Classroom Direct: Connecting Donors and Teachers

Mini-Grants for Teachers

Application Form

Return to Senior English Language Fellow, Stephanie Drotos ()

Note: Receipt of Application is not a guarantee of award. There will be an attempt to match your needs with a donor. Awards are pending approval by external agencies.

Date of application:

School Information

Name:Musa Zajmi

Mailing Address: ‘MakfireDeda’ Street N.7

School Director: Ramadan Dermaku

Phone/Email +37744173078


Teacher Information

Name: Position/Grade Level: I am an English Teacher, I teach English for 5th to 9th graders.


Number of Students: 133 studentsDate Items are Needed: 1st September 2013

(include only those benefiting directly from project)

Total Amount Requested:98.8 Euros


Brief Description of Needs (100 words or less)(Why do you need this item(s), what problem (s) will the purchase solve, what do you hope to achieve, etc.?)

I need a CD player because I am using an old one and it is often unable to read the CDs. The textbooks that teachers at Lower Secondary Schools are using in Kosova have CDs. It is monotones if our children hear only our voice. Using CDs would be more attractive for them.

My colleagues can also use the CD player to teach English. I need a pair of computer speakers for my laptop when I use it in my classroom because my laptop has a low voice. Four more English teachers at my school can use them.

We also need a camera to record and take pictures of our activities and projects that we use during the school years. My students have performed in English Language many times at my school, at the city theatre, at the camp Bondsteel, on the stage of Rreshen a city in Albania. I organized Drama, Essay and Poetry Festival in Gjilan on 11 May 2012, and on 16th May 2013 a school from Gjakova, my students and two schools from Rreshen, in Albania, participated at our second Drama Essay and Poetry Festival in English Language.

We are planning to attend our next Festival in Gjakova and I hope a school from Austria is going to participate at our 3rd Festival.

If the school from Austria joins us that would be more beneficial for the students and volunteer English Teachers, because we will go to Austria in 2015. We need the camera for our school activities and for my drama club in English Language that is active for more than 15 years.

Will others in the school or community benefit from this purchase? How so?

There are five English teachers at Lower Secondary School ‘Musa Zajmi’. It would be beneficial for all of us if we will be able to get a new CD player, a pair of computer speakers and a camera.

Will the purchases be useful long-term? For how long will you or others be able to use them? How?

I think we can use them for about five years or more.

How will this purchase improve/enhance student learning?

Using new technology is important for our students because we are preparing them for their future and we are living in the digital era.


ITEM / Quantity / Cost per Unit / Total Cost
CD player / 1 / 34.90 Euros / 34.90 Euros
A pair of computer speakers / 2 / 4.45 Euros / 8.90 Euros
Camera / 1 / 55 Euros / 55 Euros
TOTAL:98.8 Euros