Name ______Period______

How can we change the World?

Project Overview

First, watch a video to set the stage for this project. and will be viewed.

Then brainstorm possible projects that can be used to make a difference in people’s lives. A website at Unilever will be used as a springboard to some local and global ideas.

Students will select from among a list of 25 possible areas for research. Small groups of interest will produce a short project (four slides) to share with their classmates.

Once projects are selected, students will research, devise, and present a possible way to change the world-either locally or globally.

Project Topic Options

Students may select one of the offered projects to research and present to the class. There will beno duplicate topics in any class. Some brief information for most topicsmay be found at: Login is d103, password is dw.

Air Pollution


Childhood Hunger

Disease Resistance to Antibiotics*

Energy Consumption


Fossil Fuels

Fuel Cells

Global Warming

Greenhouse Effect

Hybrid Cars

Local Gardens

Natural Disasters

Non-Meat Protein Choices*

Oil Spills

Organic Food/GMO foods*

Other-as approved by teacher*

Ozone Layer


Population Growth


Tree/Natural Resource Management

Waste Management

Water Pollution

Water Supply


Wind energy

Topics with an * are more challenging areas of study.

Presentation Resources

There are multiple resources available for student use. These include BrainPop at: : and Unilever at: well as the Textbook E pages 82-188.

Students are expected to research their topic from the specific resources provided in order to develop a concise presentation. No other resources are required.

Presentation Structure

Students will complete a four-slide presentation or video that addresses the following structural requirements.

Slide Presentation

Slide 1-Introduction-Include a summary description of the problem/topic and the primary problem posed in the environment.

Slide 2-Primary Impact-Develop the possible impact of the problem on the environment. A timeline or other graphic is recommended here. Discussion of why it is relevant would be helpful.

Slide 3-Possible solutions-Include the primary solutions to the problem.

Slide 4-Conclusion-Discuss why the topic is of importance to people today, and any immediate steps that can be taken. Perhaps a relevant quote or comment would be included.

Video Presentation

If a video is selected, the same four sections need to be developed in the video. One suggestion would be to create a Common Craft style video of 2-4 minutes in length. If this option is chosen, a written script will need to be turned in to document the same four pieces of information required, in addition to the actual video.


Students will participate in development of a rubric by which they will be assessed. At a minimum, the four required elements and other qualities will be included in the rubric. A Sample Rubric is attached.