The ecolinguistics text collection consists of texts which are of interest for ecolinguistic analysis. The texts are drawn from a great variety of sources from economics textbooks to haiku poetry. Each one encodes stories which are important in some way, either destructive stories which promote ecologically destructive lifestyles, or positive stories which promote more sustainable relationships among humans, other species and the physical environment. The texts are referred to by an identifier made up of two letters and a number which identifies the exact source (e.g., AG1), together with a number which usually indicates a page number (but occasionally some other relevant location number such as reference sheet number). A typical reference would be (EC1: 45), which refers to Ethical consumer magazine. Jan/Feb, page 45.
AG1 / PIH, 2002. Pork industry handbook CD-ROM edition.Lafayette: Purdue University Press.AG2 / FAO, 2009. Agribusiness handbook: red meat. Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United States.
AG3 / FAO, 2010. Agribusiness handbook: poultry, meat and eggs. Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United States.
AG4 / HH, 2014. Our Welsh wild boar herd.Harmony Herd.
AG5 / BPA, 2014. The Gloucestershire Old Spots.British Pig Association.
EA1 / Reid, W., 2005 (ed.)Ecosystems and human well-being: general synthesis. Washington, DC: Island Press.
EA2 / MEA, 2005. Ecosystems and human well-being: biodiversity synthesis. Millennium Ecosystem Assessment.
EA3 / NCA, 2012. Impacts of climate change on biodiversity, ecosystems and ecosystem services: technical input to the 2013 National Climate Assessment. United States Global Change Research Program
EA4 / NEA, 2011. UK National Ecosystem Assessment: synthesis of the key findings.
EA5 / TEEB, 2010. The economics of ecosystems and biodiversity: mainstreaming the economics of nature.
EA6 / EC, 2013. Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services. European Commission.
EC1 / ECM, 2014. Ethical consumer magazine. Jan/Feb.
EC2 / ECM, 2013. Ethical consumer magazine. Nov/Dec.
EC3 / ECM, 2013. Ethical consumer magazine. Sep/Oct.
EC4 / ECM, 2013. Ethical consumer magazine. July/August.
EN1 / Blight, G., 2012. 50 months to save the world. The Guardian, 1 October.
EN2 / Bender, B., 2013. Admiral Samuel Locklear, commander of Pacific forces, warns that climate change is top threat. The Boston Globe, 9 March.
EN3 / CRed, 2005. Carbon saving hints and tips. Low Carbon Innovation Centre. [No longer available]
EN4 / Huhne, C., 2013. Typhoon Haiyan must spur us on to slow climate change. The Guardian, 17 November.
EN5 / Specter, M., 2012. The Climate Fixers. The New Yorker. 14 May.
EN6 / Greer, J., 2013. The long descent: a user’s guide to the end of the industrial age.Gabriola Island, BC: New Society Publishers.
EN7 / Bates, A., 2006. The Post Petroleum Survival Guide and Cookbook: Recipes for Changing Times. Gabriola Island, BC: New Society Publishers.
EN8 / Hopkins, R., 2011. Might peak oil and climate change outlive their usefulness as framings for Transition?Transition Network.
EN9 / Hopkins, R., 2011. Tale of transition in 10 objects. Permaculture magazine 70:13-16.
EN10 / SAS, 2014. Sustainable guide to surfing. Surfers Against Sewage
EN11 / FM, 2014. Biodiversity and Conservation: The Web of Life. The Field Museum
EN12 / GP, 2014. End the nuclear Age. Greenpeace.
EN13 / IPCC, 2014. Fifth annual assessment report. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
EN14 / Vanhinsbergh, D., Fuller, R., and Noble, D., 2003. A review of possible causes of recent changes in populations of woodland birds in Britain.British Trust for Ornithology.
EN15 / Schneider, N., 2008. Facts, not fiction. Fraser Forum, April: 6–8.
EN16 / Durkin, M. (director). The Great Global Warming Swindle. Original version broadcast on 8 March 2007 on Channel 4, UK.
EN17 / Wickens, J., 2008. Hell for Leather. The Ecologist.
EN18 / WWF, 2014. How many species are we losing?WWF
EN19 / PETA, 2014. Chickens used for food. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.
EN20 / CIWF, 2014. About chickens. Compassion in World Farming
EN21 / Solnit R., 2014. Call climate change what it is: violence. The Guardian, 7April.
