2017-2018Health Science Anatomy and Physiology Syllabus
Textbook: Body Structures and Functions, 12th Edition
Instructor: Patricia Streit Perez, MS, CPT
, Room 6-024
Semester 1 (8-10-17 to 12-22-17) and Semester 2 (1-9-18 to 5-24-18)
Blue Days - Periods 1,3,5; Gold Days - Periods 2,4,8
Health Science Anatomy and Physiology is a year-long course of medical study which consists of basic anatomy, the structure and function of the human body, and various diseases that affect those systems. Medical terminology is a very important part of the course, and will be used throughout the year. In addition, you will apply concepts learned in Biology I to this course. You will study the cell, how it plays a key role in your body’s functions, and the chemicals which affect all functions.
The Agenda will be the specific day-to-day activities that are posted each day on the Smart Board and White Board in class, which reflect assignments, projects, or class work to be done. Lesson plans and some documents will be posted on the Boca Ciega High Tides website. Looking at the lesson plans online will be an excellent way to keep up on what is being learned and what quizzes, tests, or assignments need to be done. If you are absent for any length of time, you will know exactly what work needs to be made up (see below for our class’s missed work policy). Periodically, we may have guest speakers and/or field trips to gain greater expertise and insight as it relates to the medical field.
Grading Policy:
A: 90-100
B: 80-89
C: 70-79
D: 60-69
F: 0-59
Medical Magnet students are expected to earn a grade of C or higher; students who receive a D or F must retake the course. Grades are point based and will be compiled from homework, individual and group projects, classroom work and participation, skills, quizzes, tests, and research papers. Missed work from unexcused absences or late work will result in a 10% decrease (one letter grade) in your grade for each day past due. Final exam grades will account for 25% of your final class grade. Semester grades will be weighted as follows:
15% - Binder
25% - Homework
25% - Classwork
35% - Tests/Quizzes
It is the student’s responsibility to check the online lesson plans for any days they are absent. Students must complete the assignment(s) and return to Ms. Perez following PCS guidelines (example: If you were absent 2 days, your assignment must be turned in 2 days after you return to school.). Unexcused absences will result in a decrease of one letter grade. Students have 48 hours to turn in an excuse note to the CWMP Secretary once they return to school. If a student is absent the day before a test or quiz, he or she will be expected to take it on the regularly scheduled day. If the student is absent on the day a test or quiz is given, it will be the student’s responsibility to come to me to schedule a time to make it up. The teacher WILL NOT come to you to remind you of missing work or tests.
You are at the perfect stage to fine tune your communication, time management, and personal responsibility skills. Knowing this, I look forward to your parents’ support in empowering you. I expect that students will contact me directly regarding assignments, grades, questions, etc. I urge your parents to understand and trust that the first step for all communication of this nature will be between you, the student, and me, your teacher. For that reason, parents should not expect me to reply to their calls or emails until I have already worked through the issue with you. This will help to make you stronger students and more confident and capable individuals! As you learn and grow, we as parents and teachers need to learn to trust that you will be able to manage this responsibility and, in time, you will do so with grace and ease.
Class Rules and Teacher Expectations:
Being in the Center for Wellness and Medical Professions program comes with high expectations and this class is no exception. It is the responsibility of the student to come to each class prepared and ready to learn and participate. You will be treated as young professionals and be expected to act as such. Students are expected to behave in a manner that is in accordance with the PCS Student Handbook. Students are expected to follow the school’s dress code, except on Tuesdays (students will wear scrubs) and Thursdays (students will wear professional dress). See Ms. Simmons in the CWMP office to order and purchase your uniforms.Below is a list of rules that will govern this class.
- RESPECT! Respect your teachers, your peers, your classroom, and most importantly, yourselves!
- Be prepared (come to class with notebooks, papers, pens/pencils, assignments, etc.) and ready to participate.
- NO cell phones. They need to stay in your book bag, turned off or on silent. If there is ever a need for use to use your phones in my class, I will let you know. Phones will be taken from the student, to be picked up at the end of the day, and detention will be given if your phone is out without permission.
- Food and drinks are not allowed UNLESS for special occasions and with prior approval from me. Clear water bottles are an exception to this rule.
- Restroom passes will be given on an emergency basis only. Passes will never be given during the first or last ten minutes of any class. Each student will have 4 restroom passes to use during the semester. Each time the student needs to use the restroom, they will need to sign and date the restroom log. Once the student has used the 4 passes, they will not be permitted to use the restroom unless the student provides a letter from their physician documenting their need for frequent restroom visits. STUDENTS ARE ENCOURAGED TO USE THE RESTROOM BETWEEN CLASSES.
- Students are expected to have any work turned in (including their name, date, and class period) to the appropriate bin and be in their assigned seats by the time the bell rings. Students will remain in their seats, unless directed otherwise, until the next bell rings.
- Due dates and times are non-negotiable.
- Students should use the CWMP computers for Health Sciences projects and research only. Students will be given one warning for inappropriate use, and will lose their computer privileges for the rest of the semester if the rule is abused after this.
Our class timeline is below. Please be sure to read the corresponding chapters before we start each unit.Dates are subject to change.
Semester 1:
August 10 - 15: Orientation, Team Building, Policies and Procedures, Student Assemblies
August 16 – September 5: Unit 1 – Medical Terminology, Introduction to the Structural Units (Chapter 1)
September 6 – 15: Unit 2 – Cells, Tissues, and Organ Systems (Chapters 3 and 4)
September 18– October 2: Unit 3 – Infection Control (Chapter 16)
October 3 – 16: Unit 4 – Integumentary System (Chapter 5)
October 17 – 30: Unit 5 – Skeletal System (Chapter 6)
October 31 – November 13: Unit 6 - Muscular System (Chapter 7)
November 14 – December 12:Unit 7 – Nervous System (Chapters 8 and 9)
December 13-18: Mid-term review
December 19 – 22: Mid-term exams
Semester 2:
January 9 – 23: Unit 8 – Endocrine System (Chapter 11)
January 24 – February 14: Unit 9 – Cardiovascular System (Chapters 12 – 14)
February 15 – 23: Unit 10 – Lymphatic System (Chapter 15)
February26 – March 16: Unit 11 – Respiratory System (Chapter 17)
March 19 –April 16: Unit 12 – Digestive System (Chapters 18 and 19)
April 17 – May 4: Unit 13 – Renal System (Chapter 20)
May 7 – 16: Unit 14 – Reproductive System (Chapter 21)
May 17 – 24: Final Exams and Review
Health Science Anatomy and Physiology
Ms. Perez
By signing my name below, I, ______, verify that I have read and understand the above syllabus. My signature also implies that I agree to adhere to all of the rules and guidelines that are stated in the syllabus.
Student Signature:
Date: ______
Parent/Guardian Signature:
Date: ______
Parent/Guardian Contact Information:
Phone: ______
Email: ______
Preferred method of contact: ______
**** Please return this signed form by 8/16/17 (this will count as a homework grade) ****