Student Email Usage Policy
Policy Number:5024
Purpose: The purpose of this policy is to facilitate communication with students across University constituents, provide students tools to benefit their education, and establish expectations for University-provided email usage.
Policy:Upon enrollment, Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions (RMUoHP) provides to all degree-seeking students a email account to be used for all University-related electronic communications.
The RMUoHP email system is intended for use by the student as part of the overall RMUoHP educational experience. Therefore, in association with RMUoHP’s student email accounts, students may not:
- Use another student’s email account or allow others access to his or her own account. Users are responsible for how their email accounts are used; passwords may not be shared with or used by persons other than those to whom they have been assigned. Users who fail to safeguard their account information or engage in unauthorized account sharing, may be subject to disciplinary action;
- Transmit or display harassing materials, including sexually-explicit images and messages, ethnic slurs, racial epithets or anything that could be construed as harassment to others;
- Download, save, send, or access any defamatory, fraudulent, discriminatory, or obscene material;
- Solicit students or others for activities unrelated to official University activities, commercial or business purposes or for personal gain;
- Infringe upon intellectual property rights, including but not limited to copyrights; including violation of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). The use of an internet connection to share copyrighted materials (i.e. files, programs, songs, videos/ movies, etc.) without permission of the copyright owner(s), is in violation of the DMCA. When RMUoHP discovers or is informed by the copyright holder of a potential copyright violation, the University is required by Federal Law to remove the copyrighted materials from the system in question. If RMUoHP system administrators are unable to remove these materials, then the network access for the system in question will be terminated until removal of the infringed materials is confirmed.
- Attempt to gain unauthorized or unlawful access to computers, equipment, networks, or systems of the University or any other person or entity;
- Violate or attempt to violate any law.
Honor Code and Code of Conduct policies apply to student email accounts. Violation of academic integrity and code of conduct may result in dismissal. (Refer to Policy 5050, Student Conduct and Behavior, and the University Handbook.)
Student email systems are RMUoHP property and may be accessed by the RMUoHP system administrator, Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs (AVPAA) or Provostwith or without cause. RMUoHP reserves the right to access and/or remove any files in violation of University policy. RMUoHP cannot and does not guarantee user email or other network privacy, and therefore users should not have an expectation of privacy.HP
Email system usage and access is compliant with The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Students are responsible for maintaining a secure password and appropriate computer security to prevent unauthorized access. To ensure the security of student-related information, RMUoHP personnel should not communicate official student information with non-RMUoHP email accounts.
Student email accounts are disabled one (1) yeareither after student graduation or discontinued enrollment or dismissal.
- At the beginning of the student’s first RMUoHP semester, the Registrar will provide to the email system administrator the names of students to be assigned RMUoHP email accounts. The system administrator will set up the student email accounts and provide students with log-in instructions.
- The Registrar will update student records to reflect the student’s RMUoHP account as the primary email account and any personal email account as the secondary email account.
- The Registrar will notify the system administrator when a student’s enrollment status changes (such as graduation, dismissal, or withdrawal) and the dates of email discontinuance. Discontinuation of email accounts will be as follows: one (1) year post-graduation, post-withdrawal and afterdismissal. The Registrar will then update the student record to reflect the non-RMUoHP personal/student email account as the primary account.
- The system administrator will disable student accounts in conjunction with dates provided by the Registrar.
Approval, Review, and Revision /
Administrative Board Approval / 5/7/13Academic Leadership Council Approval / Not required
Board of Trustees Approval / 5/14/13
Minor Revision Date / 9/1/13 11/9/15
Revision Date(s)
Next Review Date / 9/1/16
Student Email Usage PolicyPolicy Number 5024