Catechist Certification Progress Transcript

Please print information clearly. It will appear on the final certificate exactly as it appears here.

Title (circle one): Mr. Mrs. Miss Ms. Rev. Br. Sr. Dr.

Last Name / First Name / Middle Initial
Street Address / Apt #
City / State / Zip
( ) -
Phone Home Work Mobile / Email

Important! Put only one number or letter per box

Please identify the level by code number: 1-early childhood, 2-elementary, 3-junior high, Level

4-youth ministry, 5-confirmation, 6-young adult ministry, 7-ministry with adults, T-Catholic Schools.

- -
Center Number / Theology Phase 1
Center Location / Date completed
Master Catechist (PRINT) / Master Catechist Signature
/ Applications (Specialization) Phase 2
Center Location / Date completed
Specialization Facilitator (PRINT) / Specialization Facilitator Signature
/ Practicum Phase 3
Practicum Location / Date completed
Master Catechist (PRINT) / Master Catechist Signature


This Progress Transcript is to be opened by the Master Catechist or Specialization Facilitator.

It is the responsibility of the Candidate to keep this transcript safely. It is the only record of progress.

It is the responsibility of the Candidate to present this progress transcript to the Master Catechist for their signature upon fulfillment of the requirements for completion of the Theology Phase.

It is the responsibility of the Candidate to present this progress transcript to the Specialization Facilitator for their signature upon fulfillment of the requirements for completion of the Applications (Specialization) Phase.

It is prudent for the Candidate to make a copy of this form upon completion of both the Theology Phase Record and the Applications (Specialization) Phase Records.

It is the responsibility of the Candidate to present this progress transcript to the Master Catechist for their signature upon fulfillment of the requirements for completion of the Practicum Phase.

Theology Phase

¹ Upon fulfillment of the requirements for the Theology Phase, the Master Catechist is to complete the record and return this form to the Candidate.

Applications (Specialization) Phase

2 Upon fulfillment of the requirements for the Applications (Specialization) Phase, the Specialization Facilitator is to complete the record and return this form to the Candidate.

Practicum Phase

³ Upon fulfillment of the requirements for the Practicum Phase, the Master Catechist who serves as Contact Person for the Theology Phase is to complete the record and return this form to the Regional Coordinator (It is recommended that the MC make a copy for their own records).

This Progress Transcript is to be closed by the Regional Coordinator no later than three (3) years from the date of its opening.