Irongray Community Council

Meeting held at Shawhead Village Hall on Monday, 1st December, 2014, at 7.00 p.m.

1.00 Present:

Sharon Hiddleston

Karen Little (Co-opted member)

Ian Bryden (Chair)

Iain Mitchell (Vice-Chair)

Gary Busby

John Powell

David White (Co-opted Member)

David Pennington

Finlay Carson (Councillor)

Alastair Graham (Scottish Water) (Part Meeting)

Eddie Bruns (Scottish Water) (Part Meeting)

Billy Elliot (Scottish Water) (Part Meeting)

David Lindsay (Black and Veitch) (Part Meeting)

Andrew McNair (Galloway News) (Part Meeting)

P.C. Graeme Sturgeon (Police Scotland) (Part Meeting)

Robert McGowan


Sally Hinchcliffe

George Prentice (Councillor)

Item Number Details Action

2.00 Presentation by Scottish Water re: Additional Works to Killylour Water Treatment Works

Alastair Graham, Scottish Water, Senior Project Manager, presented to our Community Council

proposals for a new Disolved Air Flotation Process Plant, which is required to compliment the

new filter water plant which is not working to the anticipated efficiency and water quality originally

specified by Consultant Engineers.

The proposed new industrial building, overall size 27.00 m x 17.00 m x 6.60 m high to ridge, is to be

located to the rear of the existing original building. Anticipated cost of the works circa 3 million pounds.

Several questions were tabled by the Community Council which were answered by Scottish Water.

Scottish Water have held two previous drop in information evenings and have presented their proposals

prior to submitting a full Planning Application for the new works.

Scottish Water are going to email the Community Council with their application drawings for the

Community Council’s consideration. On receipt of the appropriate Planning notifications from Dumfries

and Galloway Council, the Community Council will discuss this official application at their next meeting.

3.00 Minutes of Previous Meeting

Agreed as a true record (Monday, 6th October, 2014) signed off by Ian Bryden (Chair).

4.00 Treasurer’s Report

Updated report from Sharon: Community Council Account Balance £1639.81. Mission Hall Account

Balance £7996.18. Sharon

5.00 Police Matters

a) P.C. Graeme Sturgeon had nothing to report, but was advised by his superiors to remind us all

of the new forthcoming “Drink Drive” law change on 5th December 2014. Sensible alcohol drinkers

must be cautious when driving the next morning.

b) P.C. Graeme Sturgeon was asked for an update on the Glenkiln bronze statue theft, however he had

nothing to report.

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6.00 Correspondence

a) National website in Scotland for Community Councils available: www.communitycouncils.org.uk

b) Dumfries and Galloway Council re Budget Development 2015/16 – 2017/18 to be discussed

again at next meeting. Iain Mitchell is going to study report. Suggested savings are requested. Iain

c) Letter from Samantha Briggs re Amendment to the Establishment of Community Council

Scheme – Iain Mitchell to advise. Iain

7.00 Planning Matters

a) Application by Mr. & Mrs. I. Mitchell, Drumpark, re private Hydro-electric power scheme –

no objections (unanimous).

b)Letter from Mr. & Mrs. Hamilton, 2 Killylour, Shawhead, Dumfries, handed to Chair regarding

anticipated Scottish Water application – to be considered on receipt of said application at next

meeting. All

8.00 Harestanes Windfarm @ Ae

Community Company now established. We are anticipating a payment in the region of £4000.00

- £5000.00 in the near future. Ian Bryden

Account monies to be held separately (Irongray Trust).

9.00 Shawhead Primary School – Update from Karen

a) Grounds/landscaping: bankings partly turfed although extremely steep for pupils. Rear playing

field has now been cut down and is tidier.

b) Community Council to make application for necessary noticeboard.

c) Karen is expecting a replacement shed for the one provided by the Community Council which was

removed. Finlay Carson

10.00 Potholes/Local Roads Condition

Two letters of complaint received – one from Morag Chalmers and one from Anne McKinnon. Letters

handed to Finlay Carson. He is going to table them at the next Council Meeting on 6th December 2014.

Henderland (Stewartry) road has badly collapsed/subsidence – it is a danger especially to strangers.

11.00 Functions/Events

a) Successful daffodil planting on Shawhead/A75 road on Saturday, 15th November 2014. £100

provided by Community Council. Thanks to Angus, Sally, Colin and Liz/Iain Mitchell.

b) Annual Carol Service takes place on Sunday, 14th December, 2014, at 4.30 p.m. meeting at

school and walking to hall for mince pies and mulled wine.

12.00 Shared “Newsletter” with Terregles

Discussed and agreed for a trial joint newsletter with Terregles Community Council. Ian Bryden to

talk to Ann Radley. We would anticipate a shared cost of any printing/production charges. Ian Bryden

13.00 Website Development

Irongray Community Council website to be considered, making all correspondence freely available

to entire community. David White to discuss with his dad who has experience in this field. David White

14.00 Defibrillator

Still researching a “defibrillator” for location externally at Shawhead Village Hall. Robert McGowan

to discuss with N.H.S. at Crichton Hall re availability and costs (Sally Hinchcliffe also researching this).

Robert McGowan

15.00 A.O.C.B.

a) Large dog still “caged” at caravan/paddock area at site adjacent to Rosebank. We understand that

the S.S.P.C.A. have inspected the site. However, we do not know the outcome. All

b) This is Gary Busby’s last meeting as he is moving to Hightae out of the parish. Ian Bryden and all

thanked him for all his hard work and assistance over his term, especially the litter pick each year.

c) David Pennington, new to the parish, was welcomed by Ian Bryden. David is keen to join the

Community Council and was unanimously co-opted onto the Committee.

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16.00 Date of Next Meeting

Monday, 2nd February, 2015 @ 7.00 p.m. Shawhead Village Hall

Note: Additional meeting may have to be held depending on Scottish Water

planning application date.

Copies: All members; Ben Weatherall; Janice Thom; Councillor Collins; Councillor Prentice;

Councillor Carson; Police: ;



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