Gergana Metodieva

Tel.: +359 29793946


Research interests (key words):

Information technologies; bibliography


2009-2011 – MA - SVUBIT ( Specialized High School of Library Studies and Information Technologies)

2001-2003 – bachelor - V. Tarnovo University “Sv. Sv. Kiril i Methodiy” (Library and information activities)

1995-1999 – College Libraries Sofia (Librarian Bibliography)

Professional experience:

2010 – National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography (NIGGG) – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) – assistant

2005 – 2010 – Institute of Geography – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) – research associate

1999-2005 – Central library the Bulgarian academy of sciences – librarian

Recent projects (last 5 years):

Assessment of anthropogenic impacts on vulnerable model geosystems in protected areas, between National Institute for Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography and Institute of Geonics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Department of Environmental Geography, Brno AS-CR, International Scientific Cooperation - BAS, Project Leader: Assoc. prof Dilyana Stefanova, 2011 – 2013

External projects (last 5 years):

Project NALIS (National Academic Library Information System) – America for Bulgaria Foundation, 2009-2014

Selected Publications (last 5 years):

Metodieva, G., 2011. New geographical books in recent years, Newsletter Central Library of BAS issue 3(49) year IV, Sofia, Μarch 2011, p. 15-18

Metodieva, G., 2011. Periodicals of the Institute of Geography – BAS (1951-2009), Problems of Geography (forthcoming)

Metodieva,G., 2011. Monographs, collections, maps and atlases issued by the Institute of Geography – BAS //Problems of Geography (forthcoming)

Metodieva, G., 2010. The place of the journal “Problems of Geography” in the Bulgarian academic periodicals: In Proceedings of “Geography and Regional Development” International Scientific Conference [60th anniversary of The Institute of Geography – BAS], p. 514-518

Metodieva, G., M. Ilieva, 2010. Scientific publications of the researchers at the Institute of Geography – BAS, for the period 1990-2009: Directory Sofia : NIGGG-BAS, 168 p.

Metodieva, G., 2009. The Library of the institute of Geography , BAS-current status and opportunities-Central Library of BAS, Issue 7(29), year III, 2009, pp. 17-20

Metodieva, G., 2009. Periodicals of the Bulgarian Library Society, Geography’21, 2009, 4, pp. 27-32

Stefanov, P., G. Metodieva, 2009. And the first Bulgarian temple of sciences was built, Geography’21, 2009, 4, p. 17-26