Roger Saylbanke 1593
Borthwick vol 25 fol 1553
of Stainforthe Margaret my wyfe and children
I give to my Syster Isabel Saylbancke
to my Syster Agnes other two shepe,
I give to my brother Willm,
Henrie(?) my sonne
my frends and neighbours Chofr Armystead, Willm Lawkland Xpfr Saylbancke, and Robt Lawklande to be my Supivysors
wytnesses, Willm Lawklande Christopher Saylebanke and Rbte Lawklande,
Christopher Sailbanke 1600
Borthwick vol. 28 fol. 348
1600 Christopher Sailbanke of Stainford yeoman
my son James Sailbanke
my daughter Alice Sailbanke
to my brother Richard
Margarete Sailbanke of Giggleswick Will 1551
Borthwick v 13 f 825
to Ric my son
to xpofer Foster wife of Wynskayll
to Alice my maid
to my mother in langclife
to Isabell Saylbanke my goodsister
to Alice my daughter
xpofer my son
Thomas Sailbanke my Brother in Law
my brother William Wetherhede of Kyrkby Mallamdale
SAILBANKE Richard 1577.
Ref. Borthwick,York Vol. 21 fol. 340
of Staynforthe
my son Roger Sailbanke do recover of his disease
to James Saylbanke my son,
to Willim Saylbanke my son
Margaret my wife
James Salebanke 1551
Borthwick vol 13 fol 782
of Stainforth
Xpofer my eldest son
Richard my son
Isabell their childs portion
to Agnes my sister
to William Howson my good brother
Henry Saylbank of Giggleswick Will 1551
Borthwick v 13 f 858
Richard Sladeburn sum of my Raymente too stottes and to every child of the said Richard a lamb
to Henry Howsome children
to Margarete my wife
Richard my sonne
Borthwick vol 13 fol 485
James Saylebanke of Cowside 1548
mgarete my wif
to Richarde my eldest sone
Thomas Saylbanke my brother of Lanklif
children Richarde and Chr[ist]ofer ,Isabell and Alice my daughteres
SAYLBANKE Richard 1570
Ref. Borthwick, York Vol.19 fol. 436
of Toysed
Ellyn my wife
to Robert Saylbanke my son
To Agnes Saylbanke my daughter