Francis Crick House,

Summerhouse Road,

Moulton Park Industrial Estate,



Date:4th May 2016


Dear I Cau

FOI Reference Number:2101-16

Thank you for your email dated 24th April 2016,requesting an internal review of the response to your request, regarding adequate arrangements for Travel for NHS Treatment.

Nene CCG advised you that we do not hold the information requested relating to adequate arrangements for Travel for NHS Treatment, and that the information would be held by the provider organisation.

We have reviewed this response and found this to be correct. The CCG does not hold this information. It may be helpful to explain that the CCG commissions services from a significant number of providers and therefore it is not practical or necessary for our commissioning role to hold the operating procedures for all our providers. This is the normal approach of CCGs. Therefore, it was appropriate to refer you to the provider who holds the information.

However, having reviewed your request I do wish to apologise for an error on the CCG’s part. We advised you that we understood the provider organisation to be Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust.However we have clarified that the provider organisation is IC24. Therefore IC24 would hold the information you require. The error was made because both IC24 and Northamptonshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust operate from Highfield Clinical Care Centre. I am sorry for any inconvenience this has caused you.

IC24 can be contacted by emailing Katherine Pitts . Please note that whilst IC24 are not a public authority and therefore not strictly required to comply with the Freedom of Information Act, they do endeavour to provide information relating to such requests.

Equally, if you have difficulties in obtaining the information required from IC24, or require any furtherassistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at the address below.

NHS Nene Clinical Commissioning Group

Freedom of Information Department

If you are not content with the outcome of your review, you may apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. Generally, the ICO cannot make a decision unless you have exhausted the review procedure provided by the CCG.

The Information Commissioner can be contacted at: Information Commissioners Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF, telephone 0845 630 6060, email

The FOIA gives a right of access to information but no right to re-use it. Datasets provided may be subject to Intellectual Property Rights and the re-use of datasets requires permission. Please contact usif you intend to re-use information provided by us.

For the conditions of re-use please refer to the Open Government License for public sector information:

Yours faithfully

Stuart Dalton

Deputy Director of Governance

Nene CCG