, don’t just rush on to the next question. The second question was this: If you have not given up everything to follow Jesus, what is holding you back from doing that? What were some of your answers to this question?

Read Luke 14:25-33 again.

How do you think the people in the large crowd felt in these verses when Jesus told them they needed to give up everything to follow Him? (scared, afraid, unsure if they wanted to risk it)

Think of some things that those who followed Jesus received. Do you think it was worth it in the end? (peace of mind, hope, eternal life… YES it was worth it!)

What is something that Jesus wants you to do to follow him today? (read His Word, ask your mom or dad how you can pray for them, share with a friend about Jesus, be kind to your brother or sister)

Is there something in your life that you need to give up control to God?

Each of you received a tattoo that says “Follow” on it. When you look at that tattoo, what do you want it to remind you of?

OPTIONAL Gospel Share

If you choose to review with boys and girls how to become a Christian, explain that kids are welcome to speak with you or another teacher if they have questions. If a child in your group responds, make sure to pray with them and celebrate with them! Let them know that this is one BIG step in a lifelong journey of learning to follow Jesus. Let their parents and/or your campus coordinator know about this decision, and follow up with this child in weeks and months to come as they begin their journey as a disciple of Jesus Christ.

God rules. God created and is in charge of everything. (Gen. 1:1; Rev. 4:11; Col. 1:16-17)

We sinned. Since Adam and Eve, everyone has chosen to disobey God. (Rom. 3:23; 6:23)

God provided. God sent His Son, Jesus, to rescue us from the punishment we deserve.

(John 3:16; Eph. 2:8-9)

Jesus gives. Jesus lived a perfect life, died on the cross for our sins, and rose again so we can be welcomed into God’s family. (Rom. 5:8; 2 Cor. 5:21; 1 Pet. 3:18)

We respond. Believe that Jesus alone saves you. Repent. Tell God that your faith is in Jesus. (Rom. 10:9-10,13)

2. Bible Story Activity: Follow Feet

Give each child two sheets of construction paper. Have them cut out two large “feet” in the paper, or they can trace their shoes so that they have two separate “feet”. Let the children take their two feet and glue them to a sheet of white paper. At the top, have them write “I Will Follow”. Tell them to think of 2 or 3 things that they can do to follow Jesus. It can be something they do today or tomorrow, or even later in life. Have them write those things on the feet and encourage them to share with their parents why they put those things down on the paper.

3. Journal & Prayer Requests

Give each child a journal page. Have them answer the following question: Would it be easier to follow Jesus if you were in the Bible story and He were in front of you, or do you think its easier to follow Him today, knowing all we do from the Bible.