Name:Class: Courage Reflection
Level 7 / Level 8 / Level 9 / Level 10Ideas / Planning
(x3) / I have reflected on a variety of texts in a reasonable amount of depth and detail. I have used these reflections to explain my own perspectiveson the idea of courage. My writing shows a sound understanding of a key concept (courage). In writing, I can reasonably explain how I have arrived at my thoughts and decisions using some textual examples as support. / I have thoughtfully reflected on a variety of texts in depth and detail. I have used these reflections to thoroughly explain my own well thought out perspectiveson the idea of courage. My writing shows a deep understanding of a key concept (courage). In writing, I can explain how I have arrived at my thoughts and decisions using a range of textual examples as support.
Spelling / I know common beginnings and endings that can be added to words that I already know, so that I can spell new words. / I try to spell tricky words by using my understanding of how other words are spelt. / I attempt to spell unusual or technical words, often using spelling techniques to ensure the reader understands the word, even if it is spelt incorrectly. / My knowledge of the spelling system allows me to spell unusual or technical words accurately.
Punctuation / I can use commas, full stops and question marks correctly in my writing. / I understand how to use punctuation marks; including colons, semicolons, dashes, quotation marks, apostrophes and brackets. / I can demonstrate how punctuation is used in creating texts for different audiences and purposes. / I demonstrate my ability to use a wide range of punctuation marks and I always use the most appropriate punctuation to separate ideas in a sentence.
Editing / I can remove repetition of ideas when I edit my writing. I can also change some of my word choices to grab the reader’s attention. / I can edit my work by improving my language choice, adding and correcting punctuation and removing unnecessary details to make it clearer to the reader. / I can edit my work to make it clearer to the reader. I can restructure my text so that it makes more sense. / I can edit my work to improve clarity and control over content, organisation and sentence structure to achieve a particular purpose or effect.
Level 5 / Level 6 / Level 7 / Level 8Ideas / Planning
(x3) / I have reflected on a few of the texts studied in class but often lack depth, detail and/or logic. I have rarely used these reflections to explain my own perspectiveson the idea of courage. My writing shows a limited understanding of a key concept (courage). In writing, using a couple of basic paragraphs, I can explain my ideas. I hardly ever use other textual examples as support. / I have reflected on some of the texts in a reasonable way with logical thinking. I have sometimes used these reflections to explain my own perspectiveson the idea of courage. My writing shows a basic understanding of a key concept (courage). In writing, I can explain my ideas in a using a few textual examples as support, however, my writing lacks depth, detail and meaning.
Spelling / I can use my prior word knowledge and add common endings and beginnings to create new words. / Using base words I already know, generalisations and spelling patterns, I am able to spell new words. / I know common beginnings and endings that can be added to words that I already know, so that I can spell new words. / I try to spell tricky words by using my understanding of how other words are spelt.
Punctuation / I can demonstrate that I know how to use apostrophes with common and proper nouns. / I can demonstrate the uses of commas to separate clauses. / I can use commas, full stops and question marks correctly in my writing. / I understand how to use punctuation marks; including colons, semicolons, dashes, quotation marks, apostrophes and brackets.
Editing / I can reread and edit my own and others’ work using the assessment criteria to improve text structures and language features. / I can reread and edit my own and others’ work using the assessment criteria. I can explain my editing choices. / I can remove repetition of ideas when I edit my writing. I can also change some of my word choices to grab the reader’s attention. / I can edit my work by improving my language choice, adding and correcting punctuation and removing unnecessary details to make it clearer to the reader.