EN22 / Kyriakides, R., 2008. Arctic ice cover is reducing, how this will affect the climate and hope for the future. Robert Kyriakides’s Weblog.
EN23 / Hansen, J., 2004. Defusing the global warming TIME BOMB. Scientific American, 290(3): 68–77.
EN24 / Monbiot, G., 2014. Can you put a price on the beauty of the natural world? The Guardian, 22 April.
ET1 / Pindyck, R. and Rubinfeld, D., 2012. Microeconomics (8th edition). London: Pearson.
ET2 / Estrin, S., Dietrich, M. and Laidler, D., 2012. Microeconomics (6th Edition). London: Pearson.
ET3 / Mankiw, G., 2011.,Principles of Microeconomics (6th edition). Nashville: South-Western.
ET4 / Else, P. and Curwen, P., 1990. Principles of Microeconomics. London: Unwin Hyman.
ET5 / Sloman, J. and Jones, E., 2011. Economics and the Business Environment (3rd edition). London: Prentice Hall.
ET6 / Mankiw, N., 2003. Macroeconomics (5th edition). New York: Worth Publishing.
HK1 / Addiss, S., Yamamoto, F., and Yamamoto, A., 1996. A Haiku Garden: The Four Seasons in Poems and Prints. Tokyo: Weatherhill.
HK2 / Addiss, S., Yamamoto, F., and Yamamoto, A., 1998. Haiku People, Big and Small: In Poems and Prints. Tokyo: Weatherhill.
HK3 / Yamamoto, A., 2006. A Haiku Menagerie: Living Creatures in Poems And Prints. Tokyo: Weatherhill.
HK4 / Addiss, S. and Yamamoto, F., 2002. Haiku Landscapes: In Sun, Wind, Rain, and Snow. Tokyo: Weatherhill.
HK5 / Bowers, F., 2012. The Classic Tradition of Haiku: An Anthology. New York: Dover Publications.
HK6 / Lanoue, D., 2014. Haiku of Kobayashi Issa.
MH1 / MH, 2013. Men’s Health. UK edition. March.
MH2 / MH, 2013. Men’s Health. UK edition. Jan/Feb.
MH3 / MH, 2012. Men’s Health. UK edition. Dec.
MH4 / MH, 2012. Men’s Health. UK edition. Nov.
MH5 / MH, 2012. Men’s Health. UK edition. July.
MH6 / MH, 2012. Men’s Health. UK edition. October.
MH7 / MH, 2012. Men’s Health. UK edition. Jan/Feb.
MH8 / MH,2014.,Cover Model. Men’s Health Magazine (website)
MH9 / Stump, B., 1999. Men's Health editor recaps annual survey.CNN
ML1 / Coop, 2009. Newsletter. Cooperative Bank.
ML2 / A collection of advertisements extracted from lifestyle magazines, websites, and posters which have been anonymised. Y represents item number.
ML3 / TH, 2014. Sunshine Holidays. Thomson Holidays.
ML4 / BM, 2009. New research suggests drinking as little as one cup of black tea per day may help maintain cardiovascular function and heart health. BioMedicine,
ML5 / Parasramka, M., Dashwood, W., Wang, R., Abdelli, A., Bailey, G., Williams, D., Ho, E., and Dashwood, R., 2012. MicroRNA profiling of carcinogen-induced rat colon tumors and the influence of dietary spinach. Molecular nutrition & food research, 56 (8), 1259–1269
ML6 / NIA, 2014. Talking Nuclear - who said what? Nuclear Industry Association.
ML7 / FI, 2014. The Fraser Institute (website).
ML8 / Brady, T., 2014. Street covered in thousands of bird droppings after flock of starlings swarm area like scene from The Birds. Daily Mail 27 Feb
ML9 / BBC, 2014. Jaguar posts record sales figures. BBC Online News, 12 January
ML10 / BBC, 2013. Transcribed extracts from videos of BBC national weather forecasts from 16/05/2013 to 05/08/2013 from
ML11 / BBC, 2013. Transcribed extracts from videos of BBC local weather forecasts (the West of England) from 16/05/2013 to 05/08/2013 from
ML12 / BBC, 2013. Horizon: what makes us human? BBC IPlayer 4 July
ML13 / BBC, 2013. Horizon: what makes us human?Transcribed extracts from documentary first broadcast 4 July on BBC 2.
ML14 / SF, 2014. Celebrate what’s on your plate! Slow Food UK.
ML15 / Schumacher, E.F., 1993. Small is beautiful: a study of economics as if people mattered. London: Vintage.
ML16 / Orr, D., 2004. Earth in mind: on education, environment, and the human prospect. 10th anniversary ed. Washington, DC: Island Press.
ML18 / Anderson, R., 2005. Interview in Mark Achbar and Jennifer Abbott (directors) The Corporation. Big Media Picture Corporation.
ML19 / Jones, A. (director) 2009. The Obama Deception. Alex Jones Productions.
NE1 / Jackson, T., 2011. Prosperity without Growth. London: Routledge.
NE2 / Lasn, K., 2012. Meme wars: the creative destruction of neoclassical economics. London: Penguin.
NE3 / Shah, H., 2005. Wellbeing and the environment. New Economics Forum.
NE4 / CBS, 2012. A short guide to gross national happiness. Centre for Bhutan Studies.
NE5 / Eisenstein, C., 2011. Sacred Economics.Berkeley: Evolver editions.
NE6 / deGraaf, J., Wann, D., Naylor, T., 2005. Affluenza: the all consuming epidemic. San Francisco: Berrett-koehler.
NE7 / Shiva, V., 2013. How economic growth has become anti-life. The Guardian, 1 November.
NE8 / Kennedy, R., 1968. Remarks of Robert F. Kennedy at the University of Kansas March 18, 1968. John F. Kennedy Presidential Library & Museum.
NE9 / Daly, H. and Farley, J., 2004. Ecological Economics: Principles and Applications. Washington, D.C: Island Press.
NP1 / BBC, 2014. IMF raises UK economic growth forecast. BBC News Online,21 Jan.
NP2 / SKY, 2014. Osborne Hails New IMF Growth Forecast For UK. SKY News Online,21 Jan.
NP3 / DM, 2014. Britain powers ahead of the rest of Europe. Daily Mail. 21 Jan.
NP4 / GU, 2014. IMF set to upgrade UK growth forecasts as global economy expands. The Guardian,21 January.
NP5 / IN, 2014. Relief for Osborne as IMF expects UK growth to hit highest rate in three years. The Independent,21 January.
NP6 / TE, 2014. IMF likely to upgrade Britain's growth forecast. The Telegraph,21 January.
NP7 / FT, 2014. IMF upgrades UK growth forecast to 2.4%. Financial Times,21 January.
NP8 / BBC, 2014. Jaguar Land Rover posts record car sales figures. BBC News online,12 January.
NW1 / Crumley, J., 2007. Brother nature. Dunbeath: Whittles Publishing.
NW2 / Fiennes, W., 2003. The snow geese. London: Picador.
NW3 / Jamie, K., 2005. Findings. London: Sort of Books.
NW4 / Laing, O., 2011. To the river: a journey beneath the surface. Edinburgh: Canongate Books.
NW5 / Mabey, R., 2006. Nature cure. London: Pimlico.
NW6 / Macfarlane, R., 2009. The wild places. London: Granta Books.
NW7 / Woolfson, E., 2013. Field notes from a hidden city: an urban nature diary. London: Granta Books.
NW8 / Yates, C., 2012.Nightwalk: a journey to the heart of nature. London: William Collins.
PD1 / Truman, H., 1949. Inaugural Address. The American Presidency Project.
PD2 / WCED, 1987. Our Common Future. Oxford University Press.
PD3 / WB, 2012. Inclusive green growth: the pathway to sustainable development.World Bank.
PD4 / UK Govt., 2011. Mainstreaming sustainable development. UK Government
PD5 / Everett, T.,Ishwaran, M., Paolo, G., Rubin, A., 2010. Economic Growth and the Environment. DEFRA.
PD6 / BIS, 2012. Benchmarking UK Competitiveness in the Global Economy. Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. Economics Paper no 19.
PD7 / UK Govt., 2014. Red Tape Challenge. United Kingdom Government.
PD8 / Cameron, D., 2013. David Cameron’s 2013 New Year message, GOV.UK.
PD9 / USGovt., 2006. United States Code 2006 by Congress and House Office of the Law Revision. US Government.
PD10 / OWS, 2012. Resolution to end corporate personhood. Occupy Wall Street.
PD11 / EA, 2014. New Nuclear Power Stations. Environment Agency.
PD12 / GPY, 2014. Energy.The Green Party.