Summer 2004



Angela Harmon

State President

3010 Piccadilly Court

Garland, TX75044

Whitney Quitta

State 1st Vice President

217 Park Drive

La Grange, TX78945

Carol Filip

State 2nd Vice President

621 South Annie Street

Shiner, Texas 77984

Rachel Verm

State Secretary

106 Meadow Lane

Sealy, TX 77474

Rebecca Wicke

State Reporter

P.O. Box 283

East Bernard, TX77435

Carolyn Malik

JCDAState Chairman

P.O. Box 243

Shiner, TX 77984

Linsay Kolar

JCDA Vice Chairman

3108 Glenview Ave.

Austin, TX78703

Let Summer Begin!

JCDA 2004 is in full bloom…

It sounds like all JCDA courts over the State of Texas are in full swing for 2004! Planning and participating in many community activities and fundraisers, the State Court is hearing many wonderful things about your charitable works. Thank you all for being such worthy representatives of JCDA and keep up the good work!

Court St. Bernadette # 1108 in

East Bernardrecently finished their Sr. Citizen’s Luncheon. The girls made each guest a blue bonnet or Indian paint brush corsage for the event which they wore with pride. Also, the girls raised over $400 with their National Souper Bowl of Caring Project which was donated to Share and Care. They collected money after every mass on the weekend of February 1st to reach their goal this year. Great Job!!

Court Annunciation #1962, LaGrange,celebrated the 20th anniversary of their court on February 11 with a party hosted by their local CDA court. Congratulations on this achievement and we look forward to many more years of JCDA! After their celebration these girls went for their monthly visit to the Monument

In SugarLand, members of Court St. Theresa of Lisieux #2211were hard at work this spring helping with various church activities. On February 6 they helped the Knights of Columbus with their annual Clergy Appreciation Dinner serving dinner to all those who attended. In addition, they helped their CDA court serve dinner at the CDA anniversary dinner on February 14. Somehow these girls found time to have a little fun and at their monthly meeting went to Mad Potter where they each made mosaic crosses.

Court Sacred Heart #829 of Westhas been involved in many great service projects. In February, the Juniorettes hosted their “Sweetheart for a Night” where each girl chose someone special to them and made them their “sweetheart” for that night. They enjoyed a lasagna dinner, games, and took pictures. In observance of National Junior Catholic Daughters Day, the Juniors hosted their annual Adopted Grandparent Project where they showered citizens of the community with gifts for one week and ended the week with a luncheon honoring their adopted grandparents. For Easter, the court continued their traditional Easter Egg Hunt for the children of the community.


In Shiner, Court St. Paul #1604 was busyparticipating in many activities. First, they decorated bags for Valentine’s cookies which were delivered to the nursing home on National JCDA Day. The Juniors were then treated to a pancake breakfast. The Juniors also were in charge of leading the rosary for members of the nursing home.

Court Mary St. John #2197 is keeping busy by volunteering for BaytownSpecial Olympics and hosting a JCDA Day of Reflection.


A message from the State JCDA Officers…

Are you ready for one of the biggest events of 2005? We want to invite all of you to our 2005 convention in Austin, Texas. The planning is underway for the best Convention ever and we hope to see representatives from every court. The hotel is beautiful and with this year’s entertainment we’re going to celebrate our faith all weekend long. Make plans now to attend in June at the DoubleTree Hotel.

~ JCDAState Officers


Congratulations!!! Court Our Lady of the Snow #2100 Plano, Texas was instituted by JCDA State President Angela Harmon on February 15, 2004. Welcome to the JCDA family.

JCDA Spotlight

Happy Mother’s Day!

The State Court would like to wish all those mothers involved in JCDA Happy Mother’s Day. Although we may not say it enough we appreciate everything you do throughout the year for your JCDA family. Without your time, enthusiasm, and guidance JCDA would not be as successful as it is today. You deserve to be commended for what you bring to each girl’s life.

National JCDA Day

February 7, 2004 was National JCDA Day and we hope every court participated in some type of activity to celebrate this special day. Many of you attended mass together or held a special ceremony. If your court did something extraordinary or neat please send information to the State Court so we can share this with others all over the state. Did you plant a tree? Maybe go visit former CDA members in the local nursing home? Let us know what you did.

Court Sacred Heart chosen “Organization of the Year”----

Court #829 of West was recently honored by their local VFW Ladies Auxiliary as “Organization of the Year.” The court was recognized at a banquet for their outstanding community service and activities helping the West community. Way to go girls! Job well done!


If you would like to purchase a commemorative JCDA Holy Bear, JCDA pins or t-shirt from last years convention please contact Carolyn Malik.

Submit those pictures for the State Scrapbook to the State Reporter. There are a lot of great things happening in your communities so share them with us. We want all courts to be represented at next convention. Send items throughout the year to Rebecca Wicke, State Reporter.

If you’d like to read about your Court’s activities in the Junior Jazz please make sure to send a copy of your local newsletter to either Carolyn Malik or Linsay Kolar.

Happy Birthday!!!

Whitney Quitta – April 30

Rachel Verm – June 3

Rebecca Wicke – July 22