
Number of pupils and pupil premium grant (PPG) received
Total number of pupils on roll / 177 + 24 nursery = 201
Total number of pupils eligible for PPG
Plus 2 looked after children-funding to be collected from Cheshire East.
Plus 1 Ever 3 Service Child / Updated Oct 13 = 90
Amount of PPG received per pupil / £900
£300(per Ever 3 Service Child)
Total amount of PPG received
+ £300 per term x 2 Looked after children
NB: Cheshire East are 2 terms behind with these payments. / Oct 13 £ 81,300
+ 2 x £900 when received from Cheshire East
Pupil Premium Grant has been used in the following ways 2013/14 / Cost
Extra Teaching and Teaching Assistant hours targeting those children eligible for PPG who need extra support to achieve expected progress.
Teaching hours
Reading Recovery trained teacher 3 days per week - Catch up programme-targeting KS1 children who are not achieving expected levels in reading – Plus 1 extra day Autumn term, monitoring and supporting reading throughout the school.
Booster groups Spring term
Dyslexia specialist teacher 1 day per week;(I.5 days from Spring term 2014.) Reading/Writing/Phonics 1:1 and group work KS2 including 1:1 Literacy support for KS2 CLA.
Summer term 2013 Experienced teacher -Small booster maths groups for Yr. 5 and 6 and in class support yr. 3 and 4 .
Extra teacher support continued yr.4 Autumn 2013 and Spring 2014.
Teaching Assistant hours
2 Experienced level 6 teaching assistants to target maths and lit support in yr.3 and 4 1:1 and small group – 1 @full time ;1@ 23hrs.contract (including extra 2 hrs pw. to support reading in KS2 )
Small group support in Reading/Writing from experienced Teaching Assistant linked to class work Yr.1 KS1.
Extra TA hours in KS1 to support 1 CLA pupil - 1:1 + monitoring play/interaction with other children at lunchtime
Level 7TA delivering Speech and Language programmes FS1/2 and KS1/2 also supporting other TAs delivering programmes with other KS2 pupils.
Teaching Assistants in every class allowing the Teacher/Teaching assistant to work with groups of PPG funded children of all abilities.
Level 6 Teaching Assistants to be used to release teacher with particular expertise eg. gifted and talented maths provision
Enrichment Activities provided
Challenging texts purchased for KS2 Book appreciation club
Challenge / puzzle resources purchased for challenge activities in class and lunchtime puzzle club.
Subsidised places on residential trip to France May 2014 and any other class trips throughout the year.
Forest schools training day
Curriculum enrichment days –Balestra
Shakespeare theatre
Life caravan
Yr.6 First aid training
Swimming lessons extended across 3 year groups to ensure children can swim 25m at yr.6
Violin lessons in yr. 5 (60% pupils eligible for PPG)
Specialist Music teacher across the school.
TA cover for Lunchtime clubs –Chess, Lego + 1:1 support Yr. 5 child
Resources purchased/ to be purchased to support learning
Numicon Maths resources extended to KS2 + and Homework packs. purchweeks; 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111particularly good for visual and Kinaesthetic learners of all abilities.
‘Talk to parents’- speech and Language programme to support/guide parents on how to help develop their child’s Sp.& L. ( Speech and Language has been identified as a key issue in FS 1 and 2- Experienced TA to deliver programme to parents in Spring term)
‘Well -Comm’ speech and Language diagnostic tool 0-6 yrs.
Insurance and replacement costs for Netbooks.
Extra provision
Free breakfast club spaces when needed.
Family Support Worker to offer a range of support to children and their families and to aid transition between schools. This will include 1:1 and groups emotional support eg. Nurture; self esteem groups.
OtherResources purchased/ to be purchased
PE Kits
Underwear / £23,053.68 (UPS 3 days -10%)
£6257.56-(JS£1564 .39 pmth x 4Mths)
£10950.73(MS £1564.39x 7mths.)Total=49816.24
£22000(RG) £17500(JM)
£760 (MP- £10 ph - 2 hrs x38 weeks)
£7850.52 (MK-21hrs pw.-£654.21pmth. X12)
£24000 (CF )
£1425 (5x 0.75 hrs per day x 38 weeks)
£364.25 inc.VAT
£13000 (18hrs.grade 6 SCP 24)

The impact of this extra support and interventions put into place to support these children is monitored each term and forms part of the discussion between the Leadership team and the Class Teacher during pupil progress meetings. Analysis of this data is used to plan appropriate next steps.

Pupil voice is also taken into account in this analysis.

Impact of Grant 2013-2014

The following table compares the progress and attainment of those children who are eligible for the pupil premium grant (inc.those who will be included after next census) versus the rest of the pupils in each Key Stage.

FS2 61% PP/FSM 17/28 pupils / Reading
PP/FSM v Others / Writing
PP/FSM v Others / Number
PP/FSM v Others / Shape space measure
% making more than expected progress / 53% v 91% / 29% v 64% / 47% v 72% / 53% v 72%
% at the expected level for their age / 70% v 81% / 41% v 72% / 53% v 73% / 59% v 72%
Listening and attention / Understanding / Speaking
% making more than expected progress / 53% v 73% / 66% v 55% / 53% v 64%
% at the expected level for their age / 71% v 82% / 71% v 82% / 71% v 91%
Yrs1 & 2 57% pp/FSM 28/49 / Reading
PP/FSM v Others / Writing
PP/FSM v Others / Maths
PP/FSM v Others
% KS1 making more than expected progress / 88% v 64% / 80% v 75% / 87% v 86%
% KS1 at the expected level for their age / 62% v 46% / 54% v 42% / 78% v 60%
Yrs 3,4,5&6 55% pp/FSM 53/96 / Reading
PP/FSM v Others / Writing
PP/FSM v Others / Maths
PP/FSM v Others
% in KS2 making more thanexpected progress v other pupils
(NB. yr.6= Teacher assessment data –not SATS results) / 49% v 53% / 43% v 61% / 66% v 50%
% in KS2 at the expected level for their age v other pupils
(Yr.6 Teacher assessments –not SATS results) / 55% v 61% / 43% v33% / 38% v47%

KS1 and KS2 SATS results 2014

KS1: / Reading / Writing / Maths / Phonics
% achieving pass
% PP/FSM pupils achieving level 2+ / 91% / 82% / 100% / 58%
% PP/FSM pupils achieving level 4+ / 93% / 93% / 86%
% PP/FSM pupils making 2 levels progress from KS1 to KS2 / 93% / 79% / 86